
Online Bald Levelling

[Welcome to Online Bald Levelling! Please insert your username to get started.] In the year 2050, the game “Online Bald Levelling” took a massive turn as it celebrate its 3rd year anniversary. With a prize of a billion dollars for the upcoming season, many new players flocked into the game, with the expectation of getting the massive prize. Carter, who was born poor, was fond of playing online games to escape such a harsh reality. Spending his last piece of money, he joined the game in hopes of surviving until the end and becoming the final winner. Everything seemed to be fine until he realized that he needed more just to win the game. With the quick turn of events, will Carter be able to survive just like he planned? Friends, Allies, Deception, and Lies. Welcome to the world of Online Bald Leveling!

Wateristubeg · 游戏
119 Chs

A New Weapon

"Pst, Carter, what are you thinking?"

Hearing a man's voice on his back, Carter turned around and saw Joseph, who was eyeing him with curiosity. He just noticed that the man has wintry blue eyes, different from him that were richer and brown.

"Nothing," he tilted his head to the side and saw Dandrik sitting on the ground.

They were now in a place called Wounded Times. A rural-like area that was surrounded by towering trees and mountains that they still haven't explored yet.

Wounded Times was just above Grand Plaza, the last place they stayed. After they checked out from the small hotel, it took them roughly 1 hour to arrive here yesterday.

"Come, let's go back to the camp now."

Carter nodded his head as Dandrik stood up. The three of them created a camping site the other day. That's where they slept and stayed before they went hunting.

Walking back, Carter opened up his screen and checked how much money he had. '5 silver coins and 65 bronze bald coins? I hope this can get me a decent weapon.'

His eyes went over to the left side. He looked over at how many players were there in total. Upon checking, he saw that there were 91, 430 players left in the game.

The decrease was quite low compared to the first day. It seems like everyone was now focused on leveling up. After all, they only have 2 days left before their rankings will be shown up.

Carter just hopes that his' was not quite high and not quite low. He doesn't want to be the center of attention. Being in the middle was what he liked.

He thought that if he belonged at the top, then the eyes of the other players would focus on him. While, if he's at the bottom, then players would think that he's easy to beat.

'What a genius mind, I have.' He shrugged.

When they arrived at the camp, Carter went inside of his tent to check on his things. They bought this in one of the shops for 5 bronze coins. Although it was a rush purchase, it was kinda worth it for him.

"Should we wait until the sun sets down before we eat?" Dandrik asked them.

"Yap! Let's light these woods first." Joseph suggested.

Carter went out in his tent with a wide grin.

"Let's get this work done."

It took them almost an hour, lighting up the wood as it was windy.

"Here's your food." Joseph smiled widely as he placed down a plate in front of Carter. "And, here's yours," he turned around and made a salute gesture to Dandrik.

It was already 8 in the evening. Since Joseph has the least amount of money among them, he was tasked with buying their food in exchange for them paying for his food.

Carter didn't object to Joseph's suggestion since he was too lazy to walk and looked for food stalls near their place.

Joseph shook his head before sitting down in front of them. "Did you know that I walked really far just to get this food?!"

Dandrik lightly chuckled as he tilted his head to the side. "Who suggested that you buy the food alone?"

"Me…" the man answered in a low voice, earning a laugh from both Dandrik and Carter.

"Did you buy food for our breakfast, though? I'm kinda lazy to walk early in the morning." Carter asked, curiously.

Nodding his head, Joseph showed a plastic filled with steamed buns. "I got this for a really cheap price. It was just 2 bronze coins for 3 pieces."

Carter gave the man a huge thumbs up before focusing on consuming his food completely.

"What are we going to do now, anyway?" Asking the man beside him, Carter glanced over to the side and saw Dandrik eating on the ground.

"We can rest now. We need to hunt for monsters again tomorrow. Only a few days left before our rankings will be shown to everyone." Dandrik answered as he took a bite of his food.

Carter nodded. He cleaned up his mess and went inside his tent instantly after finishing all of his food.

He laid over on the small bed in the middle that was only perfect for his size. 2 small pillows were scattered around.

''Let's see what weapon I can buy with this money,'' he smirked as he opened the floating small box on the bottom left side of his head.

A blue screen appeared right in his eyes, seconds after.

Carter instantly went into the shop and clicked the weapons section. He scrolled down and saw that there were a lot of listed items in the shop.

The weapon's size differs from each other. There were pretty colored ones that cost a fortune while there were basic-colored weapons having a decent price.

There were a lot of different options that a player could choose from. From household items, swords, blades, rifles, shotguns, and many more. Yet, the only thing that Carter could afford to buy was 3 items.

— — — —

[Weapon: Dark Lotus Fan]

Description: A player can fly the Dark Lotus Fan in any direction, dealing 40 Physical damage. When the user equips the item, (+3) will be added to his/her agility.

Price: 4 silver coins

Level: 1 / 4 (+3 silver coins to upgrade)

[Weapon: Stacks of Card]

Description: A player can shoot 3 rounds of card forward, dealing 25 (+50% STR) Physical Damage to the enemies. When the same person was hit by 3 times or more, the next attack will cause (+50%) more damage.

Price: 4 silver coins

Level: 1 / 4 (+3 silver coins to upgrade)

[Weapon: Silver Sword]

Description: A player will deal 40 (+50%) Physical damage when the sword hits the body of his/her enemy. The weapon will deal 1.5 times more damage when there's one enemy only.

Price: 5 silver coins

Level: 1 / 4 (+4 silver coins to upgrade)

— — — —

Scratching the back of his head, Carter found it difficult to choose between the 3 weapons. They all have their fair share of strengths and weaknesses, making it harder for him.

"Should I just buy this sword?" He asked himself.

He was unsure of the other 2 choices as it needs to be thrown first in order to deal damage. Since he was a child, his aim was poor. He remembers trying some dart arcade games that required good aim.

He ended up leaving the place embarrassed because he had a really low score.

Carter closed his eyes tightly and breathed deeply. He clicked the "Buy" button as he slowly opened his eyes.

[5 silver coins will be deducted from your balance. Do you want to continue?]


[Transaction complete]

[Remaining Balance: 65 bronze coins]

Carter smiled happily when he was done. He quickly went over to his inventory and equipped the silver sword.

[Wooden Stick will be unequipped. Do you want to continue?]

He speedily clicked the "Yes" button.

Carter couldn't explain the overwhelming joy he was feeling.

A silver sword suddenly appeared in his hands. It was quite heavy, but one's eyes could see all the details the creator had placed.

The sword has a round handle, making it more comfortable for Carter's hand to grip it. It was shining like a glass with a really pointed end that was amusingly sharpened.

[Congratulations! You have been rewarded 50 exp for buying your first weapon]

* * * *

"Babe, you got a call from the government,'' a woman in a black dress uttered. Her black hair, reaching her butt was placed on one side, revealing her mouth-watering cleavage.

An old man, sitting at the desk, smiled mischievously. He grabbed the woman by her back and made her sit on his lap. "You naughty girl, come sit in my lap."

The woman chuckled and made herself comfortable. She slowly moved closer in front of the man's face and held it lightly, using the tips of her fingers.

"Shh, don't make any noise." The old man chuckled as his face went near the woman. Pressing his lips tightly at the woman's, he gave it a light lick, making the woman giggle.

"Answer the phone now," the woman whispered.

The old man smiled and quickly answered the still ringing phone.

"Hello, Sir," He greeted.

"Mr. Hudgons, I want you to do something for me."

With furrowed brows. "What is it, Sir?"

"I want you to make an update for the game. A new feature that would make it more interesting and fun… in a brutal way"