
Marines get Bounties!!

In a bustling town on the coast of Dawn Island there was a small group of 5 people running for their lives from a man holding a stick. If you asked the group that was fleeing what they were running from, they would most likely say it was a sadistic demon.

However, if you asked the 'Sadistic Demon' in question why he was chasing them, he would reply, "Training". This small group was of course Jack and his crew doing their daily training.

It had been a few months since Dragon had come and taken the former slaves away, and in that time Jack had trained his 5 personal crew members in both forms of Haki to a certain degree, a weapon of their choice, the basics of the Rokushiki techniques, and hand to hand combat.

Jack was merciless in his training, going through forms that no one had ever heard of, a fitness regimen that would put most marine elites to shame, and doing things that no one ever really did.

At the start of the training he had everyone wear weighted clothes everyday all day, then he slowly increased the weight every three days. If someone was training in a melee weapon Jack would have the weapons weight increased gradually as well, even for Nojiko who wanted to use a gun, although her weapon focused more on speed and accuracy.

After the months of training everyone could use Observation Haki, Armement Haki, and a few of the Rokushiki techniques. Shave and Finger pistol were the first two that Jack had everyone learn first, then he let them pick which ones they wanted to learn after that on their own.

The 42 new recruits had also started training as well. Makino actually came up with the idea of using all of the training manuals Jack would eventually teach them as study topics during the time she was teaching them, that way they would have a mental understanding of what they would need to know before the actual training began.

All 42 recruits would train for 5 hours after their literary courses in strengthening their bodies and in hand to hand combat. Jack wanted to drill the basics into each person before he got to the weapons and Haki.

Over the past few months many of the recruits had been showing remarkable development in hand to hand, so Jack had started them on weapons. There were two among them that had even started their Haki training. Jack was quite pleased with their progress and their determination that he decided that these two would get to choose between the Chop Chop Fruit and the Goat Goat Fruit.

They didn't have to choose either of these two fruits if they didn't want them, but Jack offered none the less. One of them chose the Chop Chop Fruit, but the other said he wasn't ready for a Devil Fruit and that neither power suited the way he fought anyway.

The man that ate the Chop Chop Fruit was named Bowden, while the man that refused a Fruit was named Stain. Jack made a mental note to keep tabs on both of them, especially Stain.

The man didn't take the first chance at power he got and actually wanted to find something that suited him, this in turn caught Jack's eye and he vowed that if Stain proved himself a good man, he would find a Fruit that suited him.

Jack's training also involved taking his crew out to sea to hunt pirates and marines, while also venturing into towns and raiding slavers and other criminal organizations. As harsh as he was in his training, Jack always made sure that every spent two days out of the week resting and doing whatever it was they wanted to do.

Jack told them that too much training would only hinder their progress and wasn't good for the body. One day Jack received a call from Dragon, the topic of discussion wasn't something Jack had wanted to hear, but he expected it sooner or later.

The next day he gathered the 42 trainees, Makino and the big 5 as they were called by everyone in Foosha and told them that in two weeks he was going to depart out to sea for awhile.

"Where are we going?" Nami asked curiously. "*Sigh* You all are staying here to continue your training, while I go and deal with some personal things." Jack said seriously as he looked into everyone's eyes.

"While I'm gone I expect everyone to help each other out and advance in your strength. Makino will be in charge." Jack added with a smirk on his face. The trainees looked contempt, while everyone else looked quite happy for some reason.

Jack had an idea of what they were thinking so he continued, "You might think you are getting a vacation from training, but if I find out you all were slacking off in my absence then the next phase of training will be a lot more extreme."

The smile on his face sent chills down their spines, and they were all secretly cursing him internally. "Whoever does really good while I'm gone will be rewarded. I will not tell you what it is, but I can assure you that you will not regret it one bit." Jack added the last little bit because everyone worked harder for something, after all no one liked getting the stick all of the time.

For the next two weeks Jack drilled everyone, including the recruits extra hard. He wrote down their training schedule and how far they should all be when he got back, then went to the docks and pulled out his tiny little boat.

'It's been awhile since I went sight seeing.' Jack thought nostalgically as he boarded the little ship. Makino and Soran had come to see him off like always, with Soran screaming, "Be safe and come back in one piece alright?!! Bring me back something nice!!"

That last part made Jack shake his head in frustration as he thought, 'I have got to stop letting Nami influence her.' "Don't worry, I'll be fine!" Jack shouted back before he blasted off into the sky.

His destination was towards the calm belt, there he would meet up with some uninvited guests. As he flew towards his destination, he thought back to how Dragon had told him that the World Government had finally decided to try and reclaim Goa Kingdom with more soldiers than a Buster Call.

Apparently 15 elite battle ships and 10 Vice Admirals were on their way, each ship containing on average 1000 soldiers. 'The marines are about to become extremely weak!' Jack wickedly thought as he amplified his speed with more power.

After two and a half days of flight, only stopping every few hours to replenish his power, and at night to sleep, Jack spotted the fleet of Ships sailing down below.

'They made it further than I thought they would in that short amount of time.' Jack thought as he watched them sail towards Dawn Island. Jack descended his little boat so that he was in front of all the ships, but didn't immediately make a move to attack.

As Jack watched the ships come closer to his position he took out a Transponder Snail. A few seconds later and a deep voice rang called out, "This is Fleet Admiral Sengoku. Speak!"

Jack had his white skull mask on so Sengoku would be able to recognize him through the Transponder Snails mimic function from when he talked with Garp, which might be why Sengoku sounded so peaved.

"Sengoku, you should really learn to talk nicer to people. I mean sure I'm calling to inform you of bad news once again, but that is still no reason to be so hostile towards me." Jack said with a hint of mockery in his voice.

"What bad news are you calling about this time Prime?!" Sengoku asked angrily. It had been months since they last spoke, the topic resulting in him torturing one of his traitorous subordinates for weeks before he let him be publicly executed to the world, especially Doflamingo.

"Well first off, I would like to know if you or Garp made a decision about leaving the marines?" Jack asked in a monotone voice. "I'm staying here." "Me too." Sengoku answered, followed by Garp's voice in the background.

"Shame. Well that makes this conversation a little easier for me then. You sent thousands of marines to come and reclaim Dawn Island for the World Government. I called to inform you that I'm about to kill every single person you sent here, as well to let you know that from now on marines are not welcome in East Blue."

The face the Transponder Snail was making suddenly turned to one of shock, then rage as Sengoku shouted, "WHAT?!!!! You and your organization would dare to attack that large of force?!!"

"Hahaha you misunderstand something here Sengoku." Jack said jovially before he added, "My organization is not with me at the moment. I'm going to kill everyone here by myself while it is being recorded to be released to the public at a later time."

The hate and malice leaking from Jack's words made the surrounding temperatures rise. Although that could be because of his power, but don't sweat the small stuff. "You think you can face so many strong opponents alone and come out victorious? You are over estimating yourself!!" Sengoku shot back with a hint of mockery of his own.

Jack paused for a moment before he said, "Sengoku, have I ever lied or tried to hide anything from you? No matter. Have you already forgotten what happened to the last group you sent here? Three of your Vice Admirals lasted a few minutes, 15 of them will not be too much more troubling. As to show my seriousness and to give you a swift kick in the dick, I'll let you watch. Send me your video transponder snail signal and I'll connect the feed." Sengoku and Garp could tell Jack was trying to hold back laughter, but they complied nonetheless.

After getting the video feed all set up, Jack waved through the video to Sengoku before he said, "I'll leave this here so you have the perfect view of the slaught-, I mean battle. I will also keep this one on my shoulder so I can talk to you and let you know where your soldiers could use improving for the next batch of lambs you send my way."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jack shot towards the marine ships that had stopped not too far away from him, their screams already echoing through the air as Jack unleashed a wave of Darkfire at one of the ships.

The fire spread as if the ship was coated with kerosene, soldiers dying all over. Many jumped into the water, but the flames did not stop until the soldiers were burned to nothing, even the bones.

The Vice Admirals all grouped up to try and take Jack together, but the next moment Jack vanished from view, appearing a moment later high in the sky above the ships. An instant later and Jack unleashed a massive wave of fire over the entirety of the ships, killing thousands in seconds.

A few hundred soldiers managed to jump into the water before the flames had reached them, but now they were essentially sitting ducks. Two of the Vice Admirals were too slow to get out of the way and were burned to ash as well, and out of the 8 remaining Vice Admirals 3 of them were floating in the water, while 5 of them were hopping in the sky using Moon Walk.

"Sengoku, I'm quite disappointed right now." Jack said as he jumped down to where the 3 floating Vice Admirals were. He unleashed a small burst of his Conqueror's Haki on them to hold them in place before he took out a gun from thin air, pointed it at the head of one of the commanders before pulling the trigger.

"Did you see his head?!! It was like *Splaaat!" Jack said as he tried to repeat what happened. Looking over to the Transponder Snail on his shoulder, Jack noticed that it had it's mouth agape.

"Not believing what ya just saw...? Don't worry I can show you again." Jack replied excitedly as he pointed his gun at another commanders head, recreating the same thing once more. Jack looked over to the last commander that couldn't use Moon Walk floating in the water, then back to the ones jumping around in the sky.

There was screaming all around him from the scared and dying soldiers, but Jack paid them no mind. As his gaze swept across the floating commanders, Jack's eyes locked onto a certain black haired woman with a black spider tattoo on her left thigh. 'Gion?' Jack thought curiously.

In the anime this woman had her own view of Justice compared to other marines and the World Government, she also wasn't shy about voicing her opinion onto her superiors. Jack figured that was one of the reasons why she was passed over for the Admiral position after the 2 year time skip.

Jack fired the remaining shots at the marine commanders, some hitting their shoulders or missing entirely as they tried dodging. Jack kept swapping his pistols with the dozens that he had stored away after they were out of ammo.

In the span of a few seconds he unloaded hundreds of bullets into nearby marine soldiers. The commanders in mid-air tried to attack, but when ever they got close to him, Jack would release a wave of darkfire all over in a sphere with him at the center forcing them to retreat.

Only a few minutes had passed since the slaughter had started, and already there were only 4 Vice Admirals remaining. The marines that were floating in the water had either been burned, shot or eaten by the sea creatures that had come at the smell of blood. Even now there were soldiers being pulled under the water to be eaten by massive creatures, but Jack didn't really care about them.

They might have been good people who signed up to try and do good for the world, but they joined a group who committed more atrocities than any other group in the world. The four remaining Vice Admirals looked familiar, but the only one Jack knew of was Gion.

The four Vice Admirals were all breathing heavily because at this point Jack was just toying with them, making them hop through the sky trying to dodge his bullets. As one of the Vice Admirals had lost the last of his stamina he began to fall towards the ocean, but before he reached the water Jack appeared and grabbed him by the throat.

The man didn't even get a chance to scream as he was enveloped in a burst of fire. "Pathetic! Even my navigator could curb-stomp any of these so called 'Elites' that you marines are so proud of." Jack said with disappointment plainly for Sengoku and the Commanders to hear.

"STOP!!" Sengoku's voice rang out in the air from the Transponder Snail. "Is that how this works?" Jack asked in a mocking tone before he continued, "Did the people of Ohara get that chance to live when you ordered the Buster Call on them?!! Do the slaves the marines take to the World Nobles get to stop being slaves when they are tortured?!! Am I allowed to attack the marines and when I am losing call for quits and leave?!!"

Jack's voice had increased in volume after every question until he was screaming. In his angered state he shot forward at incredible speeds and decapitated one of the three remaining commanders, then appeared next to another and kicked him into the water.

With this, only Gion was left standing in the air. "PLEASE STOP?!!" A feminine voice rang out from the Transponder Snail. Gion was startled when she heard the voice of her commander, but she was brought out of her thoughts as Jack appeared right in front of her and grabbed her by the throat.

Before she could even react she was smashed in the face by the butt of Jack's gun repeatedly until she lost consciousness. Jack held Gion's unconscious body as he made his way back to his little ship and threw Gion's unconscious body, then quickly grabbed the barely unconscious man that he had kicked a few seconds earlier.

After positioning himself in front of the video Transponder Snail he said, "There is no escape for the marines or the World Government. Fortify your cities, recruit more soldiers, but know this... Nothing will stop me from eradicating the so called 'Gods' of this world!"

To those watching they could clearly tell that Jack was extremely angered as he spoke these words. As he was done speaking he pulled the half dead Vice Admiral's body into view of the camera as he pulled out his sword.

"You marines like to publicly execute those whom the World Government deems as criminals, well let me return the favor." As the venomous words left Jack's mouth his sword was brought down and severed the mans head from his shoulders.

As Jack grabbed Gion's unconscious body screams were heard through the Transponder Snail, "PLEASE STOP!! I BEG OF YOU!!" Jack walked over and cut the video so that no one could see what he was going to do next.

"You are Vice Admiral Tsuru correct?" Jack asked in a far too calm of voice. "I-I am." Tsuru answered in a quivering voice. She had seen countless of her comrades die throughout her life time, but Gion was like a daughter to her, and the thought of losing Gion brought tears to her eyes.

"What's in it for me if I let her live? She will most likely stay in the marines and I will have to kill her at a later time if I let her live, which is just stupid. She will get stronger and could possibly hurt someone I care about, so what could you offer me that would be worth all that?" Jack asked in a grim tone.

There was a moment of silence as no one spoke a word, until finally Tsuru said, "I'll leave the marines." That had caught Jack a little off guard, but now that he thought about it, there was truly nothing else that she could offer him aside from joining him.

"The Great Staff Commander of the marines would leave them to save her precious disciple? I hear tell that you consider Gion here like daughter or kid sister... I'll agree if that you also promise to never hurt or come after a member of my crew." Jack said in a firm manner.

There was no reply for a few seconds so Jack added, "You don't need to worry about not being able to protect the innocent from us, because if I ever found out a member of my crew or organization went after innocent civilians, I'll personally deal with them myself." Jack said seriously.

"You have my word that should you release Gion to me safely, I will leave the marines effective immediately and do swear to never harm or capture a member of your crew." After Tsuru gave her word, Jack could hear Sengoku and Garp whispering something, but couldn't make out what they were saying.

"By the way Sengoku!" Jack cut into their whispering with a shout. As soon as he got their attention he said, "It would be wise of you to keep watch over your soldiers around the world. Starting tomorrow I have a strong feeling that many of them will find that the tables have turned."

Before Sengoku could ask what he meant Jack added, "Tsuru you can come to Dawn island to collect Gion. She will be in Foosha Village, and I strongly recommend that you don't bring any marines with you or they might not be leaving alive."

When he finished speaking Jack heard Garp suck in a breath. Having an idea of what Garp was thinking Jack said, "Don't worry about your grandkid Garp. Dragon is a good friend of mine so I won't do anything against him, even if he flies his pirate flag like he claims. As far as I can tell he does more good for the people than the goddamn marines."

There was another pause of silence after he heard Garp release his breath, but Jack didn't let them wait too long as he said, "Sengoku, should you send anyone here again, you better pray to God that they kill me, otherwise my next stop will be Marie Geoise!!"

No one really had anything to say to each other after that, so Jack ended the call and got rid of the corpse of the Vice Admiral that was next to him. Then he walked over to Gion's unconscious form and put some Sea stone cuffs on her hands and legs then took her into the cabin so she didn't fall off as they flew.

'I should take a vacation to somewhere nice after this!' Jack thought with a smile on his face as he walked towards the back of the boat and charged his power before blasting off into the sky.

On his way back to Foosha Village Jack spotted an island not too far away, it being already late into the evening Jack decided that it would be better to stay on land than in the water.

As he descended near the island he could tell that there wasn't any signs of civilization, but that didn't stop him from lifting the the entire boat out of the water with pure strength and moved it in a good position to act as a small house.

As he spread his Haki over the island he couldn't find any people, just some animals and other small life forms, but he did notice that Gion was awake and looking around. She seemed rather calm given her circumstances, but Jack didn't dwell on that much as he jumped back aboard and walked into the cabin.

As he walked through the door that lead to the small kitchen Jack saw Gion laying there pretending to still be knocked out, which brought a smile to his face. "Ain't you a beauty. I'm gonna have lots of fun with you." Jack mumbled to himself loud enough for Gion to hear. Of course he was just trying to get a reaction out of her, he would never do such a vile act.

Upon hearing his words Gion scrambled to her feet and tried to get in a defensive stance, but the chains hindered her movements greatly. She looked extremely scared, but was calmed when she heard Jack laughing while shouting apologies.

"HAHAHA I-I'm HA Sorry! That was not nice at all, but I knew you were awake and wanted to mess with you!" Gion looked visibly confused at Jack's words, 'This is the demon that killed everyone?...' She thought skeptically.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna do anything to you. Just sit there and relax, dinner will be in about 20 minutes." Jack said as he walked over and sat at a chair at the small table. "W-what are you going to do with me?" Gion asked, fear laced in her words.

"I'm gonna take you back to Foosha and keep you prisoner until Tsuru comes to get you. Should only be about two weeks if she comes as fast as you all did, give a day or two." Jack answered honestly.

"W-why didn't you kill me?" Gion asked, clearly confused. Again Jack answered her truthfully as he said, "Two reasons really. Tsuru and I made a deal for your life, and you aren't a terrible person. I know there are lots of marines I've killed that are a lot like you, but you are strong and brave enough to voice your thoughts to your superiors. You have your own sense of justice and don't follow the World Governments ideal of Absolute Justice, I'm willing to bet that's Tsuru's doing."

"What kind of deal did she make for my life?" Gion asked seriously. "Ask her that when she gets here. Anyway you should just be quiet and relax, I got some stuff I gotta figure out."

After Jack said that he went into his shop and purchased a list of all marines of specific ranks on up, then proceeded to give them all bounties. From the rank of Captain to Fleet Admiral the bounties were as follows.

Captain-$25,000,000 berries

Commodore-$50,000,000 berries

Rear Admiral-$100,000,000 berries

Vice Admiral-$500,000,000 berries

Admiral-$1,000,000,000 berries

Fleet Admiral-$2,000,000,000 berries

All in all Jack had spent around $15,000,000,000 berries on bounties, but with how rich he was he probably could have got bounties for most of the little scrubs in the marines as well.

Once he was done he walked out onto the deck and came back a few moments later with two large trays full of food, handing one to Gion he went back to the table with his own food and started to chow down.

Gion looked hesitant at first, but soon decided that if Tsuru and him did make a deal than he wouldn't do anything to her. The next morning they shot off towards Dawn Island, Gion being quite rattled at the sudden launch.

The next three days were almost borderline hell for Jack because Gion took it upon herself to talk almost non-stop every chance she thought Jack could hear her. 'The woman doesn't know how to shut the fuck up!!!' Screamed Jack as Gion continued her never ending tirade.

The travel took longer than before because Gion kept requesting breaks or saying she couldn't hold her bladder. Jack wanted to not give her water at all in hopes that her voice would dry out and she wouldn't be able to talk, but he didn't.

He did however tape her mouth shut after the second day, but she still managed to make muffled sounds with it on.

When he saw Dawn Island coming into view he almost cried tears of joy. As he docked, a few people came to see him, one being Soran who ran up to him and gave him a hug. "Welcome back!! So what did you bring me?!!" Soran shouted with a big smile.

'Damn you Nami!!' Jack shouted internally as he reached inside his coat, when in reality it was inside his inventory. He had purchased a doll set and some dresses for her before he even left, but wanted to save them for her birthday.

'May as well let her enjoy them while she can...' He thought as he passed them to her. Soran squealed and jumped up and down a few times before giving him another hug. "Oh thank you thankyou THANK YOU!! I love them!" Soran shouted as she ran back towards Makino's.

"You spoil her!" Makino said as she walked towards him. The rest of his crew were also there to greet him, but when they saw a chained up woman get pulled off the ship with her mouth taped shut they all turned towards Jack with raised brows.

"Don't look at me like that!! This isn't some kinky bullshit, she just doesn't know how to shut up!!" Jack said as he threw Gion over his shoulder before making his way towards Makino's bar, his crew following behind him.

When they got there then Jack put Gion in a corner and told her to be quiet or she wouldn't be getting any food for 3 days. She glared at him, but didn't say anything.

"Alright, what did I miss?" Jack said as he turned his attention back to his crew. Smoker walked forward and held up a stack of wanted posters as he asked, "Care to explain how the marines have bounties?"

IT'S FINALLY STARTING!! This is not the end of the bounties, just so you know. Anyway I know that some of you are gonna say that there is no way he could have killed that many strong people like that, but his flames don't go out and he can unleash a wave of fire big enough to envelope all of those ships. As long as no Seastone hits him he should be a god damn recking ball. Enjoy

GrimsReapercreators' thoughts