
Rusukaina Island!!


The Gorgan sisters and Frost arrived at the secluded area. Both of Hancock's sisters were puzzled along the way, this was because of Frost's sudden appearance and the way their sister was acting towards him. They just kept cool and would get to the bottom of this problem later, this didn't make any sense to them.

"This is the place, there is no one here. My sister's there is something that I need to tell you now." Hancock announced to her sister. Both of Hancock's sisters towered over her and Frost, Frost recalled how marigold looked when she was young, What happened to her appearance!?

Boa began to tell them everything that occurred, this also included the mark on her back being erased. Hancock then showed them her back which was as clean as a whistle. The 2 younger sisters were shocked beyond words, How could this be!?

"I see, so he came in through the roof of the palace and you guys had a mini-conflict. Is he really as you say, Hancock?" Marigold questioned as she whispered to her sisters, the sisters were happy about the mark being removed but did he have any skills other than a miracle worker? Frost had good hearing and could hear their so to speak "secret" conversation. Frost, in order to let them know where he stood in power, released Conquers Haki all around the area. A loud buzzing sound could be heard in the air as the scenery around changed in color.

The Haki blast even spread outside where people were walking and minding their own business. Large crowds of people started to faint out of nowhere, this scared and panicked the people. However, The Gorgan sister had no idea that this was taking place outside, they were to busy staring at Frost with complete shock, he has a conquers spirit!? Their thoughts of him being only some miracle worker who got fortunate died instantly.

"Well, my friends, what do you think? Do you still think I am some clown who got lucky?" Frost grinned as he stared at the 2 sisters who held some contempt for him when he first met them. The contempt they had for him already faded when Hancock announced what he did but they still questioned him!

"N...No, We wouldn't think that at all, we're sorry!" Both the sister said in unison, the way they thought of Frost had completely changed.

"Alright, Let's get to the point. Reveal your backs so I can start removing the mark that has been placed on it. I think we can be allies and friends from here on, What do you think Hancock, hehe!" Frost said as he switched his gaze to Hancock. Hancock was still in a stupor, she had never been this surprised in one day before. After seeing that Frost was looking at her she came out of her dumbfoundedness and nodded like a chicken eating grain off the ground.

"Yes, Yes, we can definitely become good friends and allies!" Hancock said after she was nodding. Frost then walked towards the two sisters who exposed their marks. The sisters were quite tall, so frost had float upward to get to the mark. He decided to mess around with Sandersonia back by massage in a weird way similar to what he did to Hancock.

"Ah!" Sandersonia shook from the strange movements of Frost's hand. Frost simply loved messing with women in this way. The moan makes him laugh inside all the time, their reactions are just too good. Hancock was biting her lips seeing what was taking place, he should only to that to me!? The process was finally over after 5 minutes when it could have ended sooner than that.

"Well then, since we are allies, I can give you guys some decent weapons and more. I also would like to go to Rusukaina island to train afterward." Frost didn't bother about Sandersonia Red face off to the side and said what he wanted to say.

"That island is pretty dangerous. The marines and other forces don't even bother with it, it is like the island doesn't exist since no one ever goes to it." Hancock said after listening to Frost. The island was the place Luffy trained at during the time skip, so he knew it would be rewarding if he trained there.

"I am fine with that. I can put down a special teleportation Pad here, and once you take me there you can Teleport back and forth anytime you want." Frost then began to tell her more about it. The Gorgan sisters were shocked again, how could such technology exist!? They understood and decided to leave the secluded area. The Gorgan sisters wanted to set the teleportation pad up in a better place than here.

They were going to set it up in the Palace that is. They walked outside but was greeted with the sight of people carrying fainted people. This was clearly what frost had did earlier, frost started to sweat, he didn't know he released so much Haki to this degree! Hancock only looked at the sight for second before proceeding forward without a care. Hancock looked calm on the outside but she was very happy on the inside, she was jumping for joy with red cheeks as she thought. 'Ah! He is so amazing at such a young age, I must have Him!'

They shortly arrived at the palace, They sat the Teleportation pad in a private area within the palace. Hancock agreed to take him to the island, her 2 sisters can wait until they set up the pad from the other side later. "Alright, let's go, my ship is over this way, we shouldn't encounter any problem on our Mini-Journey." Hancock said as she led Frost to the ship. Honestly, he wanted to use his teleportation device, but he didn't know the coordinates, even if he did, the device was having problems due to his last battle with Redbull.

Author Note: Let's Make things a little Faster. :)

It didn't take them long to arrive on the island. The island had flat top trees with huge Volcanoes on it, they were all exuding smoke from them as if they would explode at any moments. Boa stated that this island was dangerous according to Kuja Standards. There was once a civilization that used to dwell here but died out due to the harsh environmental conditions, leaving powerful animals behind.

"Alright, I will set the pad in a more appropriate place." Frost then checked the system store, he wanted to see if he could buy a house in the system store. It turns out that he could indeed buy a house from the system store, it was after all a fantasy system. Hancock would have ended up staying here if Frost didn't tell her she had a job she needed to do. Hancock looked a Frost reluctantly before asking boldly.

"Um, is it possible for us to get married, I know this is sudden but I believe you are the one." Boa said righteously without care. Frost looked at Boa in surprise, he just met her, How could she think he was the one!? He did recall that Luffy really didn't do much and won her affection without even being aware of it. Boa Hancock face was red and she was breathing haggardly under frost's gaze, awaiting his answer with expectant eyes.

"Uh" Frost was little speechless, he couldn't get involved in relationships now. He had to set a solid foundation for himself before even thinking of such things. "I can't now, I am only 14 years old. How about in the future we could but now I can't since I am a pirate and would be really busy." Frost wasn't against the idea of marriage but wouldn't do so now. Boa put her head down for a moment, she seemed to be in deep thought. Boa then nodded with a huge smile on her face, accompanied by her red cheeks.

"Alright, from now on you are my fiance and anyone who hurts you has to answer to me!" Hancock stated loudly while holding her waist. Frost sighed and told her he needed to train now, Boa nodded and Boarded her ship, sailing away.

"Shit, what did I get myself in to!? I was supposed to be a pirate with a carefree life. Well, she is a beauty, I should always have back up anyway. I don't recall Hancock being so bold though, is it because she is younger now." He didn't remember anywhere in the show that Hancock could be so straight forward in the romance category. Hancock was extremely naive when it came to such a subject, but once she got hitched by someone, she would be truly dedicated to them.

"Well, Let's see what this island has to offer. I will only be here for about 9 months then I am hitting the road." Frost planned to go to Logue town after he picked up his crew, but before that, he would drop by his base to check things out. Just as he was walking while thinking of these things, a beast roar could be heard nearby as it was approaching.

ROOOAOAOAAR" Frost stopped, and what came into his view was a huge Green Elephant. The beast was about 4 times bigger than any Elephant recorded on earth. The ground shook with every step it took, it was a walking disaster! Frost then used his appraisal ability to scout its strength.

Name: Green Calamity Elephant

Age: 69

Strength: 20000

Defense: 28,000

Stamina: 19,500

Dexterity: 5000

Speed: 17,000

Will: 7000

Charm: 2

Luck: 3

Devil Fruit:



Unstoppable Charge:(Low-Lv10) Tusk Crucify:(Low-Lv5)

Earth Scattering Stomp: (Intermediate-Lv2) Armored Body:(Low-Lv9)

"Damn it to hell! What the hell are those stats!?" The Elephant defense was simply too high, could he even hurt it!? Then he thought about the combined might of Haki and his tremor ability. The Elephant wouldn't be able to harm him anyway since he was a Logia user.

The Elephant looked around and spotted the tiny figure of Frost, disdain flashed in its eyes. The Elephant then roared and charged towards frost, shaking the ground as it approached him at an unstoppable speed. Frost saw the disdain in its eyes at that moment and was annoyed. 'How dare you disdain me!!' Frost thought to himself.

Frost immediately had an idea. Frost then used his Ice ability towards the ground, freezing it over. The Elephant was shocked, it wanted to stop but how could it stop its huge body just like that. The elephant panicked but it was already too late. The Elephant ran over the ice, the sight made frost burst into the laughter. The Elephant looked like a fool as it slipped on the ice landing on it back, it looked like a beetle that couldn't get it footing as its legs were kicking at swift speeds in air.

"AHAHA! You should be beetle Elephant instead, you're the shame of all beast on this island" Frost looked at the Elephant with contempt. The Elephant wasn't stupid, it knew what frost was saying and was Enraged being ridiculed by this ant-like existence. 'HOW DARE YOU!!' The Elephant thought to itself.

The Elephant managed to get back on its feet but right after, it ended up doing the splits. This caused the elephant to yell out in pain, due to its crouch and doing the splits. "hahaha, Fuck, that has got to hurt!" Frost then continued "Fatty Elephant if you listen to me and become my pet, I can help you. If not then, you can slip until you die!" Frost said with a smile on his face.

The Elephant really wanted to stomp this human out if it had the chance.

'Pet, fuck you!'

The Elephant eyes turned red from rage but what came after nearly scared it to death. Frost just nodded and turned in to a huge Balrog. "Well, Since you won't comply, I will make you my breakfast, lunch, and Dinner!" Frost then Formed a flaming whip in his hand, he then swung it toward the Elephants huge ass. "ROAR!!" The Elephant cried out, it surprisingly had tears in its eyes, this was too humiliating for it. Frost was using Haki on it as he was doing this, this caused the Elephant to go into fear like state.

Frost did this for 10 minutes straight, the once tough Elephant had now turned into a little wussy. "So, do you now agree to become my pet or what? If not, then we can continue our lessons." Frost had no intention of eating this elephant, he just wanted to scare it. The elephant agreed immediately, frost released it from its torment and hoped on it back.

"Good, Very good, You are still tough enough to stand. Lead me into the forest, I must kill more animals to strengthen myself and to let everyone know who's the new boss around here!" Frost said while pointing towards the general direction he wanted to go in. The Elephant was sweating from fear a rushed off to the place frost pointed to.



There were high officials in a meeting room gathered together to talk about the current situation.

"Sengoku, we've been having problems with this unknown organization called GodBless. A man with the same ability as Admiral Akainu has attacked a base in the North blue. The man had another person with him. The girl had the same Devil Fruit ability as the Spade Pirate captain in the East blue, sir, what is going on here?" The Vice Admiral asked in shocked, they had already dealt with some guy that had a poisonous ability that was the same as that Impel down Warden, how can they have duplicate abilities!?

"Vice Admiral, mind your tone while addressing the Fleet Admiral, do you want to get arrested!?" Monmonga said in annoyance, the other Vice admiral shut his mouth immediately.

"This is indeed strange, 1 month ago there was a massacre at Goa kingdom in the name of GodBless. I think this is a new rising organization that will soon be a problem for us to deal with. I need to you guys find out more information about this organization, anything would be good, I need answers quickly." Sengoku said, completely ignore the out of line vice admiral as he continued. "Also, Where is Garp?" Sengoku said afterward

"Ah, Garp said he would be waiting around Logue town for a bit to wait for someone. He said he had to see someone off when they finally got there, he never said who though." Vice Admiral Monmonga stated afterward. The Admirals were quiet for a minute until Kizara spoke up.

"Im~sure~we~will~find~this~organization~and~destroy~it~before~it~is~allowed~to~grow,~so there~is~no~need~to~worry." Kizara said, speaking in his normal lazy tone. Sengoku nodded but was still slightly worried, this group was specifically targeting the marines and nobles, would they attack the World Nobles Next!?

"Send out my order, Send out rear Admirals to each sea and each marine post for guarding purposes, I dont believe we can't suppress these terrorists. We already have the revolutionary army to worry about, now we have some new threat that is actually directly attacking us, how absurd!" Sengoku said with vain popping out if his head, he didn't feel like dealing with those world noble if they ended up being attacked by this unknown organization. Everyone nodded and left the room after talking about other matters for about an hour.


Rusukaina Island

"Haha, little lion, die for me!" Frost said as he sent a laser towards the lion that tried to ambush him. Frost had been killing animals for some time now and was stuffing them into his storage ring. The lion died on the spot when the laser pierced its head, frost smile and threw it into his storage. The Elephant was shocked, the elephant was well aware that the lion was strong and he himself would battle for a while with it before he won. How in the world could it get one shot like that!?

"Well then, I better stop killing now. I will have to truly train myself for these next 9 months!" Frost said, he then concluded his killing, heading to a quieter area if there was one.

Enjoy! I don't upload on the weekends.

I was thinking of making another light novel.

The novel would, of course, be a system.

It would be dragon ball Z where a man is reincarnated as Raditz, 2 years before heading to earth to recruit Goku.

Tell me your thoughts!

Happy Reading! :D

ChampionOfEternitycreators' thoughts