Golden Fist Company Headquarters; Alurbana; Alabasta Kingdom
Meanwhile, as Nico and I were exploring as well as salvaging the Pluton, Bartholomew Kuma aka Tibbers was already back from his trip to the Mercenary Guild.
Thinking about how his life had changed ever since he had been defeated by Michael, the former king had to admit, that it was much better now. Aside from being unburdened from Vegapunk's cyberware, he was also liberated from the constant noise and pressure inside his head.
-Vegapunk might be a genius, but a humanitarian he is not.- Thought Kuma, remembering the strange doctor who made in into a cyborg, as he entered the mansion drifted to the Mercenary Company by Queen Vivi. Despite it only being a two story mansion in the countryside, it still was build with royalty in mind visualized through the use of expensive materials like elder wood, marble and others that Kuma couldn't even pronounce.
Taking the huge set of stairs up to the second floor, papers in hand, he suddenly heared his Silver Baby Den Den Mushi ring upstairs. Taking five steps at once, Kuma rushed into his office to recieve the call.
"Bartholomew Kuma speaking." He soon said into the snail.
"Good to hear you're still alive Kuma..." Answered the voice at the other end of the line. "... This is Commander-in-Chief Kong speaking. I have reports saying you have joined a Mercenary Company under the Alias Tibbers. Is that correct?"
Gulping his salvia hard, Kuma carefully worded his answer. "Yes, Sir."
Calmly Kong replied. "Why?"
"To prevent Subject 435 from becoming a Pirate..." Lied Kuma, before he ended up being interrupted.
"Explain?! Take your time, I want every detail. What happened?"
"I engaged the target as instructed at the Port of Erumalu near the Sandora River here in Alabasta. As suspected, the target is capable of teleportion but also Time-Reversal and Time-Skip on people and objects as well as..." Was Kuma able to say, before Kong exploded in anger.
"What the fuck did those two egg heads create?! Please tell me that here is atleast the theoretical possible of killing him!"
Shaking his head unconsciously, a sign that his humanity was returning, Kuma explained seriously. "Negative. After being stabbed and killed by Crocodile, it took him only 21 day's to fully rebuild his entire body from the ground up..."
"FUCK!!!..." #Wood breaking# "... I know we would never get the permission to kill him, but I would have liked to atleast have the option... Darn it!!!...." Unintentionally revealed Kong in a burst of anger. "... Good job, by the way. Him being a Mercenary makes him atleast neutal to us. If we pay him enough, he might even be more reliable than most Warlords... Any associates so far that could become a problem in the future?"
"Yes, there is the 'Devil Child' Nico Robin, the Strawhat Pirates and their Captain Monkey D. Luffy..." Replied Kuma out of habit reporting everything without thinking, before he added. "... But aside from fucking Miss Robin, he is only on friendly terms with the pirates."
"Interresting... Now, I am curious how Dragon's son is somehow involved in all this..." Said Kong thoughtful. "... By the way, you have the permission to terminate Nico Robin if deemed necessary..."
-Yeah, as if I would still do that without my implants forcing me to.- Mentally commented Kuma, as he replied. "Understood, Sir."
"Don't thank me to soon. Since this was supposed to be a quick job instead of a longtime assignment, you still have some odd jobs for the Nobles to do like escorting CP9 Agents from Water 7 to Enies Lobby in the near futur..." Told King him, before adding, his voice laced with disgust. "... That's under Spandam's explicit request by the way. Looks like that bastard knows he is unter close supervision ever since one of his agents accused him of sexual harrasment and is now looking for a scapegoat in case things go south."
Keeping his disgust for the leader of CP9 bottled up, Kuma stated."Understood. When am I expected in Water 7?"
"A month. It looks like they are still wrapping things up there."
"Understood..." Replied Kuma, ready to hang up when he added. "... I'll be their."
"You have done what?!" Shouted Kuma, visibly frightened and shocked. Michal and Robin having just returned and told him of their biggest haul.
Nodding, Michael replied casually. "I have taken the Pluton's Main Weapon. I can't wait to have it build into my..."
"Are you out of your dammed minds?!.." Asked Kuma, before asking Nico specifically. "... Why didn't you stop him?! Shouldn't you know it better after you have been hunted by the World Government all your life?!"
Stepping infront of her defensively, Michael cut Robin of and replied in her stead. "Kuma, stop it. I am the Big Boss, I made the decision. Why are you now accusing Nico?!"
Despite his anger, Kuma could see the woman behind his friend blush embarrassed, an action that calmed his anger quickly. "I know that, but..."
"NO BUT'S!!!..." Stopped Michael him also angry. "... My decision, my responsibility. I will have that weapon build into our home, no matter what..." Turning to Robin, he added affectionately. "... A man has to be able to defend his family."
"I am ordered back to Mary Geoise by the World Nobles..." Suddenly told Kuma the two. "... They want me to run some errands for them."
"That's great!..." Replied Michal first, before explaining his thoughts. "... Water 7 should be on the way and I was thinking about sending you their to have the shipbuilders build our next home, since I got inspired by the Pluton."
"And also because we be spending atleast a month searching for 'City of Gold' Shandora." Added Robin calmly, her blushing reduced to a faint hint of pink on her cheeks.
"'City of Gold', hm?..." Half asked Kuma with a grumpy poker face. "... I wasn't aware that we needed even more money?"
"Oh, please..." Replied Michael, as he whipped away imaginable dust from his shoulders. "... You can't expect me to be satisfied with my Company only being ranked A+. I am aiming for the top! Only S+ can be acceptable!"
"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" Instantly screamed Robin and Kuma simultaneously.
"You can't be real the only S+ organisation on the planet are the Marines!" Explained Kuma, trying to calm his uncontrollable heartbeat.
"He is right Michael. Even the four Emperors are only ranked S individually and just barely can be considered S+ when counted together..." Added Nico, more to herself that the others since she was murmering it, currently contemplating her lifes decisions. "... How the hell did I get fall in love with a Mad Man?!"
Throne Room; Pangaea Castle; Holy Land Mary Geoise
Meanwhile, as Michael was revealing his plans for the Golden Fist, unbeknownst to them, the secret ruler of the world Im was informed by the Five Elders, that the Pluton had been discovered.
"Interesting... Intresting... I wonder who wants challenge my authority. HIHIHI..." The shadowy figure sitting on the Empy Throne mused, before it addressed the Five Elders kneeling in front of it's throne. "... Send out Cronos, it should know what to do."
"Understood!" All Five Elders replied simultaneously, one hand each over their hearts, as the left the room walking backwards.