
OPTM-Chapter 332 Eating the Medicinal Pellet!

The Thunder Dragon Crescent-sided Halberd, commonly known as the Thunder Halberd, was the name of Rowen's chosen weapon.

Combined with his innate speed and the formidable strength he had gained through relentless training, along with the unparalleled destructive power of thunder, obtaining a suitable weapon caused Rowen's combat strength to skyrocket by more than threefold!

If in the past, when facing an elder Zephyr, a powerhouse almost on the brink of an Admiral even in his old age, Rowen could only delay the battle using his Undying ability to heal, and eventually defeat his opponent, then this threefold increase in power allowed him to easily surpass that transitional period, and he could now defeat Zephyr with ease.

At the same time, the benefits Rowen gained from this return were not just limited to this.


Tightening his fist slightly, a deep dragon's roar echoed in the air, and a heavy pressure built up in his heart, causing Zephyr to involuntarily take a half step back, his eyes filled with astonishment.

Thunder Cloud Dragon Pattern!

This unique pattern, which, when electrified, could create an intimidating effect similar to Haoshoku, and even amplify attacks, was studied by Vegapunk and evolved from mysticism into science.

By engraving the Thunder Cloud Dragon Pattern on his body and simulating its operation with lightning, Rowen not only gained the ability to emanate a Haoshoku-like pressure but also made every punch and kick he delivered more terrifying, with the thunderous power nearly doubled!


Through the study of his Lineage Factor, Vegapunk finally discovered the reason why Rowen had been unable to Fuse the Thunder God Mark and the Violent Ape of Hell.

The Violent Ape of Hell Form and the Thunder God Mark were both techniques derived from pushing his body to its limit through "Overload," something that only a Thunder-Lightning Human with a special physique capable of ignoring normal physical damage, like a Logia user of the Goro Goro no Mi (Thunder Thunder Fruit), could achieve.

The former compressed the Overload current within his body, resulting in a three to fivefold enhancement of his physicality. What many people didn't know was that the seemingly towering hundred-meter-tall body of the Violent Ape of Hell was actually entirely composed of electrical currents.

Otherwise, based on weight alone, Rowen would be more than enough to crush his opponents.

The Thunder God Mark, on the other hand, dispersed the current, spreading it out into the space. Using his unique wide-ranging Kenbunshoku Haki (Observation Haki), he controlled the current, mastering every inch of space. In this Form, the body was merely a burden, as it provided no additional benefits.

He had thought that with his physical qualities doubled, he could also gain control of the Thunder God Mark. It was a method he deemed feasible.

However, Vegapunk told him that his idea of forcibly combining the two was absolutely impossible!

Although the preludes of the techniques were similar and both belonged to the Overload series, the Overload effect of the Violent Ape of Hell was achieved by stimulating the cells of his body, allowing his cellular activity to skyrocket, resulting in an explosive increase in strength and speed.

The control brought about by the Thunder God Mark only remained in the realm of simple current manipulation, and had no relation to cellular activity.

Although the two seemed similar on the surface, they were fundamentally different things. How could they be Fused?

Unless Rowen's body wasn't composed of flesh and blood cells, but was instead a complete energy form, allowing them to be integrated into a single system.

In other words… he would have to be something other than a carbon-based life form!

This wasn't a joke, was it?!

Fortunately, at this moment, the Thunder Cloud Dragon Pattern appeared.

With the Thunder Cloud Dragon Pattern forming a barrier by electrification, it could even remain immortal under Rowen's high-voltage electricity. No matter how powerful Rowen's current became, there would be no situation where the weapon would be destroyed.

Because the main source of the current supporting the barrier's operation was Rowen himself, the balance between the two always remained.

Since Thunder Cloud could maintain its sharpness and immortality through this method, and even achieve feats like piercing through Kaido's skull, why couldn't Rowen?

Based on this, Vegapunk conducted in-depth research, and finally came to the conclusion that Rowen could attempt to simulate the operation route of the Dragon Pattern within his body.

As expected!

With the appearance of the barrier, every surge of electricity, whether it's a punch or a kick, releasing a discharge or manipulating lightning, as long as high-intensity current passes through the Dragon pattern, it imbues the attack with an undeniable destructive force, fully unleashing the sharpness and destructive nature of the lightning!

At the same time, the Thunder Cloud Dragon pattern does not interfere with the cells, and it perfectly complements the Thunder God Seal. There's no need for divided attention; it's simply the perfect combination!

The Violent Ape of Hell Form still has its necessary uses, but aside from situations that require sheer brute force, Rowen no longer needs to activate it.

Now, Rowen maintains the augmentation of the Thunder Cloud Dragon pattern at all times, allowing the Thunder God Seal to be indefinitely activated. His overall strength has risen to unimaginable levels, and he now has the confidence to defeat his past self, even against an Undying opponent.

In just three days, his strength has undergone a complete transformation…

"This is the power of science!" Rowen couldn't help but marvel.

In the unseen parts within his body, the Thunder Cloud Dragon pattern, composed of currents, brightens and dims with each heartbeat, supplying his body with a power that can only be described as terrifying.

The solidified Dragon pattern can't even be considered an external force anymore; it's essentially become his second heart! It's a subtle feeling, one that's difficult to put into words for outsiders.

Zephyr tore his clothes, hastily tending to his chest, and looked at his disciple, who had grown to the point where he felt pressured. He sighed deeply. "Maybe I should consider retirement, Rowen."

With Zephyr's discerning eyes, he could naturally see that the current Rowen, among the Marines, had no opponents except for the three Admirals, Garp, and Sengoku. Just facing anyone other than Kizaru, Rowen would have the upper hand by default.

"Then go ahead and retire!" This time, Rowen didn't try to persuade Zephyr. He had grown from the little guy who needed Zephyr's protection a few years ago into a true high-ranking member of the Marines, and he was more than capable of taking on the heavy responsibilities that Zephyr bore.

Seemingly taken aback by Rowen's straightforwardness, Zephyr looked at him with an odd expression. "Do you really want me to retire that badly?"

Rowen: "…"

"You're not getting any younger, why not retire? Vegapunk said he could make you a prosthetic and you could keep fighting for a few more years."

"What about the recruit camp? Why don't you take over?"

"Isn't there still Senior Brother Binz and Senior Brother Shuzo? I saw Smoker in East Blue this time. Just wait a few more years and call him over, that should be sufficient."

"Smoker isn't exactly the best educator. I might as well ask Vice Admiral Momonga if he's interested…"

Rowen's mind was filled with question marks.

From Headquarters' Vice Admiral to the recruit camp's Chief Instructor, that's a demotion!

The next day, in Fleet Admiral Sengoku's office, anger was evident in his eyes as he looked at the resignation letter in front of him. His face twitched.

"Was this your suggestion?"

"Absolutely not!!"

Rowen shook his head vigorously, avoiding shouldering this blame. "I was just entrusted by Sensei to deliver the letter on my way."

"Ah, I see. That makes sense."

Sengoku's face didn't show much emotion, but this indifferent attitude made Rowen's heart race.

The last time Sengoku warned him, there still hadn't been any resolution, and now this incident. This is a real pickle!

As expected, Sengoku silently accepted the resignation letter and then pulled out an information document from under the desk, handing it to Rowen.

"There's been some minor friction in the New World recently. The BIG MOM pirates dispatched troops to attack Polly Island, which is a member of the Government's Allied Kingdom. The Levely is about to convene, and the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) suggest that we send someone over to give them a warning."

"Kizaru hasn't returned, and I was just considering who would be the most suitable…"

'And then I walked right into that, didn't I?!' Rowen's face was full of shock as he thought of this.

(End of this chapter)

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(Hey Guys

I have just posted the last chapter of my novel Galactic Garbage Station on my Patreon, which means that GGS has been completely translated.

I hope you guys can come and read it.

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