
Once More

CurseOneII · 其他
14 Chs

Chapter 14

Hikaru's PoV

The Next Day, Sunday

Our family decided that we all go shopping today to celebrate us both on getting our first friend. My brother was excited while I just look at him since we are finally going out again since the last time we gone out he was almost got run over by a car.

"Easy, there bro. The day won't run away you know" I say

"But brother, aren't you excited? We are finally going out again as a family" He excitedly says as he look on my face to see whether I'm excited.

"I'm also excited since we are finally going out as a family again. But let me remind you, we should prepare for the worst since we don't know when your constitution would strike. I don't want our family to get hurt you know" I cautiously say as Ichimura nods his head in understanding as I brought out a backpack and began filling it with supplies.

"Bro, Do you where you placed the pepper spray?"

"I think I saw it near the window" Ichimura says as he puts a tazer in the bag.

"Do we bring some marbles just in case?"

"Well, let's just put it in since there still a lot of space in the bag" he says while spraying his clothes with fireproof spray can as he add the spray to the bag.

"I think that's everything that we could think of" I say as I put the backpack on and see if I could lift it.

"I can still carry mine, brother" he says.

"I'm good with mine. Now, do we still remember our parents phone number in case we get ourselves kidnapped?" I asked

"Yes, I got it here" He shows me a paper note where there's numbers on it.

"Great, I think we have prepared everything in case of criminals"

"Uhmm... Now we can enjoy our family outing, can't wait" he says as his face shined with excitement.

"Hikaru, Ichimura! Are you guys ready to head out yet?" Dad's voice came through the door as I answered back.

"Yes, we are all ready Dad!!"

"Good, now get down from your room so we can head out early"

"Coming" We both say as we rushed out from our room as our mother and father meet us downstairs.

"Let's head out, and darling don't forget to armed the house we don't want to get our house robbed again" Mom reminded Dad.

"Yes, honey" Dad says as he set up the house alarm and then holds my hand.

Holding my hand, Dad held up a taxi as we go in. Going out with my current family made remember my time on earth with my previous family. They we're also caring and loving but all of it change when I grew up, I began to distance myself from them when I started feeling the whole world being so dull and boring that I just want something different with my life.

Maybe this was one of those since getting here he felt very excited to live in another world experiencing what the life of those main characters is and I can now live by there side to experience it as well.

When they arrived at the mall, we wandered the whole place as we look for something me and my twin would like to buy while our parents also shop for clothes, grocery and school supplies next year since we're going to attend school. We sometimes encountered scammers and pickpockets but we always foil there plans and continued our family shopping. .

After wandering for more than an hour in the place, I finally found something I'm interested with, a Tamiya model mini 4WD Racing Car, Lightning Magnum (VS Chassis). I always wanted to buy one of this back on earth but I couldn't since I don't have money and our family was poor. But now I think I could fulfill one of my regrets on earth, so I asked my parents to buy it and they happily agreed. My twin already found something he liked a security buzzer, I don't know what's going on his mind sometimes but if his happy with it I don't mind as well for the most I could just share my new toy with him.

As we finish buying our presents, our family decided to eat at the nearest restaurant and celebrate.

We arrived back home for an hour after lunch, as I and my twin set off to our room as we unpacked our gift. I started opening mine as my twin reads the instruction on the security buzzer he picked. After opening mine and reading the assembling process, I started building the model my twin decided to help as well and our father that we finished assembling it in less than 20 minutes. Seeing the blue racing car model completed I happily lifted it and tested to see if it's working properly.

I turned it on and the sound of the engine brought the model to life as its wheel's spins so fast. I was happy that it worked and my twin asked if he could hold it and I let him since I had in mind for both of us to play with it.

After he was satisfied with playing with the car, he returned the toy and gone back to his own as he started reading some books.

Finishing everything, I decided to start planning some simple exercises to train my body since buying some of the abilities and skills required my body to be conditioned so it can handle them. I decided to do a simple exercise routine that includes twisting, stretches, jump jacks, and a 15 minute jogging.

After planning everything, I then started to set the clock to wake me up at 5 in the morning since its better to start the day with an awake body.

Seeing that I have done planning everything to my daily routine for the year. I ended the day with my family and

bonding with them.