
Chapter Two (Isla's Friend)

Isla had no friends except her pet seal, whom she named Iris, and her loyal dog. Every morning, after waking up and having breakfast with her father, who would then head out for his diving research, Isla would rush out, calling Iris's name at the top of her voice. Iris would always come quickly, as if she'd been waiting for Isla's call. There was a strange bond between them since childhood, one that blossomed into deep affection and familiarity. Isla lived in peace and tranquility, unaware of what lay beyond her island.

That morning, she awoke to sunlight streaming through her window. She jumped out of bed, full of energy, and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast and her beloved cup of coffee. Once everything was ready, she sat down with her father as they ate together, and she asked him,

"So, what's your plan for today, Dad?"

Her father replied, "I'll go diving as usual. You know I'm only at peace in the ocean depths."

She smiled and said, "I know, Dad. Don't worry if you come back and I'm not here—you know where to find me."

Her father answered, "Of course, you'll be with Iris. But please, be cautious of any weather changes. I don't want anything to happen to you."

With warmth, she reassured him, "Don't worry, Dad. I wouldn't take any risks, so you can relax. Now, I'll leave you, my dear father—I'm sure Iris is waiting for me."

Isla quickly finished her breakfast, tidied up the kitchen, and arranged the house. Her father gathered his diving equipment and headed to the sea. Wasting no time, she ran eagerly toward the beach to meet her friend, Iris. As she reached their usual meeting spot, she began calling for her, but this time, Iris didn't come. Isla grew anxious, wondering what could have happened to her friend.

Tears began to well up in her eyes as her dog, Rocky, ran around frantically as if searching for something he'd lost. Iris had never been late before, which made Isla worry even more, repeating to herself that something must have happened to her. Just then, she spotted Iris in the distance, slowly making her way toward her, moving differently than usual. Isla let out a sigh of relief, full of longing to know what had happened.