
Chapter forty- Leading by example

Gabriel stood frowning unimpressed with the sight before him. Even though he knew the reason it still made him angry. They had sailed the going merry into a small alcove and put down anchor as they were all getting ready to go looking for a doctor to treat Nami, but before they could even set one foot off the ship they all suddenly found themselves surrounded by people with guns on the higher purchase above them on the cliffs.

Even though Gabriel knew their reasons for being so skittish and what had happened only recently, he still felt irritated to have guns trained on him and their constant demands for them to leave was becoming annoying.

"we're not here to cause any trouble, we're looking for a doctor, one of our crew mates are sick" Sanji explained as he exhaled his cigarette smoke.

"Yeah like we would fall for that old trick!" one of the civilians yelled, "get out of here!" he added before he discharged one of his pistols at the ground at Sanji's feet.

"Bastards Sanji Cursed and moved ready to jump forward to attack as everyone got ready to join in.

Vivi saw this and moved to stop Sanji placing her hands on his shoulders, "Sanji wait!"

That was when the villager discharged his other pistol seeing the look in Sanji's eye as he glared at him.

Gabriel knowing what was going to happened moved to intervein, with a burst of Soru he placed himself in between Viv and the man's aim and raised his hand, the bullet hit his hand dead centre, everyone went dead silent in the following moments as blood began to pour from Gabriel's hand.

Vivi turned to look at him shocked as Gabriel took his hand back and closed his fist as he kept his head tilted his hat covering his expression.

"Bastards!" Luffy yelled as he stepped forward to retaliate for Gabriel having been shot while protecting Vivi and Sanji from being shot, but he came up short when Gabriel called out.

"Hold it!"

Luffy stopped and looked to him only to freeze at the sight before him, Gabriel reached up and took off his hat before kneeling down and put his hands forward, one bloody from having been shot but not looking as if it bothered him in the slightest as he leaned on them and bowed his head low to the deck of the ship.

"Gabriel" Luffy said shocked cold at his actions but that was soon cleared away as Gabriel began to speak loudly and clearly.

"Citizens of Drum kingdom, I swear to you that we mean you and your land no ill will, we come only seeking aid in our hour of need, please one of our number is sick and needs treatment urgently if you turn us away she will die!"

Gabriel glanced to Luffy from the side of his vision, "Not everything can be solved by fighting Luffy, think of Nami, you start fighting here now what reason dose that give any doctor of theirs to help us after the fact, you need to put your crew first now Luffy"

Luffy clenched his fists, he knew Gabriel was right, he hadn't been thinking about it at the time, he was a little focused on the guns pointed at them and the fact that he had been hurt but with it laid out for him clearly he could only nod, "right" he said before moving to join Gabriel in the Dogeza position, "please bring a doctor, our ship mate needs help"

Once again everyone was quiet not sure how to proceed in a situation like this until finally Dalton spoke up from the crowd of villagers. "You can come to our village, follow me"

Hearing the statement Gabriel let out a sigh of relief and looked to Luffy who was still kneeling like him, "fighting can only get us so far, the lives of a captains crew should always come above everything else, pride, self-respect, everything goes beneath that fact because how can you have either if you let a crewmember die because you were to stubborn to hold on to either of them"

Luffy nodded into the deck of the ship in agreement before they both sat up, "Yeah, I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking,"

Gabriel nodded and stood himself to his feet as Vivi rushed over to him, "Gabriel your hand" she said clearly worried about him being shot.

Gabriel smiled as he shook his head, "don't worry I'm fine" he said as he brought his other hand to his palm and hissed a bit before pulling the lead bullet from his injured hand, blood instantly began to pool more but Gabriel clenched his hand and looked around, "anyone got a bandage or something" he asked, he knew that his healing would kick in and he'd heal quickly but he didn't know how long it would take and wanted to keep it covered if for no other reason but to stop the blood loss.

Sanji nodded and quickly moved rushing to the upper cabin on the ship, "I'll go get the med kit" he said as he rushed off.

Vivi moved to Gabriel's side and took a hold of his hand, "why did you do that, you didn't have to" she said as he let her inspect his hand.

Gabriel gave her a smirk, "of course I did, I gave you my word didn't I, that I would see you safely back to your kingdom. I wouldn't be keeping my word if I let you take a bullet now would I" he mused.

Vivi remained silent as she heard him, she knew he was right and she knew from what she had seen of him that he always kept his word, and although he didn't say it she knew that it was her fault that he took the bullet because of her, he was hurt because of her. The words from his song a came back to her and she felt tears well up in her eyes and she bowed her head.

"thank you," Vivi said softly barely audible.

Gabriel smiled as he heard her, "I am only keeping my word princess, you don't have to worry about me, a little scratch like this won't kill me, I'm tougher than that" he said as Sanji came back with the med kit and they soon got to work disinfecting the wound and got it bandaged up.

Gabriel flexed his hand wincing slightly from the pain but didn't say anything about it before looking to the others, "ready to go?"

The others who had all gotten ready while Vivi was seeing to his hand nodded, Keren was carrying Nami in her arms wrapped in blankets to keep her warm while everyone had donned various coats to keep warm in the winter climate.

"Let's go" Luffy said and Gabriel nodded as they all began to make their way off the ship while Zoro stayed behind with Carue to watch the ship and began to follow Dalton towards the nearest village.

However as soon as Gabriel set foot on land, he immediately got a quest notification that appeared in front of him and blinked at it as he read it.

Hidden quest: Base Jumper



Reward: ???, ???, ???

Gabriel arched an eyebrow, it had been a while since he had gotten a hidden quest and he could guess from the title what this once involved, with a thought he dismissed it, he would think more about it later and started walking.

It wasn't a long walk until they reached the village Big Horn and Dalton dismissed the others who turned out to be just civilians.

On the trip Dalton had explained a few things to them claiming that the island didn't have a name and the fact that they only had one doctor on the island, that everyone believed to be a witch.

Gabriel frowned at that knowing the truth while Vivi seemed shock but didn't ask what was on her mind seeing the hard look on Daltons face, it was clearly a personal matter.

They were soon shown to Dalton's house, as they went many of the villagers greeted Dalton, he seemed to be a popular sort with the town's folk. Some even talked about electing him to office which he brushed off acting like he didn't deserve it though Gabriel knew differently.

They soon got Nami inside and into bed and a fire going to heat the house up to keep everyone warm. Dalton began to apologies for their less than warm welcome before looking to Vivi.

"Do you mind if I ask you something, it's just that you seem familiar to me for some reason" Dalton asked as he looked at her with a suspicious gaze trying to place her face.

Vivi began to brush it off but Gabriel placed his hand on her shoulder, "It's okay, he can be trusted, he means you no harm" he stated getting a look from Vivi for a moment before she nodded to him.

"I don't know where you might have seen her before but perhaps you were like me and saw her missing picture in the paper like I did," Gabriel stated, "she is the Princess of Alabasta kingdom, Vivi Nefertari, and we're escorting her back to her kingdom after she has been dealing with matters confidential to her kingdom.

Dalton looked absolutely shocked hearing that as he tried to process that, "a princess traveling with Pirates, its unheard of," he said before shaking his head, "I won't pry into your personal matters though, if there is anything you need you have but only to ask it" he explained.

Vivi nodded, "thank you, but for right now we just need to make sure Nami gets treated, her temperature is at one hundred and seven and has been for the past few days now, and it just keeps getting higher, we have no idea how to help her"

Dalton nodded at the seriousness of the situation, "I see, then this is very serious"

"No shit, where is this witch of yours, if she can help Nami that's all that's important right now," Sanji stated impatient as he waited by the window.

"I'm afraid that she isn't close by," Dalton stated and jerked his chin to the window, "you see those mountains outside, if you look closely you'll see a castle on the tallest one, those mountains are called the Drum Rockies, and this islands only doctor lives in that castle"

"Of all the places why does she have to live on top of a mountain, we need to call her down here right now" Sanji said as he looked up at the mountains through the window.

"I'm afraid that there is no way of contacting her," Dalton said with a frown, "she comes down when she wants and treats the towns folk, taking whatever she wants from their houses as payment, her skills as a doctor are top quality so people don't complain much about her and just let her do as she pleases"

Gabriel sighed not wanting to waste any more time, "then there's only one option for it then" he said as he approached Nami's bed, "if we can't get the doctor down here we'll have to take Nami to her"

"Are you crazy, have you seen the weather outside," Sanji argued, "and just how the hell do you plan on getting up the mountain when you reach it"

Gabriel shook his head, "we don't have any other choice, if we don't and Nami's condition gets worse she could die, just leave the mountain to me I'll get her up it" he said as Luffy nodded.

"Right we'll leave that to you, but you're not going alone," Luffy said as he crossed his arms, "Me and Sanji will go with you to keep any wildlife off you"

Gabriel nodded, "you can count on me, I promise that Nami will survive this, I'll get her up there"

Double Post~

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