The Adventures of a Gamer with Shadow Monarch system in the One Peace World
"Miss Kaya, do you often experience difficulty walking, various involuntary movement disorders, and impairment of thought and mood?"
Hector inquired, still peering into the microscope.
"Umm, Mister Hector, that's my daily life."
Kaya responded, her voice tinged with the depression of her grim reality.
"Hmm, well Miss Kaya, your blood levels are above 100 micrograms per liter."
Hector revealed.
Kaya stood in shock, while confusion spread among the onlookers, not understanding the implications.
"What does that mean, rich girl?"
Nami asked, seeking clarity.
"It means someone has been poisoning me with small doses, likely to make it appear as though I'm dying from natural causes."
Kaya explained, tears streaming down her face as she realized someone close had been poisoning her for some time.
"Wait, Miss Kaya, he might be lying! We shouldn't take the word of a pirate who just arrived over the integrity of your staff who've worked here for years."
Mary interjected, attempting to defend the mansion's staff. However, an alarm from the medical centrifuge interrupted them, prompting Hector to check the device.
There, he extracted a compound from the tested tubes with a syringe and transferred it into smaller test vials with a paper strip, waiting two minutes for the results. After reviewing the outcome, he questioned Kaya again.
"Miss Kaya, has anyone been adding a certain white or cream-colored powder to your food or drink?"
Marry and some of the serving staff exchanged alarmed glances, aware of the powder he mentioned. Kaya, bewildered and unfamiliar with the kitchen, could only look on in confusion. Then, a maid stepped forward to confess.
"Uh, Miss Kaya, for the last couple of years, Klahadore has been adding the powder Mister Hector mentioned to your food and drinks. When we questioned him, he insisted it was medicine to help you get better."
The maid confessed, tears streaming down her face as she pleaded for forgiveness, unveiling a disturbing truth. She was in disbelief, unable to reconcile the actions of her loyal servant who had been with her since her late father rescued him three years prior.
How could he be malevolent? Kaya was about to speak in his defense, but Hector interjected, detailing her medical treatment, leaving her no room to argue. With no justification to offer, she was forced to concede his guilt.
"Well, Miss Kaya. The chemical you've been poisoned with is called Thallium. It is mostly used in the manufacture of electronics, low-temperature thermometers, optical lenses, and imitation precious jewels. I have two treatment options for you. I have a depository or capsule for your treatment. Which one would you choose?"
Kaya blushed for a bit and made her decision quickly.
"I'll take the capsule for treatment, Doctor Hector."
Hector went through his shelves with various medicines, procuring a large glass jar of blue capsules. He then filled a small bottle with said blue capsules and gave it to Kaya.
"You have to take two of these a day and no more, if you're unable to swallow the capsule, you may open them, empty the contents, and mix it with bland food or liquids."
"What I'm treating your Thallium poisoning with is called, Prussian blue. It traps radioactive cesium and thallium in the intestines to keep them from being absorbed by the body. These radioactive materials move through the intestines and pass out of the body's excrement in your bowel movements, so don't worry him, it's blue which means it's working. Getting these materials out of your body helps limit the amount of time they expose the body to radiation."
"The Prussian blue will reduce the biological half-life of thallium in your system from about 8 days to about 3 days. The biological half-life is the amount of time it takes for the radioactive material to leave the body. So It's important to quickly remove radioactive material from your body to reduce its harm."
Grasping the bottle filled with capsules, Kaya couldn't restrain herself and embraced Hector, tears streaming down her face, relieved that she wasn't going to succumb to the illness she feared she had.
"Thank you, thank you, Doctor Hector. How can I ever repay you?" she sobbed.
He smiled, responding to her gratitude.
"There is a way you can repay me, Miss Kaya. I want you to join my pirate crew."
He proposed.
Kaya was taken aback by his request, unsure of how to respond. A heavy silence filled the room. Merry and some of the staff were on the verge of speaking but were silenced by the stern looks of his crew, choosing instead to wait quietly for Kaya's decision.
"Join your pirate crew..."
She had always been the sick girl confined to her bed; why would the mightiest pirate in the East Blue want her as a crew member?
"I'm sorry, Doctor Hector, but I can't leave. If I were well, I wouldn't hesitate to accept your offer, but as a sick girl, I'd only be a burden. Besides, the mansion's servants rely on me."
she explained, her voice heavy with sorrow.
Kaya's heart ached as she recalled that Klahadore was the cause of her illness, poisoning her in secret. Realizing her sickness would bar her from the adventures her family cherished, her resentment towards him deepened.
Yet, Hector offered a glimmer of hope with a smile.
"Concerning your health, I have a solution. DUSK, HEAL HER!"
Out of nowhere, a figure in a shadowy robe emerged, startling the staff. What followed left almost everyone in the room in awe. The robed man opened his book, and suddenly, Kaya was enveloped in a radiant light, with green crosses materializing around her. Moments later, she experienced an unfamiliar sense of relief. Her once frail and ailing body felt unexpectedly robust and lively. Years of sickness seemed nothing but a distant memory.
"What happened to me, did you just cure me of my illness?"
she exclaimed, walking with a dazed expression. She no longer felt ill and looked at him in astonishment.
"Yes and no. Currently, Dust has only healed your body. Thallium is still present in your system and will continue to cause damage. It will take some time for your body to process it. Meanwhile, Duskier can heal you daily, keeping you in prime condition before the radiation has any effect."
"So, what do you say, Miss Kaya? Will you join my crew?"
Kaya hesitated, glancing at Mary and the staff, torn about leaving them.
"If you're concerned about them, I can bring them along with your mansion."
She didn't grasp his full meaning, but she accepted it nonetheless.
"I'll join your crew, Doctor Hector!"
[Optional Quest: Leave Usopp with the Straw-hat Crew but recruit Kaya]
[Reward: Super rare Gold-tier item 'Loyalty Meter Bar Max Skill']
Loyalty Meter Bar:
Provides two status bars when using Appraisal: Affection and Obedience. Once a status bar reaches 100%, it becomes permanent.
Kaya couldn't believe the past couple of minutes that passed by, Hector ordered all her staff to wait outside her estate gate. Once everyone was outside of the gate he stretched out his hand, the next moment all of her property disappeared, leaving only a crater behind. Before she could ask any questions, he said the words Shadow Exchange, Next thing they knew, they were on his ship called The Black Pearl in the docks.
Hector then took them inside the ship and guided them all, though they all had the nagging feeling that this ship was bigger on the inside than on the outside. Finally, they arrived at the 4th level, walking down the stairs they were shocked to find that all of Kaya's estate and mansion were on the fourth level of this ship. They all accepted his explanation that it was a devil fruit power that the ship had, without any more questions.
"Wakey, wakey! Mister Kuro of the Hundred Plans!"
" head...!"
"That's good he's awake I'm administering the three drops of veritaserum!
Kuro opened his eyes with discomfort, not understanding what he just swallowed. The last thing he remembered was getting brutally beaten by the newcomer pirate Hector the Black. Then he didn't know what happened after that. Kuro didn't know, he just felt great pain in his face and his vision went dark. Was he unconscious?
Many doubts ran through his mind, but he quickly stopped his train of thought when he saw where he was. He was bound with iron shackles that prevented him from moving, so he could only use his eyes to discover where he was. He spotted Hector and his crew along with Kaya and all the mansion staff.
"Hello there Klahadore-San, can you please tell us your real name?"
I'm Kuro of the Hundred Plans, Captain of the Black Cat Pirates
RACE: Human■■■■■■
NAME: Hector Barbossa■■■■■■
Level: 25
Health Points: 5,800
Mana Points: 4,320
Stamina Points: 2,900
Attunement: 216
Vitality: 145
Endurance: 145
Strength: 145
Dexterity: 250
Perception: 145
Skill: 145
Safe Rewards From Daily Quest:
+Stat Points: 0
+Skill Points: 0
Skill Tree:
-Observation Haki: A Rank
-Armament Haki: A Rank
-Conquers Haki: S+ Rank
-Moon Step: A- Rank
-Iron Body: A Rank
-Tempest Kick: A+ Rank
-Shave: A+ Rank
-Finger Pistol: A Rank
-Kami-e: A- Rank