
Shipping out

The next day.

The sun crept through the blinds in the room and shined down directly on Gion's eyes. The brightness from the sun stirred the woman, and she awoke. Gion raised up in the bed, spreading her arms wide as she yawned.

She started looking around quickly because she noticed that the room around her was unfamiliar. However, when she looked to the small table next to the bed, she noticed a small note folded up and grabbed it.

" Sorry, I didn't know where you lived, so I just let you sleep in my room for the night. Went to get some breakfast, should be back before it's time to leave."

That's what his note read.

" So, this is his room? It looks.... Clean." Gion stated. She was surprised, the bed sheets were clean, the books were in line, the equipment he had in his corner was neat and tidy, and his clothes were hung up properly. " This is comfy. I did not expect this from Markus of all people."

" Didn't expect what?" Markus asked as he walked into the room. He was carrying with him a tray of different foods, eggs, bacon, oatmeal, milk, orange juice, peanut butter, rice, and baked chicken.

Gion looked at the amount of food on the tray and was visibly surprised.

" Is all that for me?" Gion asked the man.

" Sure, I already ate. I figured you wouldn't want to get up yet, so I brought the food to you." Markus told the woman. He placed the tray down in front of Gion and handed her a fork and a knife. " Enjoy." Markus told the woman. He then got up and prepared to leave but a hand pulling at his side stopped him.

" Stay, we got time before we need to leave, right? Eat with me." Gion told the man. " I don't think I can finish all of this anyway."

" I guess it won't hurt to stay. After all, might not get this chance again." Markus muttered he pulled a seat up to the bed and sat down next to Gion as she started eating. She took a bite of the chicken first and smiled. " Mhmm, this is good, did you make this?"

" Of course, I take pride in being able to take care of myself in certain situations." Markus stated proudly. He puffed out his chest and Gin poked him right in his bad ribs, making Markus crumbled like a tower of falling bricks.

Gion laughed at Markus and rubbed his back as he held his stomach.

" That hurt, Gion."

" Then you shouldn't have been poking it out like that." Gion joked. " You were so wide open."

" Oh, man now that's just mean." Markus grumbled.

Gion giggled and watched as Markus continued groaning on the bed, though she did feel a bit bad for hurting him.


Afterwards, Markus and Gion left to prepare for to ship out. The two of them left Garp's compound and started walking towards the docks.

" I have my orders to report to Vice Admiral Tsuru's ship. What about you?" Gion asked.

" Mine came this morning, Lieutenant- Monkey D. Markus, will report to Vice Admiral Dalmatian for assignment in the North Blue. From what I heard, the north is currently embroiled in a war, so it makes sense that my luck puts me right there. It's kind of unfair you get to travel around."

" Yeah. But hey, at least we'll still be able to write each other. Right? And besides, if you get promoted fast enough, you can get your own ship, and go wherever you want. Just put the work in and you'll get there." Gion told the man.

" Yeah. No doubt about that. But... I will miss you; you know. We just met again, and it seems like we're being broken up all over."

" Well, that's one of the hard parts about this lifestyle. I'll miss you too, ya know. But like I said, I'll write to you whenever I get the chance."

" And I'll write to you all the time! I'll tell ya about all the things I do, the pirates I beat, the places I'll get to see, everything." Markus explained.

" I'm sure it'll be nice. And who knows, maybe if we're ever in the north blue, we'll get the chance to stop by and visit, and I'll tell you all about my adventures."

" Yeah, that'd be nice."

" Yeah.... Well, this is where I must say goodbye." Gion muttered. She nodded to the giant navy ship behind her.

" So, this is it, huh? A year of training, and now, here we are." Markus muttered.

" Yeah." Gion muttered. Gion leaned close to Markus and gave him a great big hug.

Knowing that this could possibly be the last time he saw, Markus hugged her back, as softly as he could. He wanted to squeeze her and hold her tightly, but he knew with his strength he could hurt her.

There was a pregnant pause. For whatever reason, neither of them wanted to be the one to break the hug. However, when a loud coughing noise came from above, and the two saw that Tsuru was standing on her ship, they both knew it was time to let go.

" Take care, Markus." Gion told the man. With a smile and a wave goodbye, Gion turned and marched onto Tsuru's ship while Markus watched.

" Welcome, Lieutenant junior grade- Gion. How nice for you to finally join us." Tsuru said to the girl.

" Thank you again for welcoming me onboard, Ma'am. I look forward to working with you." Gion said to the woman. She bowed her head to Tsuru in respect.

" Of course, now go to the crew quarters and get ready to sail out."

" Yes, Ma'am." Gion replied. She bowed once more and continued marching onto the ship.

Tsuru nodded and allowed Gion to pass. She then turned to walk back, but when she looked back, Markus was still staring at the ship, and Tsuru smirked. 'Ah, to be young again.' She remarked. She gave the young man a wave and then disappeared beyond the boundaries of her ship.

He was happy for the woman. He knew how hard she had worked to get where she was, and he was proud to see her going to fulfill her dreams.

" I know I'm happy for her.... So, why does it feel like a part of me was just ripped away?" He tried his best to smile, but all he felt was a strong lurching feeling in his stomach, and his eyes felt heavy. " I guess I should go, huh? Yeah, I... don't want to be late." Markus muttered. He turned and started walking towards Vice Admiral Dalmatians' ship, but just for one second, he needed to look back. And so he did. " Be safe, Gion. Take care."

Markus walked away from Tsuru's ship and crossed the plaza to the other side where Dalmatian's ship was docked. He knew he was in the right place when he saw the spotted dog mast on one of the ships.

" Guess this is it. Let's do it!" Markus exclaimed. He marched onto the ship and was immediately met by the captain of the ship, Vice Admiral Dalmatian. " Lieutenant Monkey D. Markus, reporting for duty!

" Hahaha! Welcome, kid. It's been a while. How've ya been?" Dalmatian asked the man.

" I've been well, sir. I look forward to working with you."

" Good. We'll be going to the North blue; We won't be using a G-base. No! We're hunting pirates! Got it? That means every day, we're on the move. Never staying one place too long. Are you ready for that?!" Dalmatian asked. The giant 9 foot man leaned down in Markus' face and grinned.

Markus slammed his fists together, cracking them like thunder. " Yes sir!"

" Alright, men! Let's sail!"


To be Continued!!!

And there we go, it was nice to take a little break before getting to work, but if you know anything, you know the Marines never stay tied down for too long. So, once again Markus and the gang splits up. Perhaps for good this time. And oh, Markus, the poor sap.

Let me know what you guys think about this in the comments. Until next time!