

He watched weakly as his heart was plucked out by an Oni. Not only that, his whole village including his parents are wiped out by the Oni. Giving in to his fate, Hel accepted death............................but instead, what came was......... [ Conditions for unlocking the Oni Slayer system has been met] Now he resolves to become the strongest Slayer. To wipe out all Oni.

Anoneemos_1 · 奇幻
8 Chs


" We want that core", the man repeated " Give it here gently".

" What if I don't?", Hel asked.

" Then we'll have to take it by force". The man with the eye patch said.

Hel reached for the katana blade by his side, drawing it out. He wasn't ready to listen and give in to this people.

" Ha, want to do this the hard way? fine", Ingrid smirked.

" Unleash grimoire affinity: sand storm", he shouted.

The sand under Hel's feet began moving. The smirk on Ingrid's face grew.

" Not proud anymore, are we?, you think just because you are a skilled swordsman, you can go around and do anything you want?", He charged in " Now let's see how you'd fair against a grimoire".

Hel stared at him indifferently. Ingrid threw a punch at Hel but the latter quickly side stepped.

Ingrid didn't stop there, he went forward and tried to hit Hel on his left rib but Hel dodged. Quickly moving behind Ingrid, He gave him a kick to the back. Ingrid staggered forward.

" Damn you, it's time for you to stay still", Ingrid clenched his fist.

" Sand claws".

Hel felt the ground under his feet shift as the sand moved again, this time forming claws that grabbed onto his feet, pinning him to the ground. Hel tried to move his legs but the claws were firm.

Ingrid smiled. The prey was now in the trap.

He walked to Hel. " Let's see you move now, pretty boy .He dealt him a blow to the stomach.


" urrgh", Hel grunted. Ingrid smiled and punched him again .


" If you had just given us the core, all of this wouldn't be happening, now give me the core" , Ingrid continued punching him. Hel was constantly receiving notifications that his HP was gradually decreasing. The other two stood behind not intervening in the fight.

Hel smiled. Didn't the system just give him a mission?, well it was time to accomplish it. Even if the system hadn't given him the mission before, he would still have taken out these guys. After all, he was searching for someone to test his new skills.

Seeing the person he was punching smile,an immense rage filled Ingrid's heart.

" Damn you", He punched Hel's gut making the boy stagger backwards as the sand claws holding him came loose.

Hel reached for his pouch and took out the core. He showed it to them.

" Is this what you want, watch me", Hel opened his mouth and swallowed the core.

The system immediately sent him a notification, but Hel didn't bother checking it. He smirked at them.

Shock. That was all that was written on their faces.

" You piece of trash, now you've made me angry".

" Sand golem!!!".

Ingrid shouted.

The sand around him began to take shape and then it turned into a gigantic golem.

" Alright boy, just die".

He raised his hands. The golem also raised it's hands. It seemed to be mimicking Ingrid's moves.

He brought his hands down, smacking the ground along with it. Hel leapt back avoiding the collision with the golem's fist.

Ingrid punched out. The golem did the same, Hel docked. The punch missed it's target but Ingrid sent a kick next. Hel tried to move out of the way.

Unfortunately it was too late as the golem's hard feet connected his ribs .

A crack followed by a thud was heard as Hel skidded across the ground.

[ critical hit] [-15hp ]

" Damn", he muttered under his breath " I can't beat this guy with just my ordinary strength".

Ingrid stepped forward and grabbed Hel's collar. The golem following behind . He culled his fist again and punched out.

" Unleash grimoire skill: bloodlust", Hel muttered.

Ingrid's hand never met Hel's face as the earring on his ear grew two times longer, the sharp end find it's sting in Ingrid's shoulder. The earring retracted almost immediately.

Ingrid yelled.

[ Enemy has lost 5hp ]

" What the hell did you do", he held his shoulder which was now bleeding.

The other two who stood behind before got into fighting stances, alarm written all over their faces.

Hel smirked. He stretched out his hand and summoned the dragon vonneiseur.

As the grimoire appeared in his hands, His assailants opened their eyes in shock.

What!? The same weak fellow who they could beat up because he didn't have a grimoire. He just summoned a grimoire.

Rafael looked at Sin. It was time to help Ingrid.

" Unleash grimoire affinity: water blessings", Rafael summoned his grimoire.

" Summoning grimoire: Ever ice".. Sin summoned an ice sword.

" Now let's see how you are going to beat the three of us", Ingrid said.

Hel continued smiling .

" snap out of that smile", Sin shouted and swung her blade towards him. Hel swung his own grimoire.


The two grimoires clashed with force. Hel added brute force behind his blade pushing her back.

Swat! water hit his back pushing him away. Hel leapt away and observed his environment.

Rafeal was using water affinity, Sin was holding the Ever ice grimoire and Ingrid fought with Sand.

Hel dashed toward Rafeal and swung the dragon vonneiseur towards him. Rafeal used the water as a shield which blocked the attack. Hel attacked again, this time, throwing out a punch. Rafeal side stepped.

But this was all Hel's plan . As soon as Rafael moved to the side, Hel unleashed blood lust. The earring followed swiftly after Rafeal striking him on his ribs.

" Uuuuurrrrgggh ", he grunted and grabbed his ribs in pain.

[ Enemy has received critical damage] [ -10 hp].

Hel smiled, as the man held his ribs which were now bleeding.

Knowing that Rafeal won't be active for the next minute,he focused on the other two.

Sin moved again striking with the Ever ice but the grimoire only met with empty air as Hel quickly docked and kicked her legs. She lost balance falling on her knees. She hurriedly got up again.

" Ice barrage", she shouted.

Immediately dozens of tiny ice arrows flew towards Hel. The wanderer tried dodging but some of the arrows still hit him .

[ -2hp ]

[-2hp ]

[-2hp ]

" Shit ", he clicked his tongue " I didn't want to use this but I guess I have no other choice".

" Unleash grimoire skill: dragon fire breath", Hel shouted. The dragon vonneiseur immediately caught flames.

Hel dashed forward using the flaming grimoire to tackle the ice arrows.

He soon got to Sin, raising the grimoire to strike her.

" Ice barrier", Sin chanted.

Ice formed around her, creating a type of shield. Hel struck the Ice shield with the flaming grimoire.

The ice shield cracked and shattered under the extreme heat.

Hel's lips curled upwards. He kicked her in the stomach.


Sin fell backwards coughing out blood. Hel dashed toward her again and kicked her head. She passed out.

[ An enemy has passed out ]

[ 50 exp gained ]

Hel turned his attention to the sand affinity user.

" Damn you, you think you are so tough?", He gathered a ball of sand and threw it towards Hel who dodged.

Hel ran towards him and made to hit him but a water like blade struck him in the thigh. Hel was wounded.

[ -10hp ], shit, he was losing too much hp, he needed to defeat this people once and for all.

Hel gripped the dragon vonneiseur firmly, the grimoire had already lost it's flames as thirty seconds were already over.


A/N please vote for this story with your power stones. I'd really appreciate it.