

Training cursed energy,

Cursed energy is power system in Jujutsu kaisen that work like Chakra, Mana. It is different from others as It is produced from Negative emotions.

He could bring out cursed energy in this case but the energy didn't reinforce his body like It was supposed to do, It was only usable for ten shadow technique.

If Sasaki could bring out chakra, he could have possibly made Rasengan but he had no chance in that.

'I need to see the most embrassing stuffs, and other things that would fuel my negative emotions that would have me refine and have control to a certain level.'

Satoru Gojo compares cursed energy to electricity: it's volatile in nature and difficult to use in its rawest form. While raw cursed energy can be used for its blunt force, it's best used by sorcerers to power their techniques in the same way electricity is best used to fuel electronics.

But his blunt force was taken away from the restrictions so he could just use it to fuel his ten shadow technique.

'I need to learn to control cursed energy and refine my techniques. I can increase it to certain level but It happens in certain sceneries.'

Sasaki climbed at a tall tower where he could see the pirates gathered and conflict usually took place.

"This is it, I can just watch brutual scene and try to release a steady flow of cursed energy to increase my control."

Sasaki was waiting for something brutal to take place, as that area was a place every pirates and fishman picks a fight with one another.

He started to enforce his cursed energy on a knife that he picked up from someone's house on the way.


"No increase in attack, I should have expected that."

He could see he was having a hard time, trying releasing steady flow of cursed energy out of his body.

While releasing his cursed energy he started looking at a couple fishman that were about to fight at any moment.


"You bastard, how dare you steal my money."

"You took my money an year ago, I just took it back, you bastard."

Both were glaring at each other, and One of the fishman that looked like salmon attacked other that looked like crab.

The Crabman grabbed his punched with his pincer and chopped it straight.


"Aah! It hurts."

In the tower, Sasaki suddenly released a huge surge of cursed energy and vomited. He wasn't used to this, as living in earth and all.

"Damn it! It's too hard to just watch and when such scene comes, my emotions cause me to overflow the curse energy."

He knew it was something that was hard to get used to, but he pulled himself together and started to watch the fight.

The one whose one arm got cut off attacked with his other, holding a knife and managed to land a hit on Crabman's left chest.

Sasaki again overflowed the cursed energy on Knife, It was getting hard when he saw such scene and he even noticed he had more cursed energy production but not high enough.

The Crabman pierced the stomach of the salmon fishman and his guts flowed out like water, scattered all around the ground.

Sasaki was down for, he released too much cursed energy while producing too less at Same time and got exhausted of cursed energy.


"My head hurts from all the brutality, and It's not healing as It my mental state not a bodily harm."

'Why are people these brutal? and I have a feeling I am going to turn into worse in future.'

Sasaki had just witnessed a murder, and first one in his life. He was uncomfortable but he was unusually calm for some unknown reasons.

'This is just like before when I was at earth.

Sasaki got the thought of his head, and begin to focus again on his training.

"How could I refine it and possibly find a way to increase? I can't consume curses like Sukuna's finger and I have no idea how I will make the divine dogs powerful. They can't feed on curses in this world."

Cursed energy can only increase in certain situation, I need a way to build it up.

Divine dogs depended on curses to increase their curse energy and get powerful but he had no chance as this world didn't even had a thing called curse.

"First, I need to save up cursed energy by not letting It flow out of my body but that is hard as hell, I release too much."

Sasaki sat down and began recalling jujutsu kaisen every episode and manga chapters and recalled the trainings.

Sasaki the decided to start learning to save cursed energy in his body, like every sorcerer does for later use.

'This so going to be a piece of cake.'

Sasaki with full confidence started to increase his control on cursed energy trying to store it inside his body.

It was not easy at all and after whole 12 hour of trying, he was still not able to pull it off, he could feel the cursed energy escaping out of his body.

"This is almost impossible, I spent half a day over nothing."

Sasaki started to calm down, he had never worked this hard and never knew time could flow this fast in his entire life.

He closed his eyes and began to think all the events that happened and came to a realization.

"I am just six, that means I can't produce a large amount of cursed energy due to my body's limitation, but I was able to summon two divine dogs just like that. Doesn't that prove, I have immense amount of cursed energy, I never asked the god just how much I had in the first place."

Sasaki chuckled looking at the clear sky clear sky, and mumbled.

"They didn't leave us a place to complain with the abilites after dragging us here."

Sasaki started to take a stroll over the city, and determine the spots and memorizing the area in his head.

He left his training schedule, and went for a stroll around the city, there were different species of fishman from carb to sharks, It was like an aquarium.

Sasaki didn't care about the fishman, his goal was to see a mermaid, If one comes to fishman island then they see a mermaid, especially if it was someone from earth.

Sasaki couldn't find a single mermaid, just fishman here and there, he was totally running rounds for no reason at all.

After an hour of taking laps around the town, he finally saw a mermaid cafe, and tried to get in but reality hit him.

'I am totally broke, there's no way I can go there and I am far too weak to just threaten them.'

Sasaki had a disappointed face, he needed to get strong thus returned back to the tower from where he could watch all the feuds of pirates and fishman.

Sasaki started to watch different fights with guts spilling out, beaten to bloody pulp, he threw up too much all too much for a couple of days.

He started to slowly adapt after looking at the fights time and again.

~A week later~

Sasaki had watched too much murders and disturbing stuffs while practicing to maintain steady flow of cursed energy.

He got a little better, but not good enough as he was only just a kid.

Now, It was time for real life experience.

Sasaki made dog handsigns and summon his two divine dog, and went in hunt on restricted area.

"Divine dogs!"

He knew a pirate fight was normal and he heard rumor that a large scale fight going and confirmed it from the tower.

He ran over with his divine dogs to find a group of surviving human and fishman, severly injured but still fighting with their lives on the line.

"Attack! Divine dogs."

Sasaki charged on the fishman and the humans with his divine dogs.


The group of all injured fighters noticed there was problem as they saw two wolves charging at them.

They ignored a six years old kid, it was not worth there time.

Black divine dog jumped on one of the fishman who was severly injured and ripped his head out while the white divine dog jumped on the human that was fighting the fishman and pierced his neck with its claw.

"Aah!" *2

Sasaki jumped on the injured fishman who didn't have an arm trying to knock him out.


Sasaki got a punch on his face, and got sent flying, and crashed on the boulder.


The impact crushed some of his back bones.

'My bones just shattered!'

The injuries healed in no time, he was ready to go another round again.

'I am too weak with zero battle experience, I don't know right way to throw a fist.'

Looking all the blood shed up close made him want to throw up but he saw these for at least a week nonstop, so he was able to maintain himself.

The two divine dogs came at Sasaki's side who rose up after crashing on the boulder, and the dogs were guarding him.

Suddenly, he was the target of atleast a dozen of humans and fishman.

'The odds look bad, but I need to fight here to improve my powers.'

The group of humans and fishman decided to finish him off first, then continue their battle.

The divine dogs charged at them, and killed few humans and fishman and before getting sent flying by the others with one dog having bullet on its back.


The divine dogs turned into shadows as he recalled them back, he didn't want a demon dog totality just yet that forms after one dog gets killed and other inherits its power like a chimera.

There was still at least a dozen more fishman and human's left and they were making move on him.

Sasaki rushed while grabbing his knife and aimed for one of the human.


Sasaki got a full powered kick on his head, and landed on the ground.


He pierced the human's leg while still on ground.

"At the very least, I did some damage."

The human's anger exploded as he got pierced by him, a six years old kid.

"How dare you?"

He slashed Sasaki head right off his body, cutting his neck in one fell swoop.

'Getting killed this easily, Pathetic!'

After they killed him, the fight continued.

"I will kill you humans."

"You talk too much for a fish."





They started fighting again, they got rid of additional load that was Sasaki.

"Humans, you dare!"


At the end, the pirate of humans got killed with around seven fishman still remaining.

"We fishman are powerful, humans are weak."

Sasaki had just regenerated his head, and looked at the surviving fishman that were too worn out to put up a fight.

He sneaked on a fishman with a knife, and shoved the knife on his neck.




Blood started spilling out while Sasaki threw up again, doing it with his own hand was on other league than watching.


The fishman died in some seconds, the other fishman present heard the scream of their fellow fishman and saw a knife shoved in his neck.

"Who dares to do this? Show your face!"

Sasaki pulled out the knife from the fishman's neck, and glared at them.

"Did you all forget me already? It's me from before."

All the fishman looked at Sasaki and got a shiver down their spine. They were sure his head got sent flying from the human before.

"How, what?...!"

They were loss for words, no idea how to react at all, just utter shock.

"What are you waiting for, Kill him!"

All the fishman marched at him and started to beat him to pulp, he was too weak to resist.

His body was cut in half this time, and they breathed a sigh of relief. They made sure to verify he was killed.

"I must have been imagining things, there's no way."

They started to clean up the corpses from the ground, and suddenly after some minutes another one of fishman got a knife on his neck.


Before he could react, Sasaki sent the fishman's head flying.