
Chapter 20: Kagero The Super Fighting Robot

~Third POV~

While Kuro group was done for the night till the next morning, they finally started their travel to Kuroyuri Village in the forest area of Anima in the hopes for Kuro to recruit Nora one of the main protagonists in RWBY.

While going to their destination Kuro started to think of a way to tell Cinder, Rem, and Ram about his system but not to reveal its true nature but for a while now he has come up with a lie that could pass as believable for them to convince.

When Kuro was thinking of a way to convince the girls of another island appearing out of nowhere, he remembered that Semblances can evolve after a certain amount of time has passed like Ren for an example.

As soon as everyone was now on the top of the tower Kuro brought everyone together and begins to say his lie that his real semblance turned him into gaming character but as he expected they were skeptical about the idea.

Ram looks at Kuro with a raised eyebrow, "So… you say your real Semblance has given you abilities of a video game character Kuro?"

Kuro just smiles and brings out his weapon Omen to show it for a demonstration, "Yep! Here look at this demonstration as my weapon magically disappears in my inventory Nya~."

Kuro did as he demonstrated and that caused surprise reaction of the three of them and Kuro explains that his Semblance works with the idea that he has missions, shops, and inventory for everything that revolves around him.

Cinder was the next person to speak in a curious voice, "So if you do missions, they give you rewards right? If that is the case is that how you got your Devil Fruits?"

Kuro nods his head but was also reminded that he still hasn't introduce the group to their robot ally Kagero yet, "Yeah bit it differs time to time and they rarely give it to me with some low cash rewards… OH! Yeah, I almost forgot from the rewards I got we have a robot ally and a free island token from the shop, but I haven't decided yet."

With that Rem then asks in an excited voice, "REALLY A ROBOT ALLY!!! Is it really an ally we can trust and it's a robot right!"

Kuro was more than surprise to hear Rem response about Kuro so much that he takes a few steps to back away while Ram laughs at the scene while Kuro looks towards her with clear confusion on his face the same with Cinder.

Ram sees the expression and begins to explain, "Don't mine Rem too much Kuro my little sis Rem here just likes robots since she was reading a lot of those sci-fi books, we got from all around Mistral so is this robot helpful?"

Kuro nodded his head yes and started to bring out his newest ally from his inventory and finally introduced Kagero.

Kagero is a robot that has a special exoskeleton which assembles on its normal gear. It is capable of shooting several light beams and can burn the field with its punches to the point that it resembles magma.

A Dyna Stone is lodged in its chest, in order to unleash its power as an ultimate attack, it was designed to learn the movement patterns and techniques of whomever it observed, and it has the ability to have the techniques as perfection.

However, it lacks the impact and weight of its own attacks due to it never having strained to achieve them.

When Kuro revealed to everyone present at first Kagero seems to be offline but that was when everyone was hearing him, "PROSSESSING… PROSSESSING… CONNECTED…"

Rem was gushing over at the Robot as it was activating its Dyna Stone power core showing green lights coming off from its feet to the upper parts of its body while everyone else is surprised seeing Kagero.

Cinder comes closer to Kuro and asks him, "Ok? I guess we have a robot now so does it have a name Nero, or do we just give it a name?"

Kuro looks over to Cinder direction and replies to her question, "Well the rewards say its name is Kagero? I guess will stick with that name for the time being I guess Nya~?"

When they were done talking Kagero finally was done booting up to say, "… CONNECTED UNIT KAGERO 000, MAIN OBJECTIVE: FOLLOW SIR KURO WHITE WISHES TO BEST OF MY ABILITIES… NOW ISSUEING OBJECTIVE!!!"

With that Kagero quickly rushed over to Kuro kneeling down to him catching everyone surprised but the robot says, "Sir Kuro, I Kagero Unit 000 is ready to serve your command and help you to the best of my abilities Kuro sir."

While that caught everyone attention Kuro just coughs at the situation he was in and says to his new robot ally, "Uh… ok then I guess for the first order of business is to help me when I call you ok Kagero you can guard the tower for now as well as help anyone I consider an ally like the girls here alright?"

Kuro saw that Kagero understood while that was happening Rem finally came over to their new ally and ask it some questions with a stary eye expression, "So Kagero what can you do! Can you fly and what are your abilities?!?! Also, what was your designated design to be created and…"

But that was as far as Rem could say before her big sister Ram put her hand over her mouth to shut her up but Kagero replied, "I can fly, help with manual tasks, combat ready, serve my target, and the main purpose is to copy the techniques of anyone I observe."

After that the whole entire group were just asking lots of questions of Kagero origin since he came from Kuro Semblance which is actually from the One-Piece System but regard less they talked about the robot for the whole trip to Kuroyuri village.

While they were heading there Kuro decided to take his time and take out one of the infused blades that had the lighting Dust infused sword and touch it with his bare hands.

Like he suspected he when Kuro touched the blade, he felt that he was getting shocked but instead of feeling pain he felt something like he remembered something important…

For a few minutes coming into contact with the sword Kuro puts it back into its sheath and tries to remember the feeling of having electricity going through his entire body.

When at the moment in Kuro thoughts, 'Let's see I felt like I just remembered something important like something I always had been able to do but was locked… till now.'

When Kuro tries to recreate the feeling of electricity going all around his body he was suddenly able to produce light blue electricity all around himself as he smirks at the results he got notified from the system.

"[Inherited Skill Unlocked Electro.]"

With that he was finally happy to have his inherited skill unlocked but the only thing he was missing is to unlock his Sulong form then he would be set on his inherited skills but for now he was busy with another subject.

Currently Kuro was inside the room that had a few Dust crystals around and with a smirk on his face he says to himself, "Alright time to get some Lien out of this Nya~."

After a long trip they finally arrived on to the village of Kuroyuri.

The village of Kuroyuri is a town that has bright and colorful and filled with simple raised houses. It had a canal running through it and it was surrounded by a wall. It had a main avenue leading from the entrance to the main square.

The center of the city features an open area with a large cherry blossom tree where merchants set a small marketplace. There were also many stores situated in that forest area of Anima.

The city was filled with potted plants, bushes and the canal had lotus flowers with their black lily symbol shown.

While the town appears to be built by and for wealthy settlers with their disillusioned ideas with the way the Kingdom ran things and decided to build their own in hopes of creating a kingdom one day.

~Kuro POV (10 years old) ~

And… Done finally with some time I managed to create 10 dust crystals of Gravity into big clusters with a size x3 increase would be enough.

When I finally see the village from the window I whistle at the scene in front of me, "Wheeee… Damn I guess without the mutated pony this village will get another chance to stand I wonder if I leave will the plot make it happen or will it stand proud hmm…"

Nah, I'm not planning to stay that long to see that happen I just need to find Nora and turn in the Dust Clusters to the nearest store easy peasy plus I have the power of pancakes on my side but still…

I look on over to the window to see there was other refugees around the villages, "Why is there that many attacks happening around Anima for people to come here? You would think to people in charge would care more about their people, but I guess they have to take your chances to live huh?"

With that I out the Dust Cluster into my inventory for now and went towards my group and say to them, "Alright guys I'll see you later I promise to be quick ok."

They nodded their heads and with that I already went to the entrance of the village a few feet away from the nearest front entrance since I don't want anyone to know my Door ability.

When I was in the clear I left the Door Dimension and went to the front of the village then inside.

I have to admit that looking at the place makes it feel special in a way, "I guess this looks really good maybe I should come here again when it starts to change the place a bit."

With that I look around the people looks like there are some Faunus living here…


Well at the very least I know this place is good since they have Faunus here must mean that they treat them fairly…

Now that I think about its Blake joined the White Fang as a terrorist group when she was 12 years old right?

If that's right, then that would be around the time when the organization changed under Sienna Khan in 5 years and if my age is right Blake should be 5 years old and that leaves 7 years to go before the change in management.

Well maybe I should do something in that period of time like introduce the Faunus of Menagerie to my village and help out with their settlement problem with another island to live on hmm…

Oh, yeah there was also that bastard of a father of Weiss Schnee if I'm right during her 10th birthday is when everything falls apart from that family leading to their mother getting depressed I wonder if I can convince her to let me permeant deal with that bastard when she's in her emotional state…


The possibilities from a favor from her that has influence would be helpful…

But that's still a long way from right now I guess I'll think more on the subject when I'm ready but for now, "Time for me to start looking around the place."


Status, Shop, Mission, Inventory, Devil Fruit Raffle

Inherited Skills: Aura, Semblance (Eyes of the Lord), Electro, Natural Enhanced Body, and Sulong Form (Locked)

Skills: Hunting, Observation Haki (Intermediate), Armament Haki (Beginner), Swordsmanship (Intermediate), Geppo (Intermediate), Kami-e (Intermediate), Tekkai (Intermediate), Rankyaku (Intermediate), Shingan (Intermediate), Soru (Intermediate), Rokuogan (Intermediate)

Devil Fruits: Hie Hie no Mi, Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, Doa Doa no Mi, Moa Moa no Mi

Equip: Reject Dial Fingerless Glove, Omen

Allies: Cinder Fall (Logia User), Rem Arashi (Paramecia User), Ram Arashi (Paramecia User), Kagero

Inventory: Sets of clothes, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Pteranodon, Vari Vari no Mi, Hito Hito no Mi, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Triceratops, Shiro Shiro no Mi, Neko Neko no Mi Model: Leopard, Suna Suna no Mi, FIT, Dust Clusters Gravity x10

Lien: 1,492,544