
Meet Up

Several days later, Wang Jingyuan stood in front of a bustling tea shop, fidgeting nervously. After conversing extensively with Du Jiahui and being goaded by her to meet up with Shao Wenbo again to "talk things out", Wang Jingyuan finally worked up the courage to send a letter to Shao Wenbo, asking whether he would be free to hang out. He sent back a response by the end of the day, and they decided to meet near noon at a tea shop that was equidistant from both of their residences.

Wang Jingyuan and Du Jiahui were up early that morning to prepare for the "date", as Du Jiahui called it, or "meet-up", as Wang Jingyuan adamantly called it. After trying on no less than seven different dresses, they finally settled on a light blue dress, with long, wide sleeves, a flowing sash, and pretty embroidered white flowers along the bottom and edges of the sleeve. Wang Jingyuan stared at herself in the mirror once Du Jiahui was done fussing over her outfit and hair.