
Wanted Poster (reworked)

When the smoke clears out, you can see a young man standing there with his straw hat.

Luffy: "NAHAHAHA, Looks like I did survive how lucky!"

Everyone looks up to the sky when the same air-piercing eagle cry and an enormous purple eagle shot towards the sky.

After Earth Eagle disappeared from the town square and the rain continued to fall.

Marines: "Surround the town square! Corner all the pirates."

Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji make a run for it.

After launching Earth Eagle, Alexander had disappeared, but plenty of people had still seen what he had done.

Alexander was running towards his ship as he needed to leave Loguetown as fast as possible as he couldn't be sure if people were following him or not.

When Alexander reaches the ship, he undocks and sets his sails to a person he has always wanted to meet.

Alex: 'I think I should have enough food to get to that island.'

--4 days later--

Right now, Alexander is lying in his bed thinking.

Alex: 'Luffy should be at Whiskey Peak right now, I should maybe have gone for the Grand Line, I want to be with the Straw Hat Pirates, but at the same time, I don't because I want to have my adventure not follow

someone else I hope that the person I'm heading to is willing to follow me on my journey.'

Alex: 'I have always had a big crush on her, and it would be a lot of fun having a second person to travel with.'

Alexander has been training this whole time, but it seems like his workout routine is becoming less and less effective with time.

As he walked outside his cabin to see how far he'd come, he noticed a medium-sized gull flying towards his ship with a hat and what resembles a bag over its shoulder.

Alex: 'Isn't that a News Coo? I do have some money on me that I got from Lytton'

Alexander waves his hand to signal the News Coo. He then later pays it and takes the newspaper.

Alex: 'There's nothing new in the news.'

Alexander throws the newspaper on the bed, and as he glanced through the pages, he noticed a wanted poster that amazed him.

Alex: 'Wow, they are fast, and I'm glad that they got my sketch right, and I don't have any objections to it. I'm lucky enough that they don't hate me as they do with Sanji, and what's this 4million bounty.'

He couldn't help but sigh as he saw the wanted poster.

Alex: 'No, what's the problem is the name of my wanted poster "Golden Eagle" I want to know the person who made this, I want him fired and sued.

Alexander looks towards the sea and spots a medium-sized pirate ship heading towards him.

Alex: 'Why is that ship coming towards me? Isn't my ship almost two times smaller than there's? There's doesn't look like I would be able to run away with this ship. They would eventually catch up.'

At that moment, he couldn't come up with a way to get away, so he just awaited the ship's arrival.

Alexander looks towards the ship and sees about ten pirates onboard.

The people on board the pirate ship easied a lot when they saw a kid alone. One of them that might have been their caption stepped forward.

???: "You, the kid, we want your ship and everything inside it, and you should know the drill do it, or we will have to take it by force, so what will it be?"

Alex: 'I have power, so why not use it to make these people understand that you should never look down on people even if they are younger than you. I hope I don't hurt them too badly.'

Pirate Leader: "Hey kid, are you going to do it or not?."

Alex: "Sorry"

Alexander launches Earth Eagle at the pirates.

Alex: "EARTH EAGLE, knock them out with Stream Slash."

Earth Eagle lands near the pirates and sends out a shockwave, knocking them out.

Alex: 'I couldn't do it, but It will happen someday, but now that I think about it, and Earth Eagles shockwaves made me think of Whitebeard, I wonder if he can cause tsunami's one day.'

Alexander takes everything from his ship and unloads it to the new one, and as he got to the other ship's storage room, he noticed that they had a lot of supplies.

Alex: 'Seems like I lucked out as my supplies were getting kind of low.'

He still was a kind person at fault, so he moved the knocked-out pirates to his old ship with a little bit of food. He goes back to his new ship, removes their pirate flag before he continues.

--2 days later--

Nothing special happened these two days other than Alexander has tried increasing the workout to x2 of everything for the time being.

It didn't take him long before he spotted the island he had been waiting on, as right in front of Alexander is an Island with one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen in One Piece.

When he reached the island, he quickly docks. As he left his ship, he noticed by the reaction of the villages that they seemed vigilant and wary of him. Even tho Alexander took away the pirate flag from the ship it seems the people still knew it was a pirate ship or just still a bit traumatized by recent events.

Alexander looks at the people from his ship.

Alex: 'Seems like not everyone is like Lytton, but I can't judge the people before knowing any of them.'

As he was going to ask someone where he could find an inn to stay in for a few days, he spots a person with many scars on his whole body with a brown law enforcement uniform and immediately knows who the person is.

????: "Young man, what brings you here to this little town?"

Alexander notices that Genzo, right before him, seems a little bit concerned and afraid.

Alex: "Hi, my name is Alexander, and I'm just traveling around the seas, and I spotted this Island by chance, so I decided that I could take a rest from the sea."

Genzo seemed to calm down a little but was still appeared on his guard.

Genzo: "Oh, then you have come to the right place. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Genzo, and I'm the Sheriff of this village, so if you need anything, you can find me."

Alex: "Haha, I will do, Sheriff Genzo. I have heard a lot of good things about this place, and sad to hear about the recent events."

Alexander notices that Genzo tenses up again after Alexander mentions that.

Genzo: "Oh, could they perhaps be any friends of ours?"

Genzo said with a slight tense smile on his face.

Alex: 'Sorry, Luffy, but I have to use your name. I will make up for it someday.'

Alex: "Yea, they recently came to the island and helped you guys with your problem."

When Genzo heard that, he got a little stunned at first but put on his guard as quickly cause anyone could claim to be friends of theirs.

Genzo: "How would I know if you're telling the truth or not."

Alex: "Well, If I'm right, Luffy recently defeated Arlong, and as their recent recruit, Nami is known to the public, as far as I know, that would be enough ."

Genzo looks a little sad when he remembers all the trouble they have recently been through but still puts on a smile, knowing that there's some truth in what the kid is saying, and lowers his guard a bit.

Genzo: "Well, I don't doubt your friendship with the Straw Hats now."

Of course, Genzo, just moments, after wanted to know how Nami was doing and wanted to find out if she was doing good.

After a while, Genzo left in a good mood before pointing towards an inn where he could stay.

Alexander went in and got a room and just went straight to his room, but it didn't take him long enough before he had to leave to go and find some weights for his training. He felt that it was better to get some here while he was at it.

After he found some of the things he was looking for, he went back to his room.

He's been locked inside his room for a few days testing out his new training method and also cause he didn't know what to do now.

So out of boredom, he started strolling around the village trying to find something of interest, and as he stopped near a restaurant, he heard an alluring and mature women's voice behind him.

???: "Hello, are you, Alexander, that Genzo talked about?"

The moment Alexander heard that voice, he froze in place and couldn't move an inch.

Sorry if this chapter is bad, I'm still figuring out where I want the story to go and how to write it so.

I might later create a Discord Server that, if you would like that so you can ask your questions.

StrayGodcreators' thoughts