
I'm Sorry

On their way back home, Yin Yun kept silent, lost in her own thoughts.

The day's events flashed before her eyes like a fragmented movie reel, each scene a painful reminder of her predicament.

Su Bingxin had a worried look on her face, observing Yin Yun's distant expression.

She gently placed a hand on Yin Yun's shoulder, hoping to provide some comfort.

"Are you okay?" Su Bingxin asked softly, concern evident in her voice.

Yin Yun was now considered a friend to Su Bingxin, and she wanted to make sure she was there for her.

They had grown close over the past few months, bonding over shared interests. When Chen Tian was away, Yin Yun would always stay by Su Bingxin's side.

Yin Yun blinked, snapping back to reality, and forced a small smile. "I'm fine, just a lot on my mind," she replied, grateful for Su Bingxin's worry.

Su Bingxin could see that there was more to Yin Yun's response than she was letting on.