
One Piece Gold List: The Strongest Teacher!

Follow Rifan our mc on the world of pirates as he changes the fate of his disciples. —read the Auxiliary for more info. .... ... ... ... [Tl/n: Support us on our Patreon if you want to read more chapters. [Patre0n.com/LazySeeker]] We're recruiting! We're looking for talented individuals to join our team to help us pump out high-quality chapters and pick up new series! Our current open positions are: > *Translators* > - 1$ per chapter > - Must be fluent in English, no previous translation experience is required so long as you pass our test. If you have any questions or want to submit the test, dm me on my discord: MyYandereWife#6736 Ps: There are still two open spots.

Novelette_Seeker · 漫画同人
571 Chs

Chapter 386: Shirahoshi Prowess—!

'This girl, is she planning something!?'

Seeing that Shirahoshi was still talking to her father and brother, Hody Jones was enraged in his heart, raising the trident in his hand and piercing it towards Neptune's abdomen.

He didn't have the idea of killing Neptune; Hody Jones just wanted to warn Shirahoshi.

However, his warning was clearly aimed at the wrong person.

The moment he raised the trident in his hand, a huge, turbulent column of water appeared out of nowhere at the feet of Hody and his companions.

Directly rushed Hody and others to hundreds of meters high.

"Dragon Slayer Magic, Water Dragon's Water Burst Sprout!"

Shirahoshi's soft voice came into the ears of Neptune and others.

"It's okay, Father and brothers, you are safe."

Shirahoshi came to Neptune and the others, and the strong chain tied to Neptune and the others were squeezed lightly by Shirahoshi, and it broke directly.

"That's awesome! But what happened just now? Why did a water column rise from Hody and others' feet!?"

"I know! That blue magic circle is the power of Princess Shirahoshi! But when did she put the magic circle at the feet of Hody and others?!"

"It should be that Princess Shirahoshi is too fast, so we didn't see it!"

Seeing King Neptune and others escape and Hody Jones and others smashed heavily on the ground, the residents of the Fish-Man island finally felt utterly relieved.

In contrast, the pirates of the new fish-man pirate group, as well as those human pirates who were captured by Hody Jones and others, were trembling, and they didn't even dare to look directly at Shirahoshi.

"It turns out that Shirahoshi mobilized the water vapor in the air at the feet of Hody and others."

Jinbei muttered softly.

When Shirahoshi was talking with Hody and the others, Jinbei felt that there was water vapor around Shirahoshi flowing towards the feet of Hody and the others.

This subtle flow of water vapor can't be felt by ordinary people, but Jinbei, who has practiced fish-man karate to the highest level, can clearly sense it.

"Shirahoshi, you…" Neptune looked at the fallen Hody and others and then at Shirahoshi.

"Father, leave it to me here." Shirahoshi smiled, "Don't worry, I have the strength taught by Teacher Rifan to cope with the current situation."

With that, Shirahoshi passed Neptunes' group and floated towards Hody and others.

"Damn it, you bastard!" Hody cursed angrily, put his hands on the ground, got up with difficulty, and looked at Shirahoshi with resentment.

"Hody Jones, repent; I'll give you three seconds." Shirahoshi's hands were closed, and a golden light gradually gathered and shone in her palm. "Whether it is what you did to my mother or what you are doing now."

"Repent? Why should I repent?!" Hody Jones waved his hand angrily, took out a handful of white medicine from his arms and stuffed it directly into his mouth. "ALL I DID WAS RIGHT; I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!"

A large number of poisons entered Hody Jones' body, squeezing his body's potential completely.

Hody Jones exuded a violent aura and vanished in his position as he charged at Shirahoshi.

"I don't care if you are Rifan's disciple. Die!"

Seeing Hody Jones, who opened his blood basin and rushed towards him, Shirahoshi pursed his lips:




"Time is up, Great Magic [Fairy Law], go!"


Accompanied by Shirahoshi's stern soft voice, a large and mysterious golden magic circle with a diameter of more than 100 meters appeared above the square of the fish-man island.

The next moment, the golden brilliance enveloped everyone's sight.

"What is this.., this is, ah ah ah!"

Hody Jones blocked his hands in front of him, but he couldn't stop the brilliance of the Great Magic of Punishment.

He, along with his companions, fell into endless pain.

A few seconds later, when Shirahoshi put away her magic power, all the golden light dissipated.

All the residents, including Neptune, the princes and Jinbei, found that both members of the new fish-man pirate group such as Hody Jones and the human pirates all fell to the ground and passed out.

"She won?!"

"Princess Shirahoshi won. She rescued the King, defeated Hody Jones, and defeated these human pirates! It's great!"

"Thanks to Princess Shirahoshi, we won!"

"Princess Shirahoshi, Princess Shirahoshi!"

The residents of Fish-Man island were shocked and cheered excitedly, shouting Shirahoshi's name.

At this moment, Shirahoshi is the hero in the hearts of all residents of Fish-Man island.

"Princess Shirahoshi, what did you do just now?" Jinbei walked quickly to Shirahoshi's side because even Jinbei was so surprised that his body was also shaking from fear just now when he felt that brilliance!

"What was that just now? I obviously felt that some powerful force was approaching me, but I didn't suffer any harm?"

Hearing Jinbei's words, Neptune and others looked at Shirahoshi with the same confusion.

Like Jinbei, they are also very curious.

"Um, it is called the Great Magic [Fairy Law] taught by Teacher Rifan." Shirahoshi smiled slightly. "Boss Jinbei doesn't have to worry about it. Although [Fairy Law] has a huge scope, it will only hit those I deem my enemies and won't hurt you."