


In his office Monkey D. Dragon was looking over the reports from his many agents all over the world. One of the reports told of his father going to the East Blue to escort a high profile prisoner to the Navy HQ. And while there met up with Vampire the bounty hunter, his granddaughter. Picking up lots of other prisoners from all the pirates she had captured.

His daughter has sure grown up from the rugrat she use to be. Dragon remembers how he and his wife Dara had stop by a small island when Vampire literally fell out of the sky in a metal pod. Dara quickly took a liking to Vampire while he looked over the pod she came in. Even now he has no idea what or where it came from, all he can figure out is that Vampire is from another world. All Dara had cared about was that she had a daughter.

Thanks to Dara having dark skin herself, Vampire easily was accepted to be their daughter. His father did find it strange that that had a child so quickly, but his mother didn't care. All she cared about was that she's a grandmother now. Which got his father on board with Vampire being the new member of the family. With only he and Dara knowing where Vampire really came from.

Then came Vampire showing her super strength as she grew older. Which caused alot of damage around the house, thanks to her being a baby who had no idea how to control her strength. With him having to use haki just to get her from destroying things. Which thankfully everyone just expected to be thanks to Garp being her grandfather and Eda being her grandmother, both high ranking marines who aren't devil fruit users.

Then came Garp bringing Ace home and giving Vampire a little brother. Then came Luffy... followed by the passing of both his wife and mother shortly after. He soon left his kids in the care of his father while he began his rebellion against the world government, creating the Revolutionary Army.

Now years afterwards his daughter is a renown bounty hunter, with no pirate or marine of any worth not knowing her name. Having grown up learning to fight and surviving from Garp and learning from many marines at the navy HQ. The only reason why she's not in the navy is because both Sengoku and Kong couldn't handle having Vampire in the navy after having to deal with Garp for years.

Vampire had a taste for women and is completely shameless about it. Every single time she stops by at the HQ to unload or pickup pay or supplies, she would help herself to the women she found there. Of course, Tsuru has made it her job to keep her in line, with her grabbing Vampire by her ear to keep her in line. She's the only one at HQ that Vampire listens to, now that mom wasn't around anymore.

Every now and then they do run into each other. Vampire is one of the few people who knows that the worst criminal of the world is the son of Garp the hero of the navy. From what he has heard and the reports from agents, Vampire has become extraordinarily strong and powerful. The last time he laid his eyes on her he could sense she's much more powerful then she lets on.

It makes him wonder what kind world Vampire came from and if all the people from where she comes from is as powerful as she is. In one of the other Revolutionary Army bases he's been having people reverse engineer the pod that Vampire arrived in. The tech-heads have been researching it for years and still have much to learn. From what they have learn is that it's much more advance than anything that Dr. Vegapunk has come up with. They had to invent tools to make tools to be able to work on the pod. They made alot of breakthroughs and came up with things that using shell companies allowed much funding for many Revolutionary Army operations. As well as giving them better weapons, the metal smiths have studied the metal that the pod is made out of and came up with a new alloy that's still being tested. Then there are weapons that come right of those space adventure books.

'Makes me wonder what else is out there,' Dragon thought to himself. He has nothing to worry about with his daughter but there would be aliens who are just like the people around here and that's what worries him.


Shells Town -

The Dreadful Wale one of the rare stream ships that only world nobles and those rich enough can afford to have. Which somehow a crew of pirates gotten ahold of somehow which is now owned by Vampire. Which is now owned by her seeing how all the pirates were now in jail and their bounties paid to her. Which Vampire has been remodeling and fixing up with the help of the navy personal at the navy base she's been staying at for the last couple of days.

She's been learning to be able to sail it by herself and fixing it up. The ship has several rooms but smaller than what she would like. There is her room, 2 crew rooms, a storage room, a bathroom, a galley, the engine room, the bridge, mess hall/ cargo hold and a smaller cargo hold. The ship besides the two paddle wheels on it's side is also powered by sails. Vampire has been wondering if she shouldn't get some crewmates. She's been sailing by herself for a very long time and been able to take care of everything herself. But she has needs that can only be filled by her visiting the local whore house.

She had left many brothels and whore houses with women who look forward to her stopping by again. Unlike most women who are fighters, she isn't one of those slim or skinny who don't have any muscles on them. She has a powerful built body, but not to the point of other women who are bulky. It made her stand out as no other woman has the body proportions that she has. And with how everyone else is able to show more expression with their faces. Like letting their jaws drop down, their eyes popping out of their sockets and their heads enlarging for some. She on the other hand can't do any of that. Which doctors at the navy HQ have discovered that she doesn't have the muscles in her face that everyone else have. (1)

Not that any of her many lovers don't mind, they like how soft some of her body is while having hard muscles. She only found pleasure with women, she tried with men but none of them were of her taste. Maybe one of these days she finally finds a man who will steal her heart. She remembers how mom was truly in love with dad and even with how grandma treated grandpa, she did love him. But till then she'll just enjoy herself with all the women that she wants. And having an all-female crew with her she'll be able have her itch scratch anytime she wants.

Of course, there's the problem of having a crew, they would learn sooner or later of her real power. Something that she has spent years hiding away. She has mastered her powers and it seems that she has no limits in how powerful she can become. And her power comes from the sun, which is why she sunbaths all the time. But she is worried of what will happen when the World Government discovers her real powers. Which is why she refuses to become a marine and became a bounty hunter instead. She can still work with the marines but wouldn't be forced to follow orders or be as closely watched.

"Time to get ready to get back to the Grand Line," Vampire said seeing the last of her cargo being place into her new ship. Then she turns around and headed into town heading for the local whore house. "After having some last bit of fun with the girls first."


In the Grand Line -

A ship sailed away from an island with the lone town of the island in ruins. The ship flew the flag of the jolly roger with a chainsaw sticking out of the lower jaw of the two skulls of the flag. They are the Chainsaw Pirates, a crew of pirates who are full of killers. There is no such thing as sanity when it comes to them, for all of them are extremely psychotic and extremely violent animals. With even the 4 Emperors crews are wary of them, for they will rape you to death, eat your flesh, and sew your skin to their clothes and flesh, and if you're very lucky it be in that order.

The captain of the crew is Carter Herman and is part of the Long Arm tribe. He stands at around 22 feet tall and has a paramecia devil fruit that allows him to encase people in electric straight jackets by phasing his arms through them. He used to work for the world government namely using electrical devices on slaves of the World Nobles. He was creating slaves that have no free will of their own. It allowed him to do research into the inner workings of the brain and with his research he was able to unlock the secret of haki, that is only known to him. Of course, he was force to become a pirate after it was discovered that the World Noble that was backing his research, was one of his research subjects as the World Noble had some skills in using haki. Which allowed him to unlock all 3 types of haki.

He was able to gather a crew that are like him in many ways. Namely having no value for life of others. The other members of the crew are the strong people that they found and are still alive. Speaking of which his crew are enjoying themselves with the surviving townspeople they captured. The ones who survive would be transform into members of the crew, the Reavers as he calls them. Where they would be let loose on another island where they rape, torture, and eat the people of the island, and not always in that order. The non-reaver crew members are the only ones besides him that they don't attack on sight. His giant ship carries hundreds of reavers now with room for more. (2)

"Soon, very soon," Carter said as he stares at the photo of Monkey D. Vampire.

He had just started his life as a pirate when he saw her in action. He was hiding in a building when he saw her kill that child killer, Kouger who used claw gloves. Carter saw her letting Kouger use his claw gloves on her with them breaking. To his shock he saw her just stand there as Kouger tried to stab her eyes, with the blades snapping. It was then that Carter realized how powerful she really is and why she was letting Kouger attack her. She wanted him to see that there is nothing he can do to stop her. He watches as with a flick of her fingers she broke bones and beat Kouger to death. All awhile he was pleading and begging for mercy which fell on deaf ears. Vampire was so skilled that when she broke Kouger's neck he was still alive but unable to move. Leaving him unable save himself when she toss him into the lit firepit.

The only reason why she didn't find him was because Vampire's grandfather Garp who was sent to look for him, had discovered his granddaughter had been kidnapped who was his ships cabingirl. Which lead him to the slavemarket where he found Vampire and Kouger who turned out to be a noble who had brought her. Garp found the room and only saw his crying granddaughter and the burning body of Kouger when he burst in. Having no clue what happen in that room or how Vampire managed to kill Kouger.

The building was where nobles and people with money would be able to buy a slave and do what they want to them. Which is the reason why Vampire never joined the navy as even with her grandfather being who he is, nothing could be done to the owner of the building who is a World Noble. And in the confusion that happen once Garp showed up allowed him to escape.

Now years later, he's been gathering as much information and data on Vampire as he could. So that he would be able to capture her one day and turn her into one of his crew. With her power there be no stopping him, all the pirates fear Vampire. Even the warlords and emperors were on guard whenever she's around. But he's the only one who knows her true power that she keeps hidden. He had been keeping track of her life as a bounty hunter and the pirates that she's been bringing in. When he's ready he would attack and make her his. And with her at his side there be no stopping him.


Author's Notes -

1 - Seeing how just about all the people in One Piece have strange body proportions that would make them stand out in real life. Vampire on the other hand has the body proportions that's found in DC comics. And all the faces that everyone else can do that you see in just about every anime and manga. Vampire can't do, as she isn't anime or manga in nature.

2 - The Reavers are just like the ones in Firefly, but unlike in the tv show these Reavers can get strong like everyone else in One Piece.
