
Sending a Message

As Jack approached the marine ships docked at the harbour, he sent out his Haki to see if there were any guards on duty. He sensed roughly 32 people inside all three ships, most of them being on the two warships that the marine captain brought. Jack crept to the closest ship, then just like at the hotel, he made his way around killing everyone on board. After killing everyone, he made he way to a room filled with stacks of berries and even some gold bars. He crept around all the rooms, trying to figure out if that this was the ship that the captain rode on. 'I really want that fucking manual!!' He complained internally. Not finding the manual, Jack proceeded to make his way to the other ship. So far Jack had managed to kill off 12 people on the first ship quite easily, but the second one was proving to be more difficult. Everyone was on more alert, in positions where they could keep an eye out for one another, and from the looks of it, had better weapons. 'This must be the Captains personal ship.' Jack thought as a big shit eating grin spread across his face. 'I'm gonna rob everything you own.' He thought before going to a section that didn't have any guards near it.

Jack ignored the guards for now, and made his way inside the ship. Going from room to room, he looted everything just like the previous ship, until he came upon a room that had "Captain's Chamber" in big white letters painted on the door. Going inside he saw a neatly made bed, a closet full of uniforms and fancy suits, and a nice big shiny desk off to the side. Almost running over to the desk, his looked through it, storing anything he could get his hands on, eventually emptying it. After storing everything in the entire room in his inventory he realized that the manual wasn't here. 'The fucker better have it on him!!" Jack hoped to himself. He didn't want to have to purchase the damn thing. It cost $120,000,000 berries, almost double what he had right now, and he still needed to purchase the Dark Dark Fruit.

After looting all the rooms, another treasurey included, Jack made his way to the deck. Approaching the marines on guard would be a lot easier from inside the ship, becuase they were looking for people coming, not leaving. Each marine was watching a different marine, so Jack had to carefully observe who was watching who. He This would be very important for his plan if he didn't want to get caught. He could have just used his Conqueror's Haki, but if it didn't work on them they would immediately know they were under attack and signal the rest. After 10 minutes of watching them, he now knew who was watching each other. Taking a few deep breaths, Jack prepared himself for what he was going to need to do. Like a flash of lightning, Jack struck the first man, then in another flash he was on the next one. He circled the ship, killing them off, until he got to the 14th guard. He had managed to get out a small cry before his head left his shoulders, but it was enough of a warning for guard 15 to notice and pull his sword. The man opened his mouth to scream, but before any words could come out he felt a wave of pure terror wash over him, making him collapse, but it didn't stop there. It almost felt as if an invisible demon was ripping his mind open, tearing at his brain, until finally his breathing stopped.

After dealing with guard 15, Jack stopped for a breather. He had only ever moved like that in practice, and with the real possibility of dying it took more out of him than he thought. When he was done resting Jack made his way over to the last ship. There were 5 people left on this one, and they were all in one room below deck playing dice. Making his way down below deck, he stood just outside the room they were all in. Pulling out his sword, he readied himself. Before entering he sent a wave of Conqueror's Haki inside, drowning them with his Will, then burst through the door ready to fight anyone that might have stayed concious. He was realieved to see that they were all collapsed on the ground. Not wanting to wait for them to wake up, he proceeded to stab each of them through the heart, then went to looting the ship. The treasurey was empty on this one, and the rooms were mostly empty, but he did find a few odds and ends here and there. After he was done he proceeded to take the ships as well. 'These will sell for a pretty penny!!' He thought happily. "Now onto the compound." He said quietly before making his way there at a decent pace, while still being stealthy.

Getting to to marines bases, he sent his Haki out, finding that there were a few dozen men and women sleeping in what he quessed were the baracks. He had a plan for them, but it could wait until he delt with the people on the night watch. Jack crept around like the MC from Assassins Creed, killing everyone that might get in his way. 'This will also send a message to the World Government letting them know they fucked with the wrong person.' Jack thought to himself after he had just killed the last guard. With his Haki active he could see that now there were only 6 people inside the main compound, and the few dozen people in the barracks. 'There aren't that many marines here. I'd wager there are marines that have there own homes here in town, so I should keep my guard up incase they get alerted as well.' Jack thought, not wanting to make the mistake of underestimating the marines.

After sneaking over to the barracks, Jack looked in his inventory for something. Finally finding some chains that he had looted from the ships, he went to the doors and chained them shut. Next he went around to the windows and stacked piles of furnature next to them, making so that no one could go in or out through them. After setting the stage, Jack made his way to the top of the roof, then quietly made his way to the chimney. Luckily for him, they hadn't lit the fire, which made this next part quite easy. While raiding the marine ships he had aquired a very large abundance of gunpowder. Taking out a few barrels of the explosive powder, he poured it down, hoping that no one would wake up. With his Haki he could easily tell if someone woke up, but thankfully no one had. After pouring 3 big barrels of the stuff down inside, Jack prepared himself for the next step. 'Might be too much, but you know what they say, "There's no kill like overkill". Plus it feels good to burn trash.' Jack thought wickedly.

Jack pulled out a lantern that had been on the ship, and lit it. After rigging the lantern with a piece of rope, that when pulled would drop it down the chimney, Jack climbed down back to the ground and got as far away as he could until the long rope reached its end. 'I gotta run like hell after this.' Jack thought while giving his legs a little stretch. Pumping himself up, he pulled the rope and ran as fast as he could in the opposite direction. He had gotten quite far away and jumped behind a few boxes, but the explosion that he was expecting never came. Looking over to the barracks he wondered what the hell was going on. Using his Haki he saw that the lantern was rolling on the floor by the fire place, but it wasn't lit. To his dismay the sound of the lantern falling into the room had woken up a few marines, who were now looking around. 'Now what the fuck am I gon-!!' **BOOOOMM!!!* Jack's thoughts were interupted by building exploding in flames. Jack had been standing while looking towards the bulding, and couldn't react fast enough to avoid the explosive force, sending him flying on his ass a few feet away.

Jack was staring up to the midnight sky that was now lit up with a very big orange light from the burning building. 'How the Fuck did that happen?!!!!' Jack shouted internally. Sitting up, he looked towards what was once the barracks before thinking, 'Maybe overkill might be a tad bit too much.' All that was left of the building was a burning pile of rubble. 'Everyone inside was probably turned to ash already.' Jack thought. He was brought back to reality when he heard someone shouting from the main building. "TO THE BARRACKS!!!" Looking over, he spotted the 5 people that were left running towards the fire. Leading the charge was a big man that Jack guessed was the Captain fellow. 'Better get this fucking over with.' Jack grumbled to himself as he got to his feet.

Jack pulled out his sword and pistol, then started to make his way towards the fire. When the 5 people noticed a figure walking towards them, they thought it was one of the guards that were on duty. "Soldier!!! Where the hell were you?!!! And where the hell are the other guards?!!!!" The familiar voice of Lt. Carson called out. Before anyone could react, Jack fired the 4 shots from his pistol coated with his own Haki. The bullets flew faster than anyone could perceive, and struck Lt. Carson and the other 3 commanders that had came on the ships. The only people left standing were Jack and the now disgruntled Captain. "W-who are you?!!!" The Captain shouted. Jack ignored the Captain as he walked closer towards him, slowly coming into the firelight. "The next time you try to get a man killed, make sure you send the right people for the job." Jack said, his voice dripping with hate. He had always knew the marines were corupt bastards, but experiencing what they do to someone who is just a potential threat and hasn't done anything brought them to a new low in his book.

When the Captain heard Jack's words, he took a step back. He was in deep shit right now. He had been checking up on the bases in the East Blue, and when he had gotten to Coral town, his friend Carson had told him about a disrespectful bounty hunter, who looked down on the marines, and thought of the Government as trash. He heard the story of how the man known as "Cataclysm" had brutally killed Goatman Gates in front of everybody in town, and he knew that if it came down to one on one combat, he would lose. He couldn't even try to negotiate, or wait for backup from headquarters, as he was acting alone. "Do you know who I am?!!!! If you mess with me, all you will get is death!!" The Captain said, trying to intimidate the man. "All I see is a deadman." Jack said before shooting forward with his sword in hand. The Captain pulled out his sword and blocked the heavy swing, which nearly sent him crashing to the ground. 'What the hell is he?!!!' The Captain screamed internally. He had only ever felt blows like that from his mentor, but his mentor was a Vice Admiral. Jack kept swinging his sword, not giving the man a chance to counter attack, sometimes getting little cuts on the mans arms and legs, but no vitals. "I thought you we a genius, but you're just PATHETIC!!" Jack roared as he swung his sword with everything he had in a upward arc. The blade connected and the Captain was almost severed in two. His sword arm had been cut from his body, and he was now laying down in a pool of his own blood.

"When HQ finds out about thi-" Jack didn't let the Captain finsh his words as he stomped a Haki coated foot down on the mans head. He had no interest in hearing some stupid fucking monologue from someone that had tried to have him assassinated. After killing the Captain, Jack searched his body and found a small notebook. Looking through it, Jack found details regarding the Rokushiki techniques. The notebook only had information regarding The Iron Body technique and the Paper Art. 'No wonder the Captain didn't try to use the techniques during their fight.' Jack thought, while turning to look at the blood corpse. "And here I thought I could get away with not having to buy the damn manual." Jack grumbled before heading into the compound. There was of course tons of berries and gold inside, no point in leaving it for the navy. Jack found 2 vaults, and they both had millions of berries inside. Storing everything inside his inventory, he started to leave, wanting to get back to his room and get some sleep.

When he was just about to leave the marine base, an idea struck him. Quickly running back into the base, he pulled out all of the bodies that he had stored from tonight. From the hotel assassination, the ships at the docks, and now here, he had a grand total of 83 marine soldier corpses, and he would definately put them to good use. After setting everything up perfectly, Jack went into the shop and purchased a transponder snail that could take pictures and videos, then took pictures at all sorts of angles, then a video of the bloody scene. Once he was satisfied with his work, he made a quick stop to a branch of the World Economy News Paper (WENP) and dropped off his pictures, before he made his way back to his room, only to find the woman that had been tasked with seducing him, still unconcious in his bed. *Sigh* Jack was too tired to rip her apart, so he walked over and snapped her neck. 'Clean and efficient.' He thought before he stored her body and went to sleep.

The next morning he walked downstairs and sat at the breakfast table. The room was pretty empty, and those that were here were discussing about a horrible attack on the marine base. The marines that had their own homes on the island had come and locked it down so that no one could get inside to see it, but somehow the news paper had gotten photos, and it had made the front page. It wasn't only the East Blue that saw it, but the entire world. There was a big bloody scene iluminated by firelight, and what it showed shocked many to their very cores. With the corpses of marine soldiers, something was spelled out. It read, "JUSTICE SERVED"