
18. Chapter 18: Suit No 312 of 2005

I know that technically, seventh year would have been in the mid-90s. But I like writing about it in the future because it leaves open the possibility that perhaps, just perhaps, D/Hr really can happen. *fingers crossed*

Chapter 18: Suit No. 312 of 2005

            "Hurry up, Ron! We've spent half of my lunch break in here already." said Harry impatiently.

            "The green or the blue?" said Ron, fingering two different coloured brooches.

            "Green, it goes with her eyes!"

            "But you said blue was better just now?"

            "Ok, blue then."

            "But you said green goes with her eyes."

            Harry sighed. "Look, Ron. I'm sure she'll like whatever colour we choose for her."

            "Yes, but…"

            "We'll take this!" said Harry, handing the green jeweled brooch to the witch at the counter of Jorinda's Jewels.

            "That's a good choice", she approved, fishing out a tiny silver box and putting the brooch in. "That'll be ten galleons and eight sickles."

            Harry and Ron each took out some money and handed it to her. Ron took the silver box and slipped it into his pocket.

            "D'you really think she'll like it?"

            "Sure" said Harry, enthusiastically. "It's bound to cheer her up."

            "I wish her parents would stop going on at her about Malfoy as if it's her fault he disappeared." Ron said unhappily.

            Harry walked towards a sandwich shop and his stomach gave a hungry rumble. When he had agreed to meet Ron to choose a cheering-up gift for Blaise, he didn't figure on giving up his whole lunch break to do it.

            "Pickles for you?" asked Harry, placing their order.

            "The last time we met up she said her father was applying to the Wizard Council to have Draco declared dead. Then at least his fortune can be distributed and the Zabini's will get half of everything."

            "Can't Lucius do anything about that?" Harry couldn't believe that he was actually rooting for Lucius Malfoy- bloodthirsty ex-death-eater and enormous snob.

            "In Azkaban, you have no rights in the wizarding world. You're as good as dead."

            "What about Malfoy's mother?"

            "Oh yes, she could take control of the fortune… if she hadn't been diagnosed clinically insane by St Mungo's. Draco stood in as full proxy for her. With him gone, the fortune is at sea."

            "S'far as I know, it takes seven years before a missing person is declared legally dead."

            "Yeah, but apparently, if you can furnish proof that the person will never return, you can speed up that process."

            "What proof does Zabini have anyway?" Harry and Ron took their trays to a table.

            Ron took a huge bite of his ham and cheese sandwich.

            "deweduz" he said.

            "What?" Harry said. Ron still had that bad habit of talking with his mouth full.

            Ron swallowed and repeated, "The fay dust."

            Harry looked surprised. "Oh! You mean the fay dust Dumbledore told us they found in Hermione's Thyme Eliminus potion? What's that got to do with it?"

            "Well, Blaise said she did a bit of investigation and she found out that there's no magical reversal for a potion with an unstable ingredient like fay dust…"

            "Yes, but they can brew a Reverse Thyme Eliminus and return, yes?"