
Battle of Impel Down part 1

As the battle in Impel Down was about to start, the marines transporting Ace have reach Marineford and were greeted by the Marshal Sengoku and Garp who as looking at Ace full of sorrow, he was clearly containing himself not to do anything about him as even a slight slip up might lead him to a path of no return. So he swallowed his love for his grandson and holds tight to his pride as a marine while slowly leading Ace to his temporary holding cell till the execution.

After they were done transporting him, they returned to Sengoku's office, where he looked straight at Garp only to see his current state.

"Garp, you did already everything you could to stop him from becoming a pirate, you don't have to blame yourself! During the execution, you have to stay by my side you know very well what your title as a ``hero`` repairments for the young generation of marines, we must not let down those expectations!" Said Sengoku, trying to shift Garp's thoughts from his grandson to the young marines, hoping that will stop him from doing anything rash."

"You always know what to say to control the situation, old friend, don't worry I will not do anything whatever it is helping you or Ace because my old heart can't handle picking a side, that's all I can do I hope you understand." Said Garp with a grim look on his face.

The conversation of the two still kept going but was soon interrupted by the arrival of a marine who reported news from the pirates.

"Sir, we have lost sight of Whitebeard fleet!" Said the marine in a distressed manner.

"WHAT!?" Asked back Sengoku.

"All the ships we had tailing him were sunk in the ocean, the death count is-..." As the marine was continuing his report, Sengoku stopped him.

"Enough, him being able to lose our scouts was to be expected anything else to report marine?" Added Sengoku.

"Umm, yes sir we have lost the communications with Impel Down for some now, and we don't know what's happening there, although it might be just a little technical problem on their part." Said the marine.

"Communication with Impel Down is lost? It should be a technical problem or some problem maker tried to use the execution to escape and somehow screw up the communications, so he has a better chance." Assumed Sengoku.

"Marshal, shouldn't we send help?" Asked the marine.

"Are you crazy, we need all hands on deck, a war is about to start, do you think we have the manpower to sent there? What if it's the plot of Whitebeard to split our forces, no it must be, after all his disappearance is too much of a coincidence not to be related!" Exclaimed Shengoku as he attributed the lost communication to Whitebeard.

... Meanwhile, inside the prison...

Lord Buggy arrived at level two of the prison in record time, rapidly liberating his future followers then moving towards the entrance to level one to do the same as he was receiving never ending praises from them, inflating his ego more and more. Similarly, on level three, something similar was going on as the Blood Moons started to recruit another round of prisoners after they were done with level four in which they barely got a dozen or so due to the deplorable state they were in, only the most recent arrested one being of any use for them. Soon their number reach around three hundred or so prisoners, all of which decided to join them under Lucci's flag due to their gratitude.

As for the two new addition to the Scarlet Down Guild, they happen to meet an interesting opponent who took care of the marines waiting outside for them, it was Blackbeard who has come to invade the prison with the hopes to also recruit members for his main crew. However, unlike Lucci he chose to go for the more unstable people on level six which might or might not remain loyal to him if ever face with danger in the future. Blackbeard arrogantly walked towards the entrance where the two legends were looking from, and a small discussion began between the two sides but due to Blackbeard rough behavior and the fact that he stated that he's the reason Ace was caught by the marine in one of his rants meant to impress them, Bullet immediately engaged in combat with the arrogant Warlord.

The fight between the two was fierce but due to his superior haki Bullet managed to push them back, at least for the moment. But their battle was far from over.

Meanwhile, in the level five of Impel Down the fights were already starting to heated up as Crocodile managed to be the first to defeat a Jailer Beast already by absorbing all the water inside its body leaving him unable to heal in a short period of time due to the lack of water. After his win due to his Devil Fruit power, Crocodile went ahead to level four after checking to see the state of the people fighting, all of which are still far from approaching their conclusion.

After the initial clash between the two and their eventual transformation to their giant forms, all the other fighters were forced to move away from them due to Magellan dangerous Devil Fruit making it impossible for normal persons to fight against.

His giant claws covered in crimson armor started to morph taking the form of a dragon head made of darkened blood and bit the side of his chest trying to tare away the poison covering the real body of Magellan as he in turn delivered a devastating punch right to Lucci bat head forcing him to release his hold on him and offering him time to create a wave of venom that was rapidly approaching Lucci. In response, he quickly gathered a huge ball made of blood which he shapes it into the form of a javelin as big if not bigger than him which he used to puncture through the middle of the wave leaving behind a gap just big enough for him to pass through and dodge the incoming danger.

~~ Blood Javelin ~~

Lucci was not the one to be outdone, so he immediately created a rain of weapons that impaled him from every side, finally nailing him in the shoulder with one of the spears, causing him to scream in pain.

~~ Blood Artillery ~~

Magellan quickly adapted after noticing that he can't beat Lucci in his big form, so he reverted to a human size since he can't seem to be able to land a solid hit due to his slow speed.

The two fighters now back to their regular size started engaging in a close combat as Lucci used his wings to fly right above the now poison covered ground then quickly teleported behind Magellan and swing his claws at him from a blind spot creating five red colored flying slashes. 

~~Crimson Steps, Blood Slash ~~

Magellan blocked them by using observation haki creating a venom wall between them.

Right after Magellan jumped over it, his hands now turned in multiple hydra heads that bit him on different limbs. Since his attacks were infused with haki all of them left wounds that bleed profoundly as Lucci was damaged for the second time since he came in to this world.

However, he immediately used his teleportation again to make some distance between the two as life force was consumed continuously in a rapid manner to heal the large holes in his body, but the price was quite heavy as each and every one of them was filled with venom enough to kill any normal man ten times over.

Even with the holes still healing, his blood armor reappeared as the two fighters watched each other for any weak spot.

~~ Blood Chains ~~ Said Lucci employing a sneak attack as he wrapped Magellan in a tight cocoon of chains that come out of the blood covered ceiling and without giving him time to break free from his imprisonment a huge vortex of blood started to form on the same ceiling from which a gaping mouth opened as another dragon head formed and plunged down on the cocoon.

... As this fight between them was taking place on the other side of the level...

Ivankov was now getting back at Sadi for her earlier transgressions during their fight, as he tied her up and left her hanging in a very suggestive manner, being the second fighter who finished his fight fallowed not long after by Jimbei who was at this time a haki user with a strength above the level of the current Straw Hats which allowed him to best his opponent in combat securing their third win. All the people left were Luffy, Zoro and Lucci among the high level fighters with a tough opponent as for the rest of the Straw Hats their battles were still on going for the most part due to the refusal of some among them to give up fighting showing unwavering resolve.