Just when Saitama was doled out enough points to become S Rank he wakes up in another world full of monsters, magic, and kings. How will he adjust in this new world? Disclaimer: I don't own One Punch Man just own both seasons and came up with this unorthodox fanfiction idea. Disclaimer - the cover art doesn't belong to me, found it in Pinterest , and credit goes to owner .
Although it didn't make any sense how the sisters came back without Gava using the resurrection spell it wasn't the main focus at the moment; that belonged to the rescue mission Pief and Lenise needed help with.
"And that is why we need Great Hero's help; he can get to Ravenbreach Valley just as fast if not faster than if he could fly."
Gava knew Great Hero could make a journey such as that feasible and would make a perfect bodyguard for the bodyguard they were trying to find, but without knowing where he was they'd just be wasting time they could be using trying to get there themselves. Right now they were too slow...
"Here is another way to get there; might as well tell you since you know I'm a iz'ba. We iz'ba are not born with parents, we have Psychopomps who can conveyance through the seas of the dead. And I have such a father."
"Are you sure about this, dear? Isn't Wuwon busy in the underworld and all?" Nolb asked.
She had a big smile with rosy cheeks. "He won't say no to an emergency from his little girl."
Before anyone else could speak a little sense in the matter Gava already turned into her iz'ba form and enchanted a form of language only a demon could understand. The leaves on the top of trees started to rustle like horses fleeing a ferocious beast and the sky blackened overhead. In no time a circle burned through the ground as a creature materialized from pure darkness.
He was tall and muscular with tanned human skin filled with rivulets of scars all over his torso. His arms were spindly with tufts of raven black fur from his palms all the way to his shoulders. His legs were covered by a hewn with a depiction of jackal's, ravens, rope, rivers, crocodiles and winged humanoids all black in a blue background. He wielded a long lance with three layers of sharp blades; his hand crushed between two agaped blades.
He took one look down at Gava and she looked at the being that clearly overpowered her pilgrim physique...then they both raised their arms in the air with a big grin across their faces.
"Gava? Gava is that you my green pumpkin?"
"Daddy! Daddy it is me!"
Both Gava and the demon rushed towards each other before embracing each other in one big hug. Gava was a lot smaller than him but she could fly while she was an iz'ba-got right in there while he hugged trying not to hurt her with the blades from his lance.
"Aww. You always hug not so hard and not so light."
He raised his head and looked around. In no time he managed to spot Nolb between Pief and Lenise. The sisters slowly wobbled away like penguins so not to not be stared at by the demon. Slowly while shivering in horror, Nolb started to smile at the demon.
"Hi Wuwon. Your looking...eerie."
"Nice to see you too, Nolb. You still giving water to kids with parents that don't have time for them?"
Nolb nodded with a wide teethy smile.
"Good. I thought your defiance of customs would take you to my realm already, but it's still nobles who either angered the wrong people or went to golden territory thinking it would be easy."
"Look, Wuwon, we are-"
"I know, the dead have ears the same way anyone under water can hear someone smacking the surface of the water. My advice is you and the singer stay behind while Pumpkin, Pief and I go."
Pief flinched at how the demon called her out and said her name even though she hasn't said a thing since he arrived.
"You know my name?"
"The dead don't have ears for only one person, child. I'm sorry your sister can't come but-"
"Don't be. I'm glad she can't come to cause another fiasco that will get me killed.
Lenise looked at her completely hurt and sad but Pief turned away so she did not have to see the waterworks. Lenise eventually did the same thing, grumbling to herself.
"So much for becoming sisters. I guess coming back to life makes you more bitter to family than working to protect it."
Saitama was treated to potato salad by itself. He asked if there were any salt and pepper shakers to give it a little more taste but the non-fictional guy told him he didn't have it.
The bald hero didn't know how hungry he was until he tasted the potatoey blandness of this potato salad. It reminded him of seafood chowder stuffed with potatoes. Normally Saitama appreciated peace and quiet but he really wanted to be asked a question to distract him.
He had a hard time eating it-the whole area was still as white as a blank sheet of paper used for printers. He may've asked about it bluntly to the stranger, and his response was fictional characters can't see what the person writing hasn't put in their narrow-minded fanfiction. What's worse...the spoon was completely hidden in white.
"So did you really start exercising doing 100 pushups?"
"I did. I thought it was a lot more than I could handle too but I had to try; other heroes were working a lot harder than me."
"And you managed to do it because you had a lot of free time being unemployed and all? I don't seem to find the time but clean-"
"Sorry to interrupt but do you think maybe you can send an email to someone in my world?"
He blinked.
"Someone from your world? I don't think the internet is that universal but I can give it a try."
King really liked having internet on his gaming device. He played four games a day and got daily log in achievements for doing so. He considered paying for a membership in one of his games, but paying money daily would lead to lack of funds and his landlord had a durable baseball bat for tenants who couldn't pay their rent.
Something told King his landlord was aware he wasn't as deceived as everyone else thinking King was a tough S-Class hero who won all his fights with only one punch. He knows he just sits down and plays video games all day. But even a neet with a great love for video games had to take a break—maybe walk to the kitchen to get a glass of water-and King needed to check his email to see if he got a message from the Hero Association.
King knew better than to just open an email right away. He had to go to his laptop, turn on its virus protection firewall, open the email again and open it.
To his surprise the message wasn't addressing him from the Hero Association but by his friend Saitama.
King, Please Read What I Have To Say It's Very Important.
He clicked on it. The letter was less than five hundred words yet it seemed to be as long as a chapter in a science fiction novel from how much content was in it.
King, thank you for taking the time and eading this message. So yeah...I'm in another world—first one of those fantasy worlds you see in manga now a world where no one has powers and only police, firemen, paramedics and mayors are heroes.
If there's anything more boring than being overpowered it's being overpowered in a world where no one has any powers. The strange guy here says the only way to get me to leave is to buy a First Class black 'n' white checkered covered notebook and—you guessed it—write a fanfiction slash chain letter about me escaping from the world I'm in now taking me to that fantasy world where the weirdo says he could take me back to my own world...after inserting me in some grand fantasy battle.
That's all I have left to say. Ciao.
Even for a text King could imagine the husky dread he had over going back to a fantasy world. King was sorry for Saitama when he believed was telling the truth, but it would take a whole day to get that notebook-ordering it takes at least a day with shipping.