
The Nightmare

Time started flying by

Galan thought about it and sent Olvia to live on an island in secret before continuing his plans, as expected the World Government barred him from his Blues Cleansing plans.

The time went on and Luffy accept the Warlord offer sailing around before arriving at Sabaody where he met a celestial dragon, they started fighting before the Straw hats were wiped out by Borsalino and died.

Galan couldn't do anything about this and continued on his mission. His SWORD Division finally took down Linlin while a pirate alliance took down Kaido before being destroyed by Shanks.

Newgate and Shanks allied themselves with Dragon and Galan finally started his plan of raiding Mariejois, sending the entire Marine fleet to the city, meeting the Revolution on the way.

They fought for 3 days and nights before Galan was the only one left, standing over 5 corpses, bleeding all over the place, missing an arm and losing his left eye.

Just as he thought it was over, a man walked out from the Palace and laughed victoriously, beating Galan to the ground before revealing that Olvia was in his hands! Galan was shocked and the man threw to the ground, cackling as he tore her clothes from her body…

Galan's eyes were bloodshot as he couldn't move, staring in shock and horror, feeling weak and small… Olvia reached out to him and whimpered "Help… me…" as her body flashed from Olvia to his mother over and over again.

Galan tried to move but the man ended her in much the same way before turning to Galan and cackling "A shame… A delicious woman like this was killed… But you'll help me rebuild everything, Galan. I can use a good dog like you! KAHAHAHAH!"

The man grabbed Galan's neck and squeezed tight, laughing as the entire top of the Red Line was covered in corpses and flames!

Galan sat up abruptly covered in a cold sweat, his body shivering, his eyes wide and unfocused… He propped himself up with his hands, pressing against the bed as he breathed short and quick breaths, hyperventilating.

Every part of his body was wrought with fear.

Just because he did the things that he did, it didn't mean he wasn't scared.

However this fear wasn't for himself…

He swallowed and looked to the side, seeing Olvia's beautiful figure sleeping on her side with a sweet smile on her face. Maybe she was having a beautiful dream?

Galan turned back and held his hands in front of him, looking at them shake. He slowly clenched them and silently got out of bed. He gently walked out of the room, not making a single sound.

Walking down the stairs and opening the cupboard, looking at the whiskey bottles. He reached out a shaky hand and grabbed a few with his fingers before walking out of the house, onto the beach.

He passed the chairs and fell to his knees on the shore, just far enough for the water to not reach him. He sat on his calves and drank from the whiskey bottle, staring out into the sea in a daze, the nightmare not coming out of his head at all.

As though it was stuck there.

He couldn't get rid of it, no matter what.

Tears dripped for his eyes and he cried loudly, smashing his fist on the sand, blowing out a hole. The crashing waves drowned out his loud crying and desparte roars as he threw the Whiskey bottle at the sea in anger and grief, making it disappear over the horizon in an instant.

His hands propped him up on the sand in front of him as he collapsed while crying, the other bottles he brought, scattered all around him.

Why did everything he care for always collapse?

Everything he touched always turned to ash in front of him!

Galan pressed his forehead to the sand and screamed out his sadness, tears exploding from his eyes, wetting the sand under him.

Everything was his fault… It's always his fault…

It would be better if he didn't exist…

All these thoughts swarmed Galan's mind and echoed around…

Just jump into the sea and disappear…

Nobody will miss you!

Their lives are ruined because of you!

You're cursed!

Suddenly, soft white arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him up. Galan froze as Olvia rested her head on his, whispering softly "It's okay now… I'm here." his face twitched and his lips quivered as tears rolled down his cheeks, reaching up with shaking hands, gently touching her fingers.

Her fingers intertwined with his as her soft and gentle voice rang once more, "I'm here… I'm not going anywhere…" while kissing his head and getting on her knees. She hummed softly and held his hands, her soft humming calming him down with a wordless song.

Galan slowly returned to normal, staring at the sea as the nightmares disappeared like smoke, only the soft sounds of her humming ringing in his ears.

Most of the night was spent like this, even as the sun started rising, coloring the sky in a dark blue hue…

Olvia slowly fell asleep again, still humming in a daze… Galan held her hands and felt her drifting off. He turned around and hugged her body, picking her up like a princess as she leaned on him with her eyes closed, humming coming from her mouth.

He looked up at the sky that was slowly brightening before walking into the house with an expressionless face.

He walked up the stairs and laid Olvia in the bed, dusting off the sand on her beforehand.

He pulled the sheet over her body and her lips formed a smile, hugging the sheets and curling up. Galan's hands halted and he looked at her for a moment before gently moving her hair out of her face.

He hesitated for a second before leaning over and kissing her forehead. Her smile warmed tenderly and she mumbled something incomprehensible, turning over. Galan straightened back out and left the room.

She didn't need to know his feelings.

He stood outside the house and looked up at the sky, his fists clenched. He was going to let her out of his sight. She didn't have to know how he really felt about her, because he was going to slaughter every single piece of shit on Mariejois.

To Galan, this was a suicide missions, his dreams only confirmed it.

He had considered making her leave, but this wasn't safe. She needed to stay with him, and close! Never leave his side. Not once.

He closed his eyes and felt very selfish.

He was using her feelings for him to keep her around even though he was determined to die… But…

He unclenched his fists and looked at the sky, feeling a sense of liberation. She would be safe with her daughter after he was dead because he would be taking all the evil in this world with him to hell.

He knew that they wouldn't go to the same place after death.

But he was glad to do it, he couldn't forgive himself for everything he's done. Whether intentional or not, innocent people have been hurt by his decisions… He was just a hypocrite who wore a mask of justice to kill what he viewed as evil…

He will embrace his own suffering with open arms in hell, this he was sure of.

But right now… He was unable to die, no matter what.

Not only to save every child who was like him, but for her.

She might hate him after, curse him, stomp on his corpse, turn his bones to ashes and scatter them, but… at least she would be safe. And that was all Galan could hope for…