

After the war, Jack and the others went back to East Blue and held a funeral for those who had been lost. Inside the main Adventurer's building in Foosha, Jack built a memorial wall with their names engraved on it. Dragon had actually liked the idea, as it would let the soldiers know that even if they died they would never be forgotten, and asked Jack to find him more of the shining black stone he had used and give it to him.

People celebrated, then they cried, then celebrated again, drinking to the memories of their fallen. Jack figured there must be people drinking all over the world in sorrow at the loved ones they had lost during the war, but he couldn't be bothered to feel sorry for them. He had given them all the chance to get out when they could, and it's not like it was a secret that they worked for scum, so he couldn't bring himself to feel any guilt over what he had done.

The weeks after the 'Fall of Justice' as many had come to call the battle between the Adventurer's and Marines, had the world up in chaos. Pirates began to sprout seemingly from thin air all over the world, each man or woman wanting to get a chance at the war for dominance that would be taking place within the year.

The East and North Blue's were mostly quiet, as the WMP had a firm hold over them, but the same couldn't be said for the West and South Blue's. With them being on the other side of the Grand Line, it was almost impossible for Dragon to send his men to keep the crimes in check. Thankfully he had the Adventurer's to rely on, as well as a few of his own new powerhouses.

After the war, Jack and the others didn't just sit on their asses. They raided Marine bases all over the world, converting a large portion of them to WMP bases. Over 80% of the marines around the world had wanted to join the WMP, stating they wanted to protect the people of the world, or at the very least their own homes.

To help cement the WMP's hold on the world, Jack gathered up some of the best and brightest he could find, then had Viola go through their minds to make sure they weren't secretly some sick twisted fucks before he gave them powerful Devil Fruits.

Funny enough, one of the people was Trafalgar Law. After he learned of Doflamingo's death he had sought out Jack, and it was there he met Sengoku. The two of them had a heart to heart, and somehow Sengoku managed to talk him into joining the WMP instead of the Adventurer's.

As a sort of sign on bonus, Jack had even given the man the Calm-Calm Fruit, which belonged to Rosinante. Law had cried like a little baby when he got the fruit, holding it like a father would a newborn child.

Tashigi also joined the WMP with the full support of Jack and the rest of Dark Phoenix. They all knew how she was perfect for that role, even Smoker agreed. Jack told her she would always be welcome with them, and no matter what she did, she would always be a Phoenix.

Her morality code was a big deciding factor, and it was exactly what the WMP were looking for. With the help of the Barrier-Barrier Fruit she would no doubt become a monster in her own right, and it was ideal for protecting people.

The Glint-Glint fruit and Magma-Magma Fruit were given to two young soldiers who honestly scared Jack a little. One was a boy younger than he was with an insane talent with the spear, about as tall as he was with a strong build, blonde hair, was quite clever, and truly wanted to help the world. His name was Ajax.

The other was a short woman, standing about 5 foot nothing, green hair, basically a human calculator with a love for firearms that rivaled that of even Nojiko, with a devotion that surpassed the boy. Her name was Canna. Both of them had been former slaves who had been freed during the raid on the Holy City by Jack, but rather than join the Adventurer's Association, they wanted to make sure no one ever had to suffer as they had.

The boy was given the Magma-Magma Fruit, while the girl was given the Glint-Glint Fruit. Jack, Luke, Garp, and Rayleigh worked with the two of them personally, honing their abilities to an insane degree.

Something that almost made Jack die of laughter was who Smoker had given Aokiji's fruit to. A young pink-haired boy with glasses named Coby. Jack wasn't sure why Smoker chose him, or even how Smoker knew of him in the first place, but the boy had eaten the fruit. He was also being trained by Smoker personally, though he was adamant on joining the WMP, much to Dragon's delight.

Jack and Luke also went out without anyone else's knowledge and raided Impel Down. Every crime the 'Criminals' had ever done was listed, and Jack had to say he was shocked at some of the crimes people were charged with.

The vast majority of them were being held here for the sole reason they didn't pay the 'Heavenly Tribute' to the Dragons, which was stupid as shit. There were a few murderers, though upon finding out that 99% of them were defending themselves, Jack could only shake his head.

The prison was a true hell for most people, being tortured in excruciating different ways on a daily basis, all because they were defending themselves. There were some true demented fucks who actually did belong here, but neither Jack nor Luke saw a reason why most of them should have been here in the first place.

With the Marines being done for, Jack didn't see a reason why the guards would still be here, so this was one of the first things he did, making sure the prisoners wouldn't get out and cause more chaos to the world than it was already dealing with.

What ended up happening was Jack and Luke slaughtered every Rapist and butcher, killing the true vial of the people in the prison, which led to them getting a large number of Devil Fruits while at the same time gathering a few people who should have never been here to begin with.

Not many of the people they freed wanted anything to do with protecting the people of this world, but they wouldn't do anything to go against the people of the world either. Mostly everyone that was freed was just happy to be free, and many of them got to go back to their families.

Impel Down was still the most secure prison in the world, it being in the middle of a Calm Belt, so Jack figured they would keep it to house prisoners there in the future. The higher ranked guards were all sadists who took pleasure in torturing the prisoners, and Jack was frankly sure they were worse than the criminals. Most of the prison staff was alright, but the really sick twisted ones would have to go.

After he and Luke had gotten back to East Blue and shared what they had done, many were shocked to learn what had happened, while others weren't exactly all that surprised. Everyone had their own say on what would happen to the place, but they eventually came up with a good system.

Instead of torturing people, Dragon came up with a way to get quite a bit of use out of the place. After a bit of modification, they would make the prison into a small island with a work yard. The prisoners would have to work off their sentences, though the times all depended on the crimes. Jack couldn't really be bothered with all of the political crap that came with his actions, but Dragon was more than capable to do that for him.

One of the Devil Fruits they obtained in Impel Down was the More-More Fruit, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to increase the speed and size of any objects he/she touches, up to 100 times the objects original parameters. It also allows the user to amplify their own physical speed and strength, making it an extremely destructive fruit.

Jack could see the benefits for this fruit in almost any application, and it was almost frightening how this fruit could be used. For one thing the user could amplify their sight to a degree that would probably even be able to rival Luke's Haki.

There was also the thought of amplifying Haki itself. Jack wasn't sure if that was even possible, but Devil Fruits literally defied the impossible. Sabo was given the More-More Fruit, putting him into a whole different league of his own. He still only held the rank of General, but it would be hard pressed for any of the other Generals to be able to take him down.

Luffy was in love with Sabo's power when Sabo increased the size of a small plate of meat to an unhealthy size, making Luffy's eyes almost pop out of their sockets. Both Luffy and Garp had stuck around Sabo for three days after he got his new power, Garp happier than a pig in shit as he carried around the largest bag of rice crackers the world had ever seen.


With the world in chaos, Jack and Luke would take a few hours each day to go from island to island and make sure things were holding up. All it took was the mention of Luke being on his way to an island for criminals to hide and crime to stop. Once word spread of how he dealt with criminals, and people having witnessed his strength in the war, not many people were willing to stand against him.


(Whitebeard POV)

Weeks after the war, Whitebeard was sitting aboard his ship, the Moby Dick as he read over a newspaper. It was telling about the unjust incarcerations of a few thousand people, and how they had been returned back to their families.

'The brat took over Impel Down... he's moving fast!' Whitebeard thought, putting the paper down. It had been from almost two weeks ago, but no matter how many times he re-read the damn thing it still baffled him.

Picking up the more recent paper, he couldn't help but frown at the sight. It was showcasing the World Military Police's might, and he had to admit that for a newly beginning force, they were shaping up to topple the world.

The ranks went as follows in correlation to that of the former marines and existing Adventurer's Association.

Cadet: E-Rank Adventurer

Lieutenant: Captain----D-Rank

Captain: Commodore----C-Rank

Major: Rear-Admiral----B-Rank

Colonel: Vice-Admiral----A-Rank

Brigadier: Admiral----S-Rank

General: Fleet-Admiral----SS-Rank

(A.N. I know I left out a lot of ranks, but there's no way in hell I'm writing all of that shit down!! As for the SSS-Rank, don't worry about it. I'm not going to have Emperor ranked individuals running around the world like they have always been there!!)

So far the WMP had 6 Generals, 4 Brigadiers, 102 Colonels, 836 Majors, 2,657 Captains, 12,943 Lieutenants, and God only knows how many Cadets! Their numbers might not be as high as the marines were, but they made up for their quantity with quality. Add in the fact that former marines have been joining up with them by the thousands each day and it made for a frightening force.

'The marines only had 3 Admirals, but these guys want at least 12 Generals!!!' Whitebeard thought, reading over how there were 6 more candidates for the General positions, each of them being groomed for their positions.

'I guess it makes sense when the Generals don't answer to snobby geezers who only want to deal with one person!' Whitebeard thought, thinking about the changes that were happening throughout the world.

The New World was already gearing up for the war to come, hell even he was preparing for it, but at this rate it looked like Jack was baiting all of his enemies into one place so he could finish them off in one go.

Thinking back to the last war, if it could even be called that, Whitebeard had to wonder if Jack was going to try any of that shit he pulled last time. The fight had been recorded so he could watch it, as he had been busy keeping Red Hair occupied.

He wasn't sure how Jack knew, but he had guessed it right on the money when he said Shanks was going to try and interfere in the fight. It had only taken a few words and a small clash to calm the brat down, but a part of him wanted to let Shanks go off into the battle.

'If Lin Lin was beaten so easily, how would Shanks have fared?' He wondered, trying to imagine a fight between Shanks and Jack. Shanks and Lin Lin couldn't be compared, as Shanks was outright monstrous, even with one arm. Whitebeard had watched the man go toe-to-toe with Kaido and come out unscathed, and while Kaido may have come out the same as he went in, the same couldn't be said for his crew, unlike Shanks'. The kid didn't climb to the top on his own, having over a dozen men who fought like demons. Then again, so did Jack.

"Hey, Pops!! Check it out!! The Nobles came out with WANTED Posters of Jack and his group!" Thatch shouted as he climbed up to the deck of the ship. "Oh yeah? Let me see!" Whitebeard said, taking the stack of papers and looking at the one on top.


The Shadow Wraith (Jack Sparrow)

$5,500,000,000 berries




The Lightning Demon (Luke Straus)

$4,000,000,000 berries




White Chase Smoker

$2,500,000,000 berries




The Blue Fairy (Nojiko)

$2,000,000,000 berries




The Dancing Treasure (Nami)

$680,500,000 berries




The Demon Child (Nico Robin)

$700,000,000 berries




The Rabid Wolf (Lucian)

$1,000,000,000 Berries




The Demonic Bear (Tedi)

$1,000,000,000 Berries




The Bloody Fish (Nemo)

$750,000,000 berries




Shield Maiden (Tashigi)

$1,200,000,000 berries



There were a few other Wanted Posters in the stack, but Whitebeard didn't recognize any of them, nor were they worth even close to the amount as the main members of Jack's group. Everyone of them were only wanted DEAD, other than the little orange haired girl.

She was wanted alive as well, most likely because some fat fuck had either taken a liking to her looks or her power, which wasn't all that surprising to Whitebeard. Even in the state they were in, the Dragons would continue being the disgusting slobs they were.

Whitebeard was a little annoyed to see that Jack's bounty had surpassed his own bounty of $5,046,000,000, but he was still just shy of Roger's $5,564,800,000. Jack wasn't quite the most Wanted person to have ever existed, but he was coming damn close to being.

Now that he was thinking about it, Whitebeard was wondering how the hell the World Government could even afford bounties like these. Jack pretty much burnt their beloved city to the ground, so where the hell were they getting the money for bounties like these.

He didn't dwell on it too much, and soon after he began to continue his workout. "I'll bet the brat and his friends are going to be laughing at the amount they're worth. Stupid names though!" Whitebeard said before he burst into laughter, prompting everyone else to follow suit.


(Kaido POV)

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Kaido laughed uncontrollably in his weird unique laugh. Ever since Jack had made the claim about the war in two years he had been skeptical, but after reading about the war between Jack and the marines, Kaido had been happier than a pig in shit.

Watching the recording of the war was his favorite pastime, which was why he was in such a good mood. His wet dream was to participate in a war that would see himself killed or destroy the very world itself, whichever came first. Over the last week he had been drinking to his heart's content, ignoring all ideas of trying to stop the war from coming in the future.

Lin Lin had tried to convince him to attack early, but he slapped her right across the face at the idea. Pirates were coming to join both Emperors by the dozens each day, each group gearing up for the war to come. Even the old man Whitebeard said he was going to participate, so there was no way he was going to stop something so exciting from happening.

"Lord Kaido!!" Someone shouted, drawing Kaido's attention away from the video. "What do you want?!!" Kaido asked, his annoyance clear at having been interrupted. "Someone-!! Ahg!!" The underling tried to say, but was interrupted as his throat opened up and blood sprayed everywhere.

Kaido cocked an eyebrow at the sight, his gaze searching for the cause. Suddenly he felt a chill run down his spine and he snapped his gaze to the right of the room where he saw a dark figure standing in the shadows. "It's been a long time... Kaido!" The shadow spoke, his voice freezing Kaido in his tracks.

"You... You should be dead!!" Kaido roared, subconsciously taking a step back. There was no man in the world he feared, at least there shouldn't have been, but the man before him was a monster beyond monsters.

"We need to talk!" The voice said, stepping out of the shadows, revealing himself for who Kaido knew him to be. "C-Captain..."


(Shanks POV)

Reading the paper about the war to come, Shanks was a bit unsure of what he should do. With the marines finished the world was already thrown into chaos, and there wouldn't be much of a reason to go against Jack and the WMP at this point.

If the pirates won the war for dominance then billions of people would suffer, but if the pirates lost then there really wasn't much he could do. Unlike the marines, the WMP wasn't about to give pirates control of a section of the world to let them do whatever they wished, and that included himself as well.

'What will you do next, Sparrow?' He thought as he gazed out over the horizon, his mind going to Jack, then to a dark-haired woman from his past who he actually saw not too long ago. Thinking of Makino, a smile adorned his face, making those who were sitting around him quirk their brows at their captain.

He was brought out of his little happy place a few minutes later, causing him to think back to his original topic. When the war started, he would most likely stay out of it, and depending on who won would be the deciding factor for what they did next.

Maybe quit being pirates and starting a guild like Whitebeard was planning to do so they could continue exploring the world and having fun, but one thing was certain. He wasn't about to go up against Jack. He had done some digging of his own and talked with a few people, and what he learned wasn't very comforting. Especially the information he got from Hawkeye. In the end all he could do was wait, and maybe try to take advantage of the situation somehow.

As he sat there thinking about his future, a chill suddenly ran down his spine, causing him to jump to his feet in the blink of an eye. He couldn't see anything, but someone was watching him.


(General POV)

"So who wants to test it first?" Jack asked with a sly grin on his face as he looked around at the hundred or so people gathered at the station on Logue Town. "I'll do it!" Luke chimed in immediately, followed by a few more people volunteering to go on the maiden voyage of the new Sea Train route.

Not having easy access to all the Blue Seas was a pain in the ass for the WMP, so with the help of a few engineers, Jack, Nojiko, and a strong assembly crew, they managed to build a track that went up the Red Line beside Reverse Mountain, but instead of dropping down into the Grand Line once it reached the top, a massive bridge was built that allowed the train to continue straight on into the West Blue to the closest island to Reverse Mountain.

It was like the Loguetown for West Blue, being the location for the tunnel to the South Blue. This way one could travel to all four of the Blue Sea's in about 3 hours depending on where they started.

The final piece of the track had been placed an hour ago, and now it was time to test the track to see if everything worked properly, but there weren't too many people who were willing to risk their lives on such a thing, but thankfully their were people who were always seeking some form of entertainment, mainly the Adventurer's.

"We need someone who can operate the damn train, guys!!" Jack said, looking at a few of the conductors who all seemed hesitant to volunteer. "I'll do it if she goes!" One conductor said, pointing a finger at Nojiko.

His reasoning for having her tag along was that if anything went wrong, Nojiko could just float the train back to safety, which was quite reasonable on his part. Looking over to her, Jack got a nod of approval before he turned back to the man. "Alright then! Load up!!" Jack said, getting a few cheers from a bunch of people around them who piled on inside with some kegs and a few hundred boxes of pizza.

Less than 20 minutes later, the train was beginning to approach, and it was here that people had to buckle into their seats, as the train suddenly turned into a rollercoaster. The climb took a little longer than they expected, but it was all within range of approval, and 15 minutes later they found themselves on a steep drop from a height that would put any rollercoaster back in Jack's other world to shame.

The lock mechanisms on the train kept it from just dropping, and after a few minutes they reached the bottom of Reverse Mountain into West Blue. "Shouldn't that have been faster?!" Luke asked, looking around to everyone else in the train car with him to see if they were thinking the same as him.

"No you idiot! Mothers, infants, children, and cripples are all going to be on this thing!! Not to mention the animals and other goods!! We can't have them drop down like that, otherwise they could all die!!" Jack stated, unsure who Luke thought would be going on this thing.

"Oh..." Luke said, finally clicking in. It looked as though a few other people hadn't thought of that as well because they all had enlightened looks on their faces. "Anyway, I would call that a success! Just got to get better seatbelts. The animals might need to be put in some form of harnesses before the trip, but I'm sure they'll think of something!" Jack stated, causing a roar of celebration to unfold.

When they got back to Loguetown there was a massive party to celebrate the achievement, and photos were taken of everyone who had anything to do with the historic event.

Dragon praised their achievements, then sent a full squadron of soldiers to reinforce their hold over the pirates and criminals who had sprouted up recently. The man never rested, and Jack had to remind the guy that if he did nothing but work then he would go to an early grave.

With everything here done with, Jack and the others went back to Foosha. There were still preparations to be made, people to kill, beer to drink, and training to be done! Over the weeks since the war, he and Luke have made a few trips into the New World to keep tabs on people, while at the same time taking the opportunity to take out a few key opponents.

Big Mom didn't have very many major players to add to the battle besides herself and Katakuri, but with one of her arms missing it greatly reduced her fighting prowess. She was no Shanks after all.

They had finally managed to get the Sea Stone out of her system, but the dumb cow went right back to eating anything put in front of her. Luke was planning on putting more Sea Stone inside of her food right before the war to see if she was stupid enough to let it happen again, and Jack was honestly curious about that himself.

Kaido was still a force to be reckoned with, but he still only had two Disasters and a few thousand underlings. There was little chance he could get any of the major players in Wano to join him, as Orochi was a slimy little coward who would find some way to keep all of the samurai in Wano to keep it protected.

Hell, Jack didn't think Kaido would care one way or the other based on reports he managed to dig up. Based on the info it was more than likely Kaido was going to kill off Orochi sooner rather than later. Jack only hoped he could steal Orochi's Devil Fruit when it happened.

Wano was still a mystery to him as he hadn't watched that far in the anime, but that didn't mean he was hopeless for info. The whole world knew about Kaido's power and who his top underlings were and their Devil Fruits.

Jack also paid them a little visit to scope out the competition, while also killing off a few deplorable people here and there.

He knew things would be different from the anime anyway since he killed Doflamingo a lot earlier than he should have died, and there was no news of the elusive 'Joker' working with Kaido, so he figured that none of the SMILE fruits ever were created.

That was also confirmed when Jack bought the Gas-Gas Fruit from the store. His guess was that Luke had killed him somewhere along the way when he was going from island to island to kill off the marines. He couldn't confirm it, and Luke couldn't remember if he killed someone like that, but that it sounded somewhat familiar.

Regardless, Jack figured that without the SMILE trade going on, whatever was to come would be a lot different compared to what must have happened in the series, but then again, he already changed the world a billion times over by this point.

Walking through the buzzing city towards the academy, Jack was lost in thought. He had decided that after the war, he would let Dragon and the WMP worry about the world.

All he wanted to do once this was done was to explore the world with Nojiko and his friends, start a family, and have fun, and with everything he had done thus far, he believed he would be able to do it without getting another bounty put on his head, and without having to deal with stupid morons who wanted to cause chaos throughout the world.

Jack was pulled from his thoughts by a large commotion not too far ahead of him, and after letting out a long sigh, he appeared right in the middle of things. "What's going on?!" He shouted, silencing the area with his presence alone.

"Look!" Someone said, holding up the newspaper. Reading the headlines, Jack momentarily stopped breathing, not believing what he was seeing. His mind suddenly shut down for a second, but when he finally came back to reality he only had one thought. 'What the fuck...?'



Sabo: More-More Fruit

Cana: Glint-Glint Fruit

Ajax: Magma-Magma Fruit

Trafalgar Law: Op-Op Fruit

Tashigi: Barrier-Barrier Fruit

Coby: Ice-Ice Fruit

(A.N. I know it says that all of these people are General rank, but they just have the most potential with their skills and Devil Fruits. They might hold the rank, but they still have a long way to go before they are actually that strong. Jack, Luke, and the other monsters will fill in their place until they reach that level, so I don't want to here you guys giving me shit about them getting that strong that fast!! Also I have the Devil Fruits in mind for the other six Generals, but I still need to come up with the people to become them.)

Sorry for the slight delay, I was tired! Anyway, enjoy!!

GrimsReapercreators' thoughts