
One Punch Isekai Man

Just when Saitama was doled out enough points to become S Rank he wakes up in another world full of monsters, magic, and kings. How will he adjust in this new world? Disclaimer: I don't own One Punch Man just own both seasons and came up with this unorthodox fanfiction idea. Disclaimer - the cover art doesn't belong to me, found it in Pinterest , and credit goes to owner .

The_Fictional_Sema · 漫画同人
44 Chs

chapter 43


A part of him wanted to just sneak behind them and knock them out hitting their heads together-if the flashy guy could see an attack from behind happening it stood to reason they could too. In no time at all he could see their backs. He immediately stopped running. Memory reminded him of the strong webs the chimera could create and make unseeable to the normal eyes.

His best move was to walk as slowly as he could and swat his arms with every step to see if there were any webs around. While he moved his arms he cautiously made sure no sound could be heard. Sounds came when objects collided, so he steered clear of trees and tried his best not to step on any sticks or bushes scattered boughs taking his steps slowly.

There were a few spiders moving about that could be working for the chimera.

Saitama did not step on these spiders simply because they were harmless to him. Once he was three feet away from the two he stood still and stolid thinking solemnly how he could get them in a matter of seconds. He could see himself moving his feet back, stretching his legs on his limber body, then finally moving forward, his feet off the ground and his arms ready to punch...and then they turn around to blast him with their violet energy.

Not knowing what it was or if it even came from them, he could die or be sent out somewhere dark and dreary like space or a world where superheros are dark and broody. He had another plan so asinine it just might work.

"I'm right here, behind you and you were too braindead to even notice!"

They turned around faster than Saitama predicted they would and fired their violet energy towards him. Saitama dashed to his left as fast as his legs could move. Even if he was just as fast as Flashy Flash, a hero who could go through City A to Z in under thirty minutes, he had a hard time outrunning the cyclone of violet energy behind him.

His plan was to make them deplete all their usable mana so he could rush in and wallop them without being hit by their magic with unfathomable powers. He could try jumping over them making it hard for them to control firing their energy. If he tried he'd be vulnerable for five seconds giving them time to erase him with their magic. Couldn't jump and it was only a matter of time before they changed the direction of their magic to manage sucking him up. He was fringing his way through the forest trying not to plow into the trees like a football player; this was a stupid idea of his. Now was not the time to be afraid of damaging the forest-every tree he passed was just withering into dust by the energy anyways.

This gave him a plan, he pushed into a tree so hard it came right out of the ground where he continued to push it and run at full speed around the forest. As he continued blindly running not caring what he collided with since it couldn't stop an unstoppable force, he acquired dozens of trees all within his right hand. It felt a little heavy; it was just the right amount of trees he needed for his plan to come through fruition. Without a moment of hesitation he turned around and charged towards the two.

They were surprised he finally had the courage to race towards them, but their magic was so close to him right now they could get him even if he jumped...that was what they thought until he dropped the trees and climbed on top all within three seconds. The trees were piled so high the beam went through them not managing to reach the peak where Saitama stood heroic and confident.

And then-he jumped towards them the same way he had planned before calling out to them; their magic hard to move with brambles and thistles inside the beam. In order to have any hope of fighting back, they stopped casting their magic letting the beam dim down before vanishing from sight.

The boy morphed into a small blue slime with a sheen of white light over his left side while the girl created an oozing purple sphere in her hand that could only be one thing: fantasy world poison.

Saitama appeared in between them.

"Gluttony!" The slime roared.

"Poison Synthesis!" She shouted.

The slime was no bigger than a cat when he first appeared-and now he expanded to the size of a family home with a mouth as wide as an elephant about to swallow Saitama. He probably could have swallowed him if his female friend didn't make such a horrible mistake: using poison at the exact same time. Saitama disappeared in an instant as the watery purple ball was chucked right towards the slime. With not enough time to shrink down he swallowed it, and then he returned to his normal size.

Nothing seemed to happen, he was relaxed and happy like a normal person when summer brimmed in. Suddenly, his blue body coagulated to a purple color. Although her accidentally harming her own ally was something that would make another hero feel sorry for her. Saitama flipped her around the same way the flashy guy flipped him before slamming her into the ground.

It was over, a crater larger than one hundred yards was made in the ground with the silver haired woman in the center of it. He dragged her out and left her near a tree right before he went back to the poisoned slime. Saitama didn't carry an antidote on him nor did he know of a way to heal him of any fantasy poisons, but he knew a way to save him. There was still a gaping hole perforated in a completely cloudy gray tunnel with the clouds swathing all over the sky.

Saitama ran at full speed until he was standing under the hole-he had his clenched left hand lowered as far down as it could go with another hand on top under the mass of the slime who had been jiggling on top until he came to an abrupt stop.

This was a very risky move Saitama wouldn't be trying if he wasn't the one who poisoned the slime to begin with. He looked him directly in his eyes, saw how he was made by how his eyes were narrowing very intensely, into the big eyes of his enemy, but Saitama only wanted to assure him after he attacked him nothing bad would happen.

"This swirling spiral leads to a realm inhabited by gods, but more importantly a demi-god who lived among normal citizens in Yakime Kingdom."

His attention flitted from the slime, he craned his neck all the way back so he could look in the sky, called out in a loud, hostile way. "Baragon, I'm sending this slime up to you to be cured! Treat him well!"

With that he squatted as far down as his knees could bend without the ground ripping asunder. He then got up very high, an organic rocket in yellow shooting into space without having to waste fuel, getting to the hole with both hands he smacked the slime as hard as he could until he flew right into the hole. The slime felt cold but being a shapeshifter with magical shards embedded in his slimy body he could heat up very quickly.

The slime got to see colors as long vertical lines joined together in a glorious tunnel of color. He was at first blind when he was born; to see such color now was the same as fireworks after a war had ended. Where he ended up though was filled with only one color: gold. He was soon joined by the dwarf. He didn't waste any time asking questions, the antidote was already in his hand that was poured all over him.

His body went from purple to congealed purple like a pumpkin as his body started to shiver before returning to its blue transparency. The dwarf then just turned around and walked away. He didn't get to just walk away from him, the slime hopped after him, cat whiskers etched over the squishy surface under his eyes some would mistake for cheeks.

With that out of the way, Saitama ran as fast as he could trying to find the behemoth.

Spying on him at first very close but now losing sight of him as he ran very fast was a slime with an invisibility spell making it impossible to see. What it saw with its eyes the mage Uiyyji saw as well. He watched as the bald hero defeated everyone without casting a single spell. Whether he was super strong or not even he couldn't spot him that easily...

He was spotted; it was the small floating psychic Tatsumaki who found him.

"Hey there, creeper." She said.

Before he said a word stirring up whatever fight would be started by this tiny bomb of a psychic, he tapped his fingers against his collar. All his slimes could hear the conversation already, but this was the signal they needed to come out and help him surprise her by attack.

"We can't all be the innocent, reliable hero in visual novels and manga. Let's cut to the chase: your here to have a rematch with me."

She bared her teeth like a shield in a smarmy way.

"A rematch would make it seem like our first encounter was a real battle. All I'm doing is showing you why people don't talk back to me."

With only a flap of her right arm a tree was launched directly towards Uiyyji's right side, pine cones and twigs brushing off like fleas on a dog. From Uiyyji's backside a fireball was shot throttling into the tree like a plane. It burned brightly collapsing on the ground before withering roiling black plumes of smoke.

Tatsumaki's eyesight wasn't the greatest of the hero's roster, but she could create a bridge of dirt to rise up from the ground northward of her for up to four hundred yards. As the trees were shaking all over from their roots wiggling out of the ground they collided into the faces of a few slimes. The slimes felt a little pain, but compared to human's who could have their faces broken by such a blow they were alright; their bodies were made out of liquid shaking from the blow but reconstructing like fizz in soda.

The trees hitting them weren't their biggest concern...Tatsumaki magnetizing one in a green glow before the rest were pulled towards it. The slimes were soon connected, their own effervescent bodies a powerful adhesive keeping them stuck together. Uiyyji knew this girl was smart enough to find all his slimes so soon, he just didn't think she would be able to do it this fast.

To make matters worse, she was lifting them up in a Jesus-esque transcending towards a small brown smudge in space. Even if he couldn't see it he was smart enough to know that it was a meteor-and she would hurt more than just his slime friends hurtling it towards a forest full of animals.

"Anti-Magic Barrier Times Nine!"

With an outstretched arm he squeezed the air in no time at all, nine holographic rectangles with green tints in the in line materialized to other in close proximity creating a blockade for the meteor.

Tatsumaki could've shattered a few with just her thumb pointing up, however, she too wanted to see if his barriers could ebb back the force of her meteor. First three in front shattered faster than a banshee's roar. The fourth and fifth one manged to falter the force of the meteor only for it to immediately shatter the sixth to eighth barriers.