


  I noticed that I was a little too much in the room, so I decided to go out to give them some space to chat, the girls always have things to say to each other, I take the opportunity to go see the doctor, at the reception I am told that he does not have an appointment so I can go home

  Arrive at his desk, I knock, and they ask me to come in

  Me: hello doctor

  Doctor: hello sir, how can I help you

  Me: I would like to know the state of my wife and to know if she can return

  Doctor: you can go home tonight, but she needs to rest and stay away from stress, it's not good for her condition.

  Me: of course, doctor, I will take care of it personally

  Doctor: okay, I'll give you an appointment in a week for her ultrasound, my assistant will confirm your appointment

  Me: okay I'll see about it with her, but and for her morning sickness we have no solution against her