
chapter one

I died to a truck where is my luck so horrifying ohh well at least my pain of my life is done I guess this is it, like anyone who will miss me family what is family, blood as if blood saved me from scorn

bonds who will like me enough anyway a guy who couldn't decide on his future, Oh well ill wonder what I'll see on the other side

as I wake up from the bright light I see I'm in a throne room I looked around the room I see two thrones which are filled

"he has awakened my friend let's see if he's the one who can take this job" said a distorted man voice

" Yes yes I agree let's see if he can is the one" said a distorted female voice

" where am I, what do you want, and what is this job you keep saying" I said

" the job of who guards worlds and protects them from outer gods meddling" said male voice

"yes those outer gods our troublesome trying to take what is ours for their greed" said the female voice

" you died to an accident yeah nothing going for your life I can see you do not want to go back so why don't you take our job prove you are worthy enough or are you a coward who can't decide on your future like last life mortal" said the male voice with some contempt in his voice

" sure bring that up again and see if I can choose to take on your job at all you're doing is putting a lot of bad sells pitches there buddy" I said with anger my voice

" now now let's calm down my friend do not aggravate him any more you do if not his fault for failing his purpose in life the one whose posts be watching him was supposed to give him signs to what to do that being failed" said the female voice with soothing words to calm the two

"hmm I suppose you're right that that being did failed this one it's just vexes me people who do not do their jobs and it falls to us to pick up the slack" he said with irritation in his voice

" who was supposed to guide me then" I said with a calmer tone a voice

" it doesn't matter now you're here now I ask again do you want to take the job offer" she said with a calm tone

" first can you tell me about the job offer before I accept it" I said with a calm tone

" very well I will tell you about it the job it is about protecting our worlds and training protectors you'll be rewarded Well if you do accept" she said with a tempted voice

" very well which world are under your protection then because I do not want to be killed immediately when I get there" I said with a intrigue tone

" first off we'll start you with one from each of us from me you will get one piece" he said as I flinched of the world he governs

" from me you will get hunter X Hunter" she said as i flinched again hear another world that's going to be difficult but not impossible

" besides before you go away if you prove your worthy we will send you a gift package and depending on how well you do you may get a unique power or equipment" the female said to me

" Goes against what we usually do with Reincarnations however this job is very important we do not want unworthy to have these bestow gifts we grant" the male voice grumbled as I nodded as I can see why he does not like this

" Very well i'll accept it but before I do I want trial to show that I'm worthy" I said with determination in my voice

" interesting very interesting you're not like the others who came before you they just wanted to go to the new world the proved themselves" said the female voice was surprised evident in her tone

" yes that is true This one is different I might like this one very well we'll let you train for a bit ask for equipment and we will grant you it if it's in our world we govern" Said the male voice with a intrigue tone

"I'll like to make my own sword style and my own sword" I said to them shocking them both with request

" are you sure you only get this one choice think carefully now" said the female

" she's right are you are you really sure you want this choice" send the male

" I'm sure of my choice this is what I want the only thing I want from you two it's just a blessed to blade" I said to them

"very well then we will shall make a forge along with the materials needed to make a sword" said the female voice

I heard rumbling in the room as a shook and trembled as I see a forge coming from the ground in front of me at moderate speed until finally about five seconds later it emerged

as I go in I grabbed all the tools that I'm going to need to forge my blade the next part i'm doing what Harry Potter has done well the fanfiction ones I read as I held out my hand hovering over the materials to see which materials resonate with me i had no reason to do this I just wanted to see what the fuss was about

as I was about to give up I felt something very peculiar so I found that feeling that involved a piece of metal normally I did not see these but these two metals looked weird none of the NA metal i seen in my life but I picked them up anyway

now I did the same thing but this time to the wood just select the metal before these two Woods are different from the ones i seen in my life

now that I looked closer to the things I picked out I looked at the two metals the one in my left as a red and green sheen to it and the one on my right it has a dark but yellow tint to it

with the wood to my left it looked like a oak tree but not but doesn't even look like a willow tree it look like a combination of the two with the wood on my right it looked like yew had child with the elder tree

as I set them down I had to grab a finishing touch like wax and whatever else is here I close my eyes and let my feelings guide me to the things I need to finish my blades as I walked with my hand held out few minutes later I had everything now look at look at the two different polish

The one my right had a darken sheen to it no one on my left had a blood red look to it I set the rest of the things I had gathered and began forging my blade but the two quenching oils ready in the tanks like the others had two different colors as I began with the red and green one piece of metal I draw them out hammered it out straight as it can be then my feelings guide the shape of the blade once I had desired outcome without my feelings into account I quenched it into the blood red And venomous green color quenching oil

after the blade is finished after the quenching the oil all the other steps were finished all I had to do was make the hilt I followed my feeling while holding the blade to it's matching wood which led me to the yew like wood

as I finished the first blade I beheld it like a child as I stared at its beauty the blade itself top part of the blade is Crimson Red well the edges mixed color of green and red we're a very sharp serrated edge

"I shall name this blade blood venom" I said in pride as I felt the blade pulse with power I cannot comprehend

I finish my second drawing out of my other metal and quenched it in a dark yellow oil as I grabbed the wood that would that would be its handle at I fitted it on I finally decided to Polish both the blades after I appraise this new blade I made

as I looked at it seen it's color for all its splendor as see the top part of the blade is mostly dark with hints of yellow in it but blade well the sharp part of it has a yellow edge with dark patterned here and there like a small net

" I shall call you oathkeepers guardian" I said with more pride as the blade glowed with more power then my other blade like a child trying to keep it's parent's attention

I polished blood venom with a red coating after the Polish was done were for this blade I went to the next I polished oathkeepers guardian with a dark coating as I finished up I made two regular sheaths to hold my two katana like blades as I fashioned them on my belt once I was sure they were secured I walked out the forge

" about time what took you so long" said the male voice as I hear tapping with impatience

" calm down my friend making a blade ain't easy it takes time and patience to make a blade as personalized to you" said the female voice with wisdom

as they look at me they notice the two blades with a hint of surprise that I had two swords their appraise the two blades for their worth as they the Energy that pulse from them

" well well well what interesting surprise May we see the blades" said the male voice

I handed them the blades I have forged as they both on sheath them the male had my blood venom and the female had my oath keeper

" interesting I never thought these metal will choose anyone what you have here in this blade it's called blood venom steel what this steel does it launches a blood red flame if the opponent is further away that you can't cut the venom part is when you cut the person you inject a small lethal dose of venom that won't take effect until nothing enough of it is in the system then they die in a most agonizing way very slowly" said the male to me

" and what you have here in this blade you forged it's called the oblivion guard steel it takes oaths and protections very seriously" said the female to me

as they handed it back both my swords to me after they blessed them and said this to me in a very powerful of voice that made me want to obey and kneel to them in reverence

" now the name of sword style to complete it so you can train be warn names have power if you're not strong enough to give name wait until you do have to strength mortal" they both said to me in a booming and powerful voices the strength of them it's on imaginable if it's just these two in here I shudder to think who else will show up would they be stronger or would they be weaker thats a scary thought


next time the next chapter the name of the style the power of the void and nearly unbeatable enemy


"so you are my opponent this will be fun I will destroy you and I will be reborn" laughed evilly a unknown male voice

"I will surpass you whatever it takes I will win I I will prove myself I deserve this chance in new life and this new reality even at the cut you down to a molecular level" I said to my opponent

"dark flash" I cried out and sent out Dark Blade of Energy with the intent to kill