
Chapter 36: Top Parade's True Power

Continuing right from the last chapter...


Kiuji: I, Kiuji, Recruit you to be the part of the Top Parade. All of us here have a goal in mind, but all of it will be done one by one. We may have a dictator, we may have a Loyal member in this group but whatever happens between us.

There's one thing we must avoid to happen No matter the cost...& It's to make sure to keep The Top Parade alive.

No matter how many of us is going to fail & die, as Long as there's still someone in this team Who's alive. Then, we don't have to worry about any deaths whatsoever. We allows revenge but only if it's needed...Keep that as the Promise, Tori

*Back To Present Time*

Kiuji: Since you two are so desperate to fight, I can't leave you waiting any longer...Well then, give me the best you got-

Tori waste no time & straight away tries to punch Kiuji's face but Kiuji managed to block it

Kiuji: I see, you're really desperate to kill me, Tori

Tori: Shut up!

Tori then backs away & straight away tried to land a few punches on him but he dodged all of it

Tori In His Head: Damn it, he's too fast!

Vakoro: Focus on his pattern! In this type of fight, you need the ability to adapt to your opponent's skills. This is the first time you face Kiuji, figure out the blind spot to hit him by suprise even if it'll take forever to do so!

Tori In His Head: What? Why Vakoro standing there & giving me tips to fight rather than helping me?-

Kiuji then punches Tori in his stomach

Kiuji: Not fast enough, you're lacking speed in your reaction times

Tori: D-Damn...You! Is this all just games to you?!

Kiuji: I'm helping you to get your revenge on me...

Tori: What?

Kiuji: Don't get the wrong idea, I'm not trying to mock you. I just want you to know that...

Your combat skill lacks Everything.

You haven't been in enough serious fight to know how to kill a person. You only know how to abuse your Sound Techniques & nothing else

Tori: Shut up! J-Just fight me!

Kiuji: Hmm

Tori then jumps from left to right over & over again to Hit Kiuji by suprise but...

Kiuji: Absolute Push!

Tori then got sent flying Against the buildings

Tori: D-Da...Damn you!...

Kiuji: Use your head! Your anger if not used properly, will only let you fall short in combat

Vakoro just looks at Them fighting & arguing...


Zuoni: What?!

Waruwi: Senetsu Blades!

Waruwi then jumps & start cutting everything that's coming Towards Them & he then stands on his two feet...

Jinjine: That's Choza's threads isn't it?

Jay: Hmm?

Jay then looks all around their surroundings

Zuoni: Mr Jay? What is it?

Waruwi: That bastard...She's trying to trap us here

Jay: Fuel Boost!...Once I'm gone, run to the left junction & to Zukkei...

It then gets silenced around them.....

Jay: Now!

Jinjine then extends her feet to walk farther as Waruwi & Zuoni just runs super quick while...

Jay then found Choza but she then throws a Thread towards Jay but he managed to evades all of them

Choza: Electric guy, huh

Choza then runs away from Jay

Jay In His Head: Wait, what is she planning?

Jay then tries to go towards her but then

Jay In His Head: She concealed her threads, huh?

Jay then climbs up the walls & jumps out of the Alleyway to chase after Choza.

As Jay was chasing her...

Jay In His Head: Damn it, it's no use using my Electric techniques now since she has rubber threads all over her body now...Then

Jay: Fuel Boost, Faster!

Choza: Hmm? Damn it

Choza then starts taking a bunch of threads from her pocket & throws it one by one towards Jay but then

Jay: What is she- Crap

Choza then gets all her fingers together in one place touching one another as...

Jay In His Head: That almost got me, huh

Choza attached all of the threads she threw to her fingers to use it to cut through Jay when she trapped him but he then managed to get out of the trap

Choza In Her Head: He got out of that narrow space? Can't say i didn't expect that

Jay In His Head: Considering that her threads are strong. Just a punch might not be enough to damage her, i need to think through this somehow...


Ekuto: Take this!

Ekuto then flicked his finger towards Tenni but she sensed where it was coming from & somehow managed to evades it

Tenni In Her Head: Damn it! I can't keep relying on my ears & sensing ability. They'll eventually get me off guard & kill me!

Kamoyo: Predator Sense!

Kamoyo's 'Predator Sense' lets him to be fully wild on his opponent with no limitation & also giving him a variety of abilities that are possessed by Predators

Kamoyo then rushes towards Ekuto along with Matohi but Ekuto keeps dodging all of their attacks

Ekuto: Steams!

Ekuto's body starts steaming

Ekuto: Come near me...& you'll melt to death!-

Tenni then stabs Ekuto with a Rukeiri Knife but...

Ekuto: Arghhh! Damn you, you brats!

Tenni then almost got punched by Ekuto but Matohi used his Calibur Beast to push Tenni away

Ekuto: D-Damn...It!

Matohi In His Head: He only said those words to trick Tenni, huh. Her Rukeiri Knife didn't even get through his stomach, The ridiculous steam pushes it away.

It's really easy to trick Tenni now with she being blind. Damn it, we need to be more alert!

Ekuto then rushes towards Kamoyo & Matohi but

Matohi: What?!

Kamoyo In His Head: He's going towards us as a distraction so that he can attack Tenni with the wind from his feet by suprise?!

Tenni then got sent flying but

Zukkei: Got you!

Ekuto then turns around & rushes towards them & flicks again

Ekuto: Double!-

"3rd Bell, Razor Slash!" says Hira In Her Head

Hira cuts two of Ekuto's finger

Ekuto: ARGHHH!!!...Why...You?!...

Hira then backs away as Zukkei then rushes towards him but

Ekuto In His Head: What?!

Zukkei jumps to get to the back of Ekuto but he didn't realize that

Tenni was behind Zukkei concealing her presence to caught Ekuto by suprise but

Ekuto In His Head: Idiots! I'm faster than you!-

Zukkei then blast Ekuto & afterwards says

Zukkei: Snow Spray!

Zukkei sprays Ekuto's body to clear off the Steam

Zukkei In His Head: Damn it, it's really tiring making these moves!

Zukkei was panting as Tenni take the chance to Punch Ekuto in his stomach

Matohi: Calibur Spider Stronghold! Kamoyo, Now!

Kamoyo: Wolf's Blood Claws!

Kamoyo then scratch & stabs Ekuto's body a couple times but

Kamoyo: What?!

Ekuto counters Kamoyo's attack by grabbing his arm & punching him in his stomach

Ekuto: *laughs hysterically* These wounds... Are useless! My muscle is too thick for you to rip out my heart! Now, for my next move!

Hurricanes' Flow!

Ekuto then made a Hurricane in the Basement & everyone then just keeps evading the Hurricane but...

Zukkei In His Head: Crap!

Zukkei will know if one of his Ice is gonna break, he then feels that

Zukkei In His Head: All this time. He wasn't trying to attack us, he was trying to melt that Sand Lady's Ice!

Zukkei then rushes towards Takahashi but

Ekuto: Too late, kid! Try to reach her & you'll be cut to pieces by My Hurricane!

Zukkei In His Head: This is not over yet. From here, it looks like it's not too far to reach. Alright

Zukkei: Hira!

Zukkei then looks at Hira & nods at her

Hira: Understood! Go then!

Zukkei & Hira then jumps from left to right but then Ekuto try reaching them but

Ekuto: What?!

Matohi sticks Ekuto's feet to the ground by stepping on the ground & reaching his feet with His Calibur Underground

Ekuto: You brat!-

Kamoyo: Kanga-ken!

Kanga-ken is short terms for 'Kangaroo's Fist'

Kamoyo then punches Ekuto a bunch of times to avoid him from going after anyone...

As they were doing that

Hira In Her Head: 5th Bell, Kitanai Flow!

Hira makes her Aura gets the possession of Ekuto's Hurricane to get full control over it

Hira: Zukkei!

Zukkei: Waruko, 170% Right Fist!

Waruko is like the Percentage used to balance out Aura on any body parts you want but with Zukkei's Freezing Technique. Now, he can wrap any part of his body with Ice.

The bigger the Ice is. The stronger it is in both Offense & Defence

Zukkei then punched Takahashi's Face as her Ice was starting to melt but then

Zukkei: Wha?!

Hira: Huh?!

Hira In Her Head: Her whole face-

Zukkei In His Head: Is covered by Sands?!

Ekuto: *laughs hysterically* Looks like she's not gonna be holding back anymore either...

*laughs hysterically* You brats are dead!

Zukkei was furious & waste no time.

He then punches Takahashi a bunch of times but

Zukkei In His Head: Her sands are blocking all my attacks?!

Kamoyo: OI FREAK! Tell us what happened to her!

Ekuto: *laughs hysterically* See for yourself, kids

Matohi: Damn...It!...

What are the Sands around Takahashi is trying to form. Has the Top Parade finally reveals their True Power?...

To be continued...