With the staircase leading up to the palace blocked by corpses and arms, nobody had noticed the slow gathering of sand around the place and on the plaza.
Seeing Robin stand ontop of the palace gate, Vivi shouted at her. "What are you still doing here?... Your Plan Utopia is over the rebellion is over!... Crocodile is done for..."
"Are you really sure about that?!Hahaha..." Heared everybody Crocodile say coming from all directions at once, just as crucified Strawhats appeared ontop of the gate.
-WTF?! Usopp, Sanji, Nami and Zorro? Weren't they supposed to win against the Baroque Agents?!- I thought to myself, seeing them battered and bloodied. Shocked I realized that there was infact no plot armor in real life.
Still laughing, Crocodile stated mockingly. "... Now my dear princess, let me show you the value of hostages!"
That said, Crocodile had the Strawhats minus Chopper and Luffy awok, a they were poked by spears. Hearing the fives gut wrenching screams as additional blood was spilled, everybody present got sick to their bones.
"How can you do that?!" Asked Vivi angrily and afraid for her friends.
"Now, now princess would you be so kind and cancell your contract with the Golden Fist Mercenaries and become my hostage?!..." Demanded Crocodile, still a no show before adding a treat for good measure. "... Otherwise I will have to skinn them slowly."
"You can't do that!" Screamed Vivi frightened, as she was held back by both Koza and Chaka.
"Stop it, Viv..." Said Korza, as her elbow landed in his face.
Also holding her back with one arm, Chaka told her. "He is right my princess. You sacrificing yourself for your friends is noble, but remember the people."
"You must help them." I then heared Cobra say right next to me.
"I would love to, but me fighting him is to much of a risk for the civilians..." I told him, half lying, because Crocodile was Luffy's to defeat. "... You see my and Crocs Devil Fruit Powers are area of effect based. And I don't think that I have the precision to avoid casualties and Crocodile would care about the lifes of innocents."
"I guess that makes sense..." Replied Kobra, just in time for Kuma to arrive on the clockttower. "... Bartholomew Kuma?! What's the Tyrant doing here? Are Crocodile's actions sanctioned by the World Government?"
"Oh, it appears you already know my right hand and first lieutenant, Mr. Tibbers... Also, please keep his identity as a Government's lab dog to yourself." I told the shocked and angered king before turning to Kuma. "How is it going my friend?"
"Strawhat Luffy fought and lost against Crocodile, but I ensured his survival. If I had to guess, I would say that he would soon arrive here..." Reported Kuma, before throwing me a handkerchief wrapped gift. "... I also got this... It's Pell the Falcon's Devil Fruit the Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Falcon. He was shot point blank by Mr.6. Also I got rid of Mr.6 and Miss Mother's Day."
"Good job..." I told Kuma, before I noticed a curtain Strawhat carrying a huge water barrel on his back run and jump over the city roofs. "... Oh and I guess you are right about Luffy. Let's enjoy the show!"
Meanwhile, Koza recovering from Vivi's hit, asked Crocodile. "Why would the Hero of this Country take over the Palace and threaten the Peace? I won't believe this..."
"KUHAHAHA!! YOU ARE SO FUNNY!!!..." Laughed Crocodile. "... Even though you are reunited with the princess, you still don't know?! Didn't she already tell you?"
Shaking her head, Nico Robin told Koza. "You seemed troubled... It's quite simple actually... Just imagine the worst situation possible..."
Disillusioned, Koza half asked "The person, who took away all the water was..."
"Yes, it was me, Koza. Everything you thought the king did and more, were traps set up by me and my company... You have all danced a very amusing dance for me these past two years..." Revealed Crocodile before adding sarcastically. "... Even though the Royal Family and the Army were trying their hardest to reveal our shadows... I think you would have died much easier if you had not have known all this...!!! KUHAHAHA!!!"
"DON'T LISTEN TO HIM, KOZA!!!..." Suddenly and out of nowhere shouted King Cobra right next to me, instantly attracting everyone's attention to the clockttower. "... The only thing you guys can do now is to leave here and keep the peace. Take as many of our people with you. The capital is already doomed with Crocodile having taken over the palace."
"KUHAHAHA. I am impressed. Good judgement by the way..." Stated Crocodile before revealing. "... In about half an hour this city and everybody in it will ceased to exist, if I don't stop it that is..."
"Shit, we have to inform to the people outside..." Told Koza Chaka.
Nodding in agreement, the head guard replied. "... I agree, you and the princess go."
Tears running like river down her cheeks, Vivi had lost all hope and so she shouted. "Why?... JUST TELL ME WHY?!!!"
"Military Power..." Replied Crocodile before he adressed Cobra. "... I want the Ancient Weapon Pluto your Family is hiding in this country."
"CROCODILE!!!... LET GO OF MY FRIENDS!!!" Shouted Luffy, as he slams his wet fist into Crocodile's face.
Recognizing her friend, Vivi screamed exitedly. "LUFFY!"
"He." Was all Robin said, seeing her boss scoffing out blood.
"Stand up!" Shouted Luffy angrily.
"KUHAHAHA." Laughed Crocodile as Luffy watered his fist once more.
"At the moment that I lost... the water of Yube let me notice... that if you touched water, you can't turn into sand! And that's why you hate the rain, because you're scared of it..." Said Luffy proudly as he showed his wet hand. "... So as long as I use this, I can beat you!"
"KUHAHAHA!!! You want to defeat me?..." Asked Crocodile, hardly having to recover from Luffy's hit to his face. "... You know, I am impressed. Even under such danger, you could still look through my little trick... But, I guess you are still young and don't know better, since that's not all there is to it... You know I am one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!"
That said, his Baroque Agents Mr.1, Miss Doublefinger, Mr.2, Mr.4 and Miss Merry Christmas stepped out of the Palace to report their findings.
"There is nothing in the palace..." Reported Miss Doublefinger.
"... No records in either the Royal Library or the Treasury." Added Mr.1 with Mr.4 and Miss Merry Christmas nodding in agreement.
Meanwhile on the clockttower I told Kuma. "I guess now is the time to atleast help the Strawhats somewhat and even the odds... Kuma, you go get Copper, while I get the Strawhats down from those crosses..." Looking at Cobra, I told the King. "... And you stay put and stop drawing unnecessary attention."
That said, I teleport directly in front of Nami and grab the seriously wounded and unconscious beauty around her midriff thinking as I teleported us to safety. -I can't believe she is only sixteen...-
Meanwhile Kuma rode his palm print to the South/East Gate were Usopp and Chopper had fought Mr.4 and Miss Merry Christmas.
Reappearing on top of the clockttower and princess-carrying Nami, I placed her right beside Cobra, before one more teleportion to the crosses ontop of the palace gate.
Only this time I was greeted by all Baroque Agents including Robin.
"Hello there..." I greeted them, sea-stone handcuffs in hand, as a foot from Bon Kurei and a razor sharp fist from Mr.1 came for my head.
-To kill, rewind or incapacitate? That's the question!...- I asked myself, as their attacks passed through me and I tried to remove if they will be playing a significant roll, if any at Marineford. -... Fuck it! I just take their Devil Fruits.-
That said, I grabbed Mr.2's leg and Mr.1's fist and used 'Rewind' on both. Soon I was holding two crying babies and two Devil Fruits lay at my feet. Kicking the fruits, I teleported them into Kuma's backpack and used 'Fastforward' on the babies returning the two men to their original age before I nocked them out cold.
"Two down, four to go..." I said turning to Robin, Miss Merry Christmas, Miss Doublefinger and Mr.4.
"What did you do?!" Asked Miss Merry Christmas frightened and open mouthed, ready to escape at any moment. Meanwhile also frightened, Mr.4 first turned ash white and the fell unconscious to the ground, stains of wetness appearing on his trousers.