
One Piece: Man of Steel(Paused)

A kryptonian accidentally arrives in the One Piece world. What changes will he bring to the world?

ConDOriano · 漫画同人
25 Chs

Impending Doom

As the Gorosei dismissed the meeting, Spandine was practically bouncing with excitement, eager to show off his skills and make a name for himself. He approached Sengoku with a wide grin on his face. "Did you see that, Admiral? We're going to destroy the island and all those pesky archaeologists once and for all!" he exclaimed.

On the other hand, Sengoku felt a sense of guilt weighing on his shoulders. He had seen the devastation that a Buster Call could cause, and he knew that the innocent people of Ohara would pay the price for their pursuit of knowledge. He lingered behind, his mind racing with thoughts of his impending mission. He knew that this was a chance to prove himself, to show his worth to the World Government and consolidate his position as the Fleet Admiral. His mentor and formal Admiral Kong had always taught him that sometimes sacrifices had to be made for the greater good.

As he left the room, he was met with a familiar face. Monkey D. Garp, the Marine Hero and his friend stood waiting for him.

"Sengoku," Garp said, his voice cold and calculating. "I assume you've been given the mission to lead the Buster Call on Ohara."

Sengoku nodded; his expression grim. "Yes, Garp. The decision has been made by the Gorosei, and I must carry it out."

Garp's eyes narrowed, and he stepped closer to Sengoku. "You know what this means, don't you? You'll be responsible for the deaths of countless innocent people, including children. Is this really what you want?"

Sengoku flinched, feeling the weight of Garp's words. He knew that the decision was a difficult one, but he also knew that the World Government needed to maintain its authority and prevent the spread of knowledge that could be dangerous in the wrong hands. "I have a duty to the World Government, Garp. I must carry out my orders, no matter how difficult they may be."

Garp shook his head, his expression was pained. "I can't support this, Sengoku. You know that. But I won't stand in your way either. Just remember this - the decisions we make define who we are. And this decision will haunt you for the rest of your life."

"Also, I will be taking a vacation. I need time to think."

With those words, Garp turned and walked away, leaving Sengoku alone with his thoughts. The weight of his decision felt heavier than ever before, but Sengoku clenched his fist, feeling helpless at this moment.

Meanwhile, on the island of Ohara,

When Jaguar D. Saul opened his eyes, he saw a blurry image of a young blue-haired girl cautiously watching him from a distance. He slowly sat up, groaning in pain as he did so. His leg was injured and he felt thirsty, luckily the girl helped him reach a stream. She also secretly brought him bread and fruits from the village. Slowly the giant and the young girl became friends, one was lonely and didn't have any friends in the village and Saul was happy to have someone to converse with. After he recovered a little, he started making a raft to reach Ohara, still oblivious to the fact that he was on that island itself.

Nico was happy to have made a new giant friend, he claimed to be different from the giants in Elbaf and asked her not to tell anyone in the town about him. What's more interesting was his funny laugh.

"Dereshishishi", she tried to mimic his laugh as she was returning back to the town. A sweet smile bloomed as she remembered Saul complimenting her smile and asking her to laugh more often, it was the first time she received such a compliment.

For the next few days, she visited the gentle giant every day, he would tell interesting about the Grand Line and how many people like her had eaten devil fruits. Robin was surprised and happy to know that she was not some kind of monster like her aunt and the kids in the town said.


Nico Olvia was a woman on a mission. As a scholar and an archaeologist, she had always been passionate about uncovering the true history of the world. She had spent years studying the Poneglyphs, ancient stones that held the key to the Void Century, a period of history that the World Government had tried to erase from the records.

But as she delved deeper into her research, Nico began to realize the dangers that came with the pursuit of knowledge. The World Government was willing to go to any lengths to keep the secrets of the Void Century buried, including the use of force. All her fellow scholars on the expedition ships were brutally hunted down by the Marines. She survived only to be captured by the Marines and imprisoned. Luckily, she met marine vice admiral Jaguar D. Saul who freed her from the prison and informed her about the impending doom of Ohara.

Nico knew that her colleagues on the island of Ohara were in grave danger. She knew that she had to warn her colleagues and get them to safety before it was too late. She navigated the small ship at full speed through the rough seas, as she made her way to Ohara, Nico couldn't help but think of her young daughter, Nico Robin. She had left Robin in the care of her brother and sister-in-law, believing that her research would help create a better world for her daughter to live in. But now, she feared that she may never see her daughter again.

Meanwhile at a nearby Naval Base:

The air was thick with tension and the sound of cannons being loaded. Men in naval uniforms were running around arming themselves with guns. Rows of battleships were lined up in formation, their masts towering high above the water. The crews scurried about, carrying out their orders with a sense of urgency. On the deck of the flagship, Spandine and CP9 members stood with stern expressions, watching the preparations with scrutiny.

As the sun began to set, the fleet set sail, moving in a straight line towards Ohara. The waters churned beneath the ships, their wakes leaving a foamy trail behind them. The air was filled with the sound of the ships' horns and the creaking of their wooden hulls. On the deck of each ship, Marine Vice Admirals stood at attention, their faces set in grim determination ready for action at a moment's notice.


A/N: Guyss! I'm back and my exams are over!!

Q: Whom should I save in Ohara? Give your opinions.

Note: Guys! Sengoku was not true Buddha, he only ate a devil fruit and his justice is only for the masses. I thinks that's quite ironic and its meant to be that way. For those who said I "did Sengoku so dirty", here are the facts: he never questioned the Government until cover-up of impel down incident. He was a loyal dog of the WG till then, and I don't think I did Sengoku dirty. He couldn't even control Akainu from blowing up the evacuation ship as a Fleet Admiral, so much for a buddha. L move.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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