
Case Closed

The coroner lied to us. Why?

Wang Jingyuan's heart sank with every new realization. "That's why you wanted us to leave in such a hurry. The coroner lied to us, which meant that he was probably working with the same people who killed Official Ma."

"Perhaps not. But he cannot be trusted, and I am not certain he completely bought our cover story either. It would be very problematic if the prefect official was alerted and detained us for questioning. When someone lies to you, that is a sign you may be in danger."

"That makes sense." Wang Jingyuan appreciated and admired Liu Xiaochen's logical analysis. "Do you think the coroner lied to us because that was what he was told to do?"

"Hmm." Liu Xiaochen thought about it. "That may be a more plausible reason. The man who first told us about Official Ma's death also said it was a suicide by hanging, so that must be the official story that is being circulated—or at least, planned for circulation."