
Chapter 44: Discussion

~Third POV~

The Celestial D. members and their people traveled across Remnant's Mistral Kingdom looking forward to making peace offering in the land of Menagerie hoping that they will accept them into their island in a form of a trade.

As the group was heading towards their destination, they weren't doing anything for the whole time no they were hunting the Hungry-La Island for food sources ready to make some trade as well as get some technology ready for the deal.

While that was happening, Kuro was also making sure to make a manual from his personal knowledge of how to use the Rokushiki to his knowledge for people who has their aura to further increase their abilities and managed to awaken Haki.

Although Kuro was thinking to make possible allies in that area is Blake, Kali, Ghria, Sienna, and Adam under him.

The reason why he wants those people is that they are the heroes and villains portrayed in this world as he will use everything in his power to get him to join his cause because they all have different roles that they play.

But Kuro also needed a place to train them as well but also a place for them to stay for the time being but then he soon found the ideal place he has in his mind to create his organization the island he decided to get next was none other than Marineford!

A place that is fortified and a safe home for the Faunus from Grimm would be Marineford natural defenses to which can be improved with the automata's help to improve it as well as provide homes easily and get people on his side.

But that wasn't all that Kuro was thinking about he also needed valuable people for him to act in his military the first choice was obviously Sienna as an Admiral getting a comrade with a Devil Fruit ability users, he doesn't need weak people in the Admirals position he needs strong-willed ones for the job plus she fits the description that she isn't afraid to get hers dirty when needed.

The second Admiral he has in mind would be Ghira he needed someone kind and peaceful to show the humans that despite the show of power they are kind and just with him leading the charge.

The last Admiral Kuro doesn't know yet to choose from he would've picked Adam if the problem was he was too young so he would have to pick someone else to fit the conditions for Kuro being that they are strong or use one of his men to fill in the position possibly Hazel if he wants to or someone else in the Faunus side.

It took a few days to travel there and everyone was enjoying their time either training or resting their own time.

But eventually, they finally arrived at their destination Kuro with a smile on his face seeing that the land is still in development means he has the advantage of negotiations for food and land seeing he has plenty to spare.

With that, he soon brings everyone to their attention of the next step of the plan…

~Kuro POV (10 years old) ~

I was waiting for everyone to enter the top room of Re: Onigashima Tower and soon enough everyone was now present to hear me say my words.

The first to speak was Ram to say what needed to be said, "Ok Kuro we reached our destination of the island of Menagerie what is the next step to begin our goals here?"

Ah, Ram on the point as always time to begin our first step, "Alright stating the obvious here what we need now is an alliance with the Faunus on the island from hearing them afar it looks like things on the island are meeting difficulty with land development and home issues."

Everyone nodding at this Hazel was the first to state what was on my mind, "Ok then Kuro are you just going to offer a piece of land if that is the case I don't that is going to work mostly because of Salem influence on her Grimm would inevitably be there."

Nodding my head at this yeah, no matter what I do Grimm is going to be a constant issue with security issue if that was a problem however there is an item that can help with that but right now is not the time.

Agreeing with Hazel idea I agree with that was why I created Rodan for another reason than a big fighting force, "Yes Hazel I see your issue for this but I have another idea for this we need a great powerful creature as a detergent for the Grimm because at the end of the day they are still creatures that don't bother them but that isn't enough correct?"

Seeing everyone nodded their heads I decided to be honest about the idea, "Unfortunately I don't have a way to deal with them just yet mostly because their biology makes it difficult to research but there is an item that will make our research possible to control the Grimm and give us enough time to deal with them effectively."

Soon enough I see everyone was surprised by the news of what I just said about this as I further explain to them what I meant, "What I mean is that this knowledge is from my previous life it wasn't well known in the world but somewhere in the Mistral Kingdom in Kuchinashi there is a Necklace that is capable of controlling Grimm with blue eyes if we manage to recreate it from scratch we may have discovered a method of fending them off fortune for us we have the time to search for it at a later date will get it once we have a foundation alright."

Seeing the faces of everyone shows a shocked expression that something like this necklace was possible in the first place soon Hazel was the one to speak further, "Impossible! If something like that exists why didn't Salem bothered to get it?!"

Honestly, I'm more inclined to believe Hazel on that one, I have a few ideas as to why, but it revolves around a few things that even Salem and Ozpin may have overlooked and that would be the ancient civilization of their era may have survived through the test of times.

Observing Hazel response, I say what was on my mind equally as confused as him, "To be honest with you Hazel and everyone even I don't know much about it all I remember is that Necklace is inside an ancient civilization somewhere in Kuchinashi but most importantly holds a treasure trove inside and so far no one has discovered it yet and I'm planning to it get before anyone else has a chance."

Nodding their heads in understanding I continue to say to them what was next for the next agenda, "However there is an issue that needs to be addressed which is the lack of people we need for a Kingdom is needed."

Everyone soon gets confused at the idea of people that Nora questions my idea, "Uh… Big Bro Kitty is the Faunus there not enough to make your Kingdom?"

My left eye twitches at that while the older members laughed while Hazel looks confused as I manage to hear him, "Kitty? I guess he does have a soft spot after all…"


I'll have you know is that only family members are not allowed to say that it's just that Nora keeps on calling me that and I can't stop that cuteness damn it!

I'm not a simp damn it!

Coughing into my hand getting control of myself regaining a serious expression, "Cough! Yeah, Nora, we have a problem of lack of people here we need humans and Faunus here that aren't racist to make my Kingdom a reality, however, the most we can get are from Mistral, Vale, and Vacuo and they each have their own problems."

They all nodded at that soon Rem asks in curiosity about the one I left out, "Ok what about Atlas surely the Faunus there would jump in a heartbeat to join you for work and a place to stay in is there such groups in Mantle or Atlas that would join us?"

Now that was something I haven't really consider much since that place was going to be difficult, to begin with, and even, I'm not sure if there any that would help but soon enough Hazel comments on this even, I wasn't aware of!

Hazel soon says his peace while having his hand on his chin while expressing a , "Well actually there might be one in Atlas security prison from Watts said that place use Faunus labor for work or punishment for the criminals there but their mistreatment was worse since they have to wear the actual metal chain on their ankles as they work and the majority of them were innocent for crimes they didn't commit."

Suddenly my good mood was stitched just like that but I managed to control my rage at that while I thought to myself, 'Well then I guess I should pay Atlas a personal visit soon when I'm a bit older and more in control of my power because they suddenly became the top of my personal hit list!'

Although I wasn't the only one hearing this however since the other Faunus members were having a hard time controlling themselves while I managed to bring the topic of our planning again.

But it looks like Hazel wasn't done speaking just yet as he continues to explain to everyone in the room, "That's not all actually they are only forced to work their sentence by the nobles in Atlas since it was convenient but I think that the Miss of the Schnee estate uses this method to transfer animals to her private garden using this labor but only her and the husband seem to do this but not their kids but they aren't the only ones doing it as well."

Raising my eyebrow at this I wasn't aware that Willow was doing this but in my inner thoughts I think to myself in a scary voice, 'But I will be sure to teach her that fear is God into her for even getting this idea into her head.'

Calming myself down a bit I agree with Rem idea for it actually I'm more pro for this idea but that brings attention and were not ready for that fight yet, "True but we're nowhere near the forces needed if the Atlas soldiers get involve plus I'm more incline to get the people of Vacuo on our side for my Kingdom."

Soon Hazel makes a difficult expression as he says to me, "Hugh… are you sure about that Kuro sir I don't think they would allow that to happen Vacuo is a dangerous Kingdom with their people being harsh and how would you even get them to your side?"

Smiling at this I already thought of an answer for this even if I don't get a lot of members they are talented in their own right, "True but I wonder if you ever heard of The Crown a revolutionary army wanting to bring world domination to the Kingdoms they recruit powerful members with powerful Semblances by choice or by brainwashing them to their sides ."

When I finished saying that part they all seemed surprised about The Crown ability to forcibly brainwash people into their sides but I continued where I left off, "If I play my cards right I get their forces to join us making me look like a savior to them but I won't force them to join but I can wait a few years for them to form."

Looking at their expressions they seem surprised about that soon Cinder nods her head in agreement with my plan with a surprised expression, "Yes that could work even if we don't get all of them we still get talented people to join us with their powerful Semblances to our group willingly as a way to admire you or return the favor for saving them… Nero, you have scary planning you know that right?"

Aw shucks now you're just buttering me up now.

Cinder sees me make a goofy expression while she says to me in a tired voice, "Sigh… that wasn't a complement Kuro and you know that."

With that I started to pout at her while I respond to her, "Hmph! Party pooper."

Soon enough I stand up and start heading to area while I say to them, "Ok with the planning done with I'm going to see if we can have a offer first before we do anything and I'll do this alone first alright I'll return soon got it?"

With that it was time to make some trade agreements with the Faunus in the area and provide them with some service.


Status, Shop, Mission, Inventory, Devil Fruit Raffle, Fusion

Inherited Skills: Aura, Semblance (Eyes of the Lord), Electro, Natural Enhanced Body, and Sulong Form (Current Duration: 3 Minutes)

Skills: Hunting, Observation Haki (Intermediate), Armament Haki (Beginner), Swordsmanship (Intermediate), Geppo (Intermediate), Kami-e (Intermediate), Tekkai (Intermediate), Rankyaku (Intermediate), Shingan (Intermediate), Soru (Intermediate), Rokuogan (Intermediate), Voice of All Things

Devil Fruits: Hie Hie no Mi, Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, Doa Doa no Mi, Moa Moa no Mi, Neko Neko no Mi Model: Byakko, Soru Soru no Mi, Extreme Model: Goro Goro no Mi, Kobu Kobu no Mi, Gura Gura no Mi

Equip: Reject Dial Fingerless Glove, Omen

Allies: Cinder Fall (Logia User/Spring Maiden), Rem Arashi (Paramecia /Logia User), Ram Arashi (Extreme Model: Mythical Zoan User), Kagero (Paramecia User), Nora Valkyrie (Logia User), Neopolitan (Paramecia User), Morgiana Fanalis (Logia User), Summer Rose, Hazel Rainheart, Qrow Branwen (Paramecia User)

Loyal Allies Army: The Automata's x100, The Faunus x35

Homies: Rodan (Logia/Zoan)

Islands: Hungry-La (Lv. 1), Ancient Birkia (Lv.1)

Inventory: Sets of clothes, Hito Hito no Mi, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Triceratops, Neko Neko no Mi Model: Leopard, Curse Remover x3, DFTP, DFTZ, DFTL, Haki Training Guide, Horo Horo no Mi, Chiyu Chiyu no Mi, Mosa Mosa no Mi, Kuku Kuku no Mi, Bomu Bomu no Mi, Yomi Yomi no Mi, Tori Tori no Mi Model: Phoenix, FIT, ILUT

Lien: 8,001,492,544