
Sabaody Archipelago 2

"Gomu Gomu no Pistol". Luffy yelled as he stretched his hand and attacked a bounty hunter.

Wu threw 3 bounty hunters to the pile of Men he had created. While brook kept slashing at them.

"So what's with these people,this is the third time".

"They look like bounty hunters probably after your, bounty Luffy-san". Brook answered.

They were heading for grove 13 when they were suddenly attacked by unknown people.

One of them tried to attack Camie but was punched by Chopper.

"Are you alright". Chopper asked.

"Thank you Chopperchin"

"We have dealt with them all let's go". Luffy said.

They continued on their way as Wu spotted something. It was a board with the sign 'Marines keep out' and a skeleton of a Marine officer was hanging on it.

"You-gara what place is this?". Wu questioned

"The Archipelago is Big and the Government and marines can't keep a watchful eye everywhere, this is one of those places".

"Here". Hachi said handing out a paper to Brook.

"A Map?". Brook asked.

"It's a map dividing the grove into divisions of 10, Areas specializing or built upon something. For eg the #40 grove section is a tourism and site seeing area, Area #30 grove is an Amusement area with Sabaody park situated there".

"Area 60 is the government check in and out, it seems like a navel post". Brook answered.

"Ho then what area is this". Chopper asked

"Let's see we are between groves 15 and 16 so it's the lawless area, that's also why there are so many bounty hunters..even marines don't enter here".

"Ha say that earlier, i would have swapped with Zoro or Sanji!". Chopper yelled.

"Don't worry here we are at our destination, that shop.at the top of the roots is it, I wonder if they still run the shop though?". Hachi said.

"So is the coating craftsman a Fishman too". Luffy asked.

"Me and Papagu haven't met him, Hachin says he is a great guy".

"Hm well i guess we will find out after meeting him". Luffy said.

They walked up the steps and saw A bar with a giant sign board saying 'Shakky's ripoff bar'.

"Oi Hachi..This place is totally warning us that they wanna rip us off". Papagu said.

"I hope the Craftsman isn't the violent type".

"I think this is the place that the captain told me about".

"So the platinum king guy you said you wanted to meet?". Luffy asked.

"Hm i think it's him". Wu answered.

"Don't worry they are good Humans!, I have known them since i was little".

"Oi is it okay that it's a bar". Luffy asked and Wu agreed not understanding why his second mission lived in a bar.

The door said 'open' and Hachi opened it." Looks like they still run the shop". he said as he opened the door

"Welcome to the Bar what'll it be?". A lady who was holding on to a beaten up Man.

"Oh! Are you Hachin?.. You'll grown up now! are these your friends..take a seat I will be with you in a moment". She said as she beat the men into a bloody pulp and threw them outside.

They started talking.

"Oh Hachin you stopped being a pirate!, well it's for the better".

"Yeah a lot happened". Hachi said.

"Oh ya let me get you all a drink".

Wu and luffy started to raid her fridge.

"Shakky-san this beans are really delicious. Brook said.

"Don't raid her refrigerator without asking for permission". Papagu yelled.

"Luffy!Wu!Brook she will rip you off".

"It's okay to go ahead, I have something you like". Shakky said as she handed Chopper a Cotton candy.

He ate it and Shakky asked for 100,000 berries,making Chopper cry since he didn't have the money. Shakky apologised saying it was free.

"Oi Bachan why do you know Chopper's favourite food?".

"You're The Monkey chan group right?".

"You know about me?".

"Of course you are famous, and i read the newspaper." Shakky replied.

"Ho You-gara, are you famous?". Wu asked.

"I don't know". Luffy said truthfully.

"I didn't know you had a skeleton in your crew or a mink, Is he new".

"I am not a crew member, i came to find a Man named something king and offer him a message from my captain".

"It's definitely my man... i guess Monkey-chan is also searching for him to coat your ship, Too bad he isn't here". Shakky said

"Hmm, the Craftsman isn't here, when will he return?". Luffy asked

"Who knows... hasn't shown up in 6 months, he might have hooked up a girl somewhere and is shacked up there probably". Shakky said.

"You might find him somewhere in between grove 1 to 29 although he sometimes hangs around Sabaody park and gamble houses".

"Oh the Amusement park" Wu and luffy yelled.

"I read quite a lot about you, is it true that you picked a fight with the Government?".

"Forget about that, it's too much of a pain to explain" Luffy said annoyed by the thought of explaining.

"Hahaha".Shakky laughed

"You aren't gonna brag?, you really are a big shot".

She then tapped her cigarette. "You have the same surname as wise admaril Garp..are you related?".

"Hm he is my grandfather". Luffy answered.

"Garp..hah... captain told me about someone like that.. something about running if he showed up at Sabaody".

"As i thought, he chased me a lot back then".

"Why?" Luffy asked

"That's because Shakky was a pirate". Hachi said.

"It was 40 years ago".

"Wait!oba san how old are you".

Shakky changed the question. "Nowadays i have fun cheering on rookies like you.".

"You-gara, Something king craftsman, Is he really on the island?". Wu asked.

"Oh he doesn't leave the island, he was quite notorious as a pirate, so the navy keeps an eye on him".

"Oh the Craftsman is also a pirate?". Luffy asked

"In any case if you are going looking then be careful".


"Including you 11 others are on this island with a bounty over 100 million berries.

"Eleven others!" Chopper exclaimed.

"Right, except Monkey-chan and Roronoa-chan that makes 9 others, you came here following one of the 7 routes that lead to Sabaody via the paradise, so obviously there are other 6 routes that other people took to get here, however everyone gathering here at the same time is a coincidence".

"Do you get it, it's not everyday that the rookies of the world all come together, especially Kid, drake, Hawkins, law are names that we see in the newspaper all the time, including you of course". Shakky said.

"I don't read newspapers".

"Information is strength, even among bounties you are no 2".

"i will give you a rundown

1. From West blue , Capone 'Gang' Bege 138 million berries.

2. 'Gluttony' Jwellery Bonny. 140 million berries.

3. 'Magician' Basil Hawkins. 249 Million berries.

4. Scratch man Apoo the 'sea roar'. 198 million berries.

5.Eustass 'captain' kid. 315 million berries.

6. 'Mad monk' Uroge. 108 million berries

7. 'Red flag' XDrake. 222 million berries

8. 'Murder machine' Killer. 162 million berries

9. 'Surgeon of death' Trafalgar law. 200 million berries.

"Also the reason Eustass Kid has a higher bounty than you is because he hurts innocent people..not cute at all, so i am rooting for you Monkey-chan".

"Ma..i just wanna have fun that's all, But i am worried about the Craftsman of he is really on such a place."

"Don't worry he is 100 times stronger than you Boys".

They all then got out and got on the Bubble bike.

"Anyways be careful,just telling you that marines know about the rookies being on the island, they are busy right now due to something else so you should be fine as long as you stay put". Shakky warned.

"Hm! Thankyou for the warning! Oba-san".

Luffy and Wu then started to head towards the Sabaody park.

3 minutes later

"Yosh let's search here" both Wu and luffy agreed as Luffy pointed to the Amusement park.

"Oi are you guys even serious about finding the old man!".

"Hey..Oba san said he would be here".

"Ho a Ferries wheel! i haven't seen one so close!" Camie yelled.

"Yosh everyone! let's go have fun".

"Ohhh!". Everyone yelled.

After riding each of the attraction and giving brook's non existent heart atleast 20 heart attacks, everyone went to get ice cream.

"Ho i never thought so many flavours where possible..i should probably go for-".

"Ahhh everyone Camie isn't here". Chopper yelled.

"Camie!" Papagu yelled.

"This is bad if she is kidnapped then they will sell her!" Hachi yelled.

Luffy went to run off but Wu stopped him. "Wait Luffy if we lose You-gara too then it will be hard to search.. if i can ask captain then i can use my power to locate Camie".

"Why do you need to ask to ise your power a friend is in need". Luffy asked.

"Don't worry captain can help us he has the power to see the future". Wu said as he took out a small Denden mushi and dialed a number.

*Puru* *Puru* *Puru*.

"Oh Wu is the mission completed, don't tell me you messed up and-".

"Corvak! I need to use haki, can i?".

"Whoa what happened?. Explain first". Corvak asked.

"There was a friend a mermaid and she was kidnapped and i want-".

"Oh don't worry, go to the human shop on grove 1, she should be their. Ask the flying fish riders for help..call sanji for that. Also try and buy her using money, if that doesn't work then use your haki". Corvak said giving perfect instructions.

"Oi.. How do you know where Camie is?.." Luffy asked cutting Wu.

"Oh isn't it Luffy..you sound exactly like i expected..oh and to answer your question i can see some of the future".

"Wu you can use the billion berries i exchanged for points in the shop,to buy her".

(An:10 sp= 10 million berries).


Chopper then did as Wu said and called sanji to get the flying fish riders. After 2 minutes they were picked up by Usopp,sanji and franky.

"Ha Camie-chan has been kidnapped" Nami who was picked up along with Robin asked.

"Yes Captain said that she will be in a Human shop at Grove 1".

They then picked up Zoro from grove 16 and continued.

"Arthen also said that we should buy her back using money and only use force if worse comes to worse".

"Camie isn't for sale!". Luffy yelled.

"Ya what do you think Camie-chan is" Sanji asked.

"I know however,the Captain can see the future and he usally isn't the type to give out warnings..so he must have a reason".

"Hm fine but only because he is your friend".

Everyone else also agreed.

2 minutes later everyone in front of Grove 1 When a Rider handed them a flier with the prices of everything sold on the auction.

"Mermaids are 70 million!, we don't have that kind of money".

"Don't worry the ship has at least 200 million berries worth treasures." Nami said.

"I have 1 billion berries!". Wu said surprising everyone and turning them happy.

"Ho that should be more than enough to buy her, but we can't pay back that kind of money". Hachi said.

"No one asked You-gara to repay, it's for a friend.. captain won't mind".

They all reached the grove and Luffy walked up to the Door opening it. He had his eyes covered with his hat.

They went to the reception and got the number 23 as the auction started.

"Let's rescue Camie y'all".

"Oh" everyone yelled.

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