
So, What Now?

Collin was sure to change the subject to something more diverting because he was pretty sure he spotted Hunter and his very green hair lurking around and wanted to be sure he had some smiles for the camera. This needed to look natural. 

That was easy enough once he got Elle talking about her cat. She showed him all sorts of pictures on her phone and told him funny stories dating back from when she was very young since Spicy had been a part of her family since before she was born. She laughingly said she was amazed the cat even still liked her after some of her exploits as a toddler. 

"My dad used to say I terrorized her, chasing after her everywhere and picking her up all sorts of uncomfortable ways. But by the time I was five and knew how to play softly, I won her over by being the one to give her treats."

"I'm sure she's forgiven you by now. I can tell how much you love her," Collin said with a smile.