
One Billion In Public Welfare Rewards

Grammar corrected by Chatgpt. Ye Xiu finds himself bound by the Charity Shenhao system, wherein his actions of kindness and charity are consistently rewarded. When prompted by an internet celebrity about his financial aspirations, Ye Xiu steadfastly declares his disinterest in wealth, emphasizing the importance of clean water and air over monetary gain. Ironically, just after his impassioned statement, a notification on his phone reveals a staggering 10 billion yuan deposited into his account, leaving both the internet celebrity and audience speechless. This novel explores Ye Xiu's journey as he grapples with the clash between his altruistic values and the unexpected wealth that challenges his principles.

w0ot03 · 都市
14 Chs

Chapter 14: The woods are still there today, I don’t see the old men and women

Lijiang Hotel is a famous five-star hotel near the school. They dare not eat there on weekdays.

One meal, and two months of living expenses are gone.

However, Liu Hong dared to set the party at the Lijiang Hotel, and Ye Xiu knew a little why.

Quite simply, Liu Hong's family owns a coal mine.

The property is neither big nor small, but he is also the son of a landlord's family.

I heard that after he goes back, he will probably inherit the industry.

To put it bluntly, there is a mine at home, awesome.

So he wants to show off.

Without thinking about it, Ye Xiu listened to the song Yue'er sang for a while, then closed the computer and left with his brothers.

The university campus is extremely lively at night.

There are many people who play roller skating and run at night.

But most of them are those hidden in the grove.

A couple of dogs and dogs, you don't need to think about what they are doing.

For this reason, the second child in the dormitory despised it many times.

No way, the whole dormitory hasn't had a girlfriend since entering the school.

The standard 10,000-year-old single dog.

To maintain the humble dignity of the second child, the brothers did a lot of wicked things by throwing stones in the woods.

Thinking about it now, it's a good memory.

After this loop, the second child was not so angry anymore, after all, he was about to leave.

Just looking at the small woods, he was quite emotional: "Hey, the woods are still there today, and I don't see the male and female dogs. It's really hateful to beat the old man to the new one!"

Listening to the second child's complaint, the brothers laughed endlessly in contempt and sighed with serious emotion on the surface.

The third child nodded slightly: "Yes, the gun ground is still the same, but the gunner has changed a lot. It's a pity that I separated from the subject early, otherwise I would come here to experience it."

"Fuck! You are everywhere!" The second child just kicked up.

"Also mentioning a girlfriend, don't you know that Laozi Wannian is a single dog?

You have been talking about girlfriends for four years in college, and you don't know if you think about me!"

"Thinking about it, but that's why you are not up to date." The third child smiled.

"You said that girls have stomachaches, and you have to let people drink more hot water, can that work?"

"Otherwise? Shouldn't girls drink hot water if their stomach hurts? Shouldn't they drink magma?"

The second child rolled his eyes.

The brothers looked helpless and could not help it.

There is naturally a reason for being a single dog for twenty thousand years.

Because he has a physique rare in the world.

The ultimate reinforced concrete straight man!

The brothers found many girlfriends for him, but they all fell apart in the end.

It's all because the second child can't chat.

Girl: "My stomach hurts."

Second child: "Drink plenty of hot water."

Girl: "The dormitory is closed. I can't go back today."

Second child: "Then let's go to the Internet cafe to book overnight? It's only twenty a night, and you can play games for one night. It's absolutely worth it!"

Listen, is this talking human?

If you can't go back to the dormitory at night, just go to the dormitory?

Who else does the girl go with to book the accommodation, she must go with you?

Is the brain show funny?

The result is...

Girl: "You are a good person."

Second child: "I think so too."

The good guy card ends.

Don't look at the second child who is usually clever, but he lacks a string in this regard.

The brothers are really helpless.

"Let's go, leave this sad place." The second child looked sad.

Five people walked out of the school.

Because the restaurant is not far from the school, the brothers just walked there.

At the entrance of Lijiang Hotel, from a distance, they saw Liu Hong already standing at the door, waiting for the arrival of his classmates.

"Yeah, Ye Xiu, it's finally here." Liu Hong said with a smile: "Everyone is almost here, so I'm leaving you."

"So early?" Ye Xiu turned on the phone and looked at it. It was only six o'clock.

He thought he had arrived early.

Liu Hong smiled and said: "Graduation is about to be done soon, so we naturally have to get together and chat more. After all, after graduation, I don't know if there is a chance to meet again."

"That's what I said." Ye Xiu smiled.

"Yes, all go in quickly." Liu Hongchong waved and smiled at the second child behind him.

Walking into the hotel, someone immediately led them upstairs.