
Gift Giving

Walking in through the front door amidst the shenanigans of the Dragonhearts, the golden-haired bumpkin entered with chopped wood under each of his arms.

"Sounds like something interesting happened! Give me the details, Emilio!" Everett said with a laugh before setting the firewood by the fireplace.

Such overwhelming nosiness made him feel like a kid again, having to hide a crush from those around him. Though, he composed himself, remembering one important factor:

'I am a man!' He thought.

"Come on, guys. It's not like that—it was just a nice picnic with an old acquaintance," he said calmly.

—It was a total lie; even he didn't believe that it was simply a normal, uneventful picnic. There was no denying that it felt like, and was, a date.

"Is that so? Well, I'd really like grandkids before too long…" Treyna quietly sighed.

"Hate to break it to you, but I don't even have my own home yet. Grandkids are a few steps away," Emilio scratched his head.