
Again no name chap

Corvak Grinned.

"Well i need your help for that!. First Oldman i will be staying with you for the next week or so, I want you to call Squard in those three days and tell him about Ace and how his father is Roger..he was the first to stab you and inflict damage upon you after all!"

As He said that everyone was stunned. And Corvak grinned knowing the reaction they would have.

"Why would Squard do that?..Even if he hated Roger he won't betray Pops". Marco asked.

"Well it was because Sakazuki I mean Akainu told them that Whiteboard Sold the life of the allied captains so that he could escape with Ace and Squard was tricked...but you should talk to him". Corvak said again.

"No way they believed that". Jozu said.

"Stop! Jozu". Whitebeard yelled stopping Jozu and said " It seems like they wanna take me down really badly but to think that we would fall for Sengoku's trap..The Marines keeping an eye on us also makes sence now".

"Like I said it isn't right to fight Shirohige". Shanks said and then both of them looked at Corvak who was saying that fighting was the best option.

"Don't look at me like that..by the way Shanks.. can you stop Kiado from coming to Marineford I can't deal with him right now..kinda busy".

"Well it was my original plan". Shanks said.

'Hm it isn't like him to fully trust me..does he wanna help Ace or is it because I said that Luffy will be present'. Corvak thought.

"We aren't taking orders from you to go to war with another Yonko brat". Ben said as he took a puff of his cigarette.

"No need to go to any wars just let me talk to him and all i want is for you to convince him, however if he doesn't listen then you can war".

"After Three days call me we can talk then, however you can slowly head towards wano for now".

"Which part of that saves Ace?" asked Marco

"Relax Marco-Kun you need to chill stay with me for three days and we can talk. Now we should head back or the men would be worried". Corvak said in a child like tone.

"Hmm I have faith in you brat despite your sinister nature i will trust you with my son's life, don't betray that trust Brat it won't be pretty". Warned Whitebeard and Marco looked a bit conflicted but in the end he knew pirates so he relented.

"Old man..you are my favourite person number Five so don't worry i will save Ace".

"Ben take us back near the Red force!. The men must be tired of being in that sausage fest for this long!". Corvak said.

Ben took everyone towards the Red force and Shanks and Ben dropped off as did the others climbed on. He then asked for the sake that Corvak gave them to drink during the meeting, which Corvak happily gave him three gourds of, which was only enough for One drink each person but he wasn't going to waste points. Points were needed them in case something went south.

"GURARARA at least i will get good sake when you are on board... Brats this one is called Corvak, He will be staying on Moby Dick for a while. Also give me a Denden mushi I need to call Squard over.

Corvak simply looked at all the commanders who were looking at me for an answer due to the statement he made earlier when he landed on the ship. Corvak couldn't get enough of their expressions.

"Marco-Kun, where can I sleep, i haven't slept properly for months now". Corvak said in a kid like tone.

Everyone was either astonished or snickering after seeing the interaction.

"Follow me Yoi i will show you a room". Marco grunted

Corvak spent the next 8 hours sleeping like never before.

Squard arrived the next morning with his crew The maelstrom Spider pirates after hearing that Whitebeard wanted to talk to them.

Squard was a pale, slim man of tall height. He had a bald top, but light-pink wavy hair that flowed long downwards. He sharp teeth.

He wore a spider design on his forehead which has a spiral at the bottom, with a diagonally-placed headband that attached to it. He wore a dark grey, long coat with ruffled edges over a similar designed, lighter-colored shirt, and dark pants that almost reach his armpits, with some buckles and strings on the front, tucked inside boots, and with ruffled, lighter-colored edges as well. Around his neck he had a dark red tie. For footwear, he wore high-heeled black boots with loose white cloth coming down from the openings

"Oyaji...Why did you call us did something happen?".

"Squard..I have something to talk to You..take a seat for now..it's kinda heavy".

Squard seeing the seriousness in Newgate's eyes

Whitebeard then explained to him how Ace was Roger's son and How everything turned out the way it was.

After a long talk Squard started to cry when Whitebeard told him that The sins of a father has nothing to do with their children and Eventually he let go of his grudge against Ace that he had when he heard Whitebeard tell him that Ace was Roger's son.

Eventually the talk became a small feast.


"Old man that life support you are on is doing more harm than good for you ya know".

"Hmuph?...Why you say that". he asked.

"Donquixote Doflamingo provides that stuff and let's just say he ain't the best of people out their...you know what". Corvak proceeded to take off the life support and the Banquet stopped, the nurses tried to stop him but to no avail.

"Oi brat what are you-". Whitebeard said but then stopped mid sentence when he saw Corvak take a bottle of substance out of nowhere and giving it to him.

"Drink this". Corvak said.

Whitebeard looked at the bottle with a Yellow liquid in it

"Yoi stopp!.. What are you trying to do!". Marco yelled.

However Whitebeard already took the bottle and gulped it down.

"Ha taste really good..this is a medicine I can get behind.. Gurarara!".

"Oyaji stop drinking stuff the kid gives you.. You can't just trust him..and brat stop giving pops stuff". Marco yelled.

"Ma Ma Marco-kun calm down we don't want those wrinkles to deepen". Corvak said with a grin.

"You brat!".

"Gurararara". Whitebeard laughed as did everyone else.


"Brat I have been meaning to ask you but what's with that sinister sword on your waist". Whitebeard asked. The party was kinda over and Corvak was standing besides Whitebeard.

"Oh you mean this". Everyone else also listened in. The crew had it's fair share of haki users and everyone could feel a sinister aura from the blade.

"It's Demon blade Benizakura...it's kinda like Enma that Oden used but it has a more blood thirsty aura to it".

"Can you control it". Whitebeard asked.

"Ya pretty easily".

"Hmm brat if you didn't have that useless dream then i would have invited you to be my Son". Whitebeard said shocking everyone.

"No I wouldn't become your son even if you asked cause i would be coming for your head eventually". Corvak said.

"Hmm..Gurararara i hope you make it soon". He laughed.

"Don't worry we can fix that health of yours..the drug I gave you is a temporary fix..I can cure you but if I do that now the 27 or so ships of Marines Following us will definitely know of my existence..so?". Corvak said hinting at Marco.

"Yoi look for the Marine shops and Sink them...and brat! stop ordering us around!". Marco said getting the hint.

"I haven't said a word of command...Muhahaha". Corvak laughed.

(Please leave reviews and also tell me how I can improve the story.. please no hate..I know i suck)