

What happens when you're pushed to the limits? When you're driven to madness? When everything in your life goes to shit? You beat your problems down to the ground relentlessly! First time 'Pilot', Danny Steele, enters an underground fight club filled with gangsters and brawlers to earn money for some grub. But this is no ordinary fight club, this club has mastered the use of technology! Through the power of 'Omnishells', these fighters named 'Pilots' are able to channel their strength into their own individually modeled robots and fight one another without being physically damaged! They're able to feel every drop of pain through advance nerve-simulation technology, making it no easy feat to be the strongest 'Pilot'. Through pain and hard work, Danny Steele climbs up the ranks and redefines what it means to be a 'Pilot'. But Danny Steele has something up his sleeve, his admittedly rather special 'Omnishell' has something off about it... It's being controlled by a living organism?

BottledAnger · 科幻
22 Chs

Omnificial (1)

"Ah!" Danny let out a guttural scream, blood spurting out of his arm as his severed hand falls to the ground.

CNC appears behind Danny, her blade pointed to the ground with drops of blood dripping down the sides of the blade.

Danny falls to the ground as his eyes roll back, the sheer pain of his arm knocking him out instantly before he could even comprehend what was happening.

"Rusted Knight!" An old man whispers in a dark alleyway miles away from where they were, but his voice could be heard in the room. Suddenly, the entire room fills with smoke and everyone is blinded. A thick white fog shoots into the room through the ventilation systems and underneath the door.

"What the fuck?" Daisy fans the smoke away from her face as she starts choking on the smoke particles.

Reymi starts coughing as he drops to the ground, his lungs inhaling all of the smoke.

Vale is completely enveloped in the smoke and he's drowning in the blood that had pooled into his mouth, the smoke making it even harder to breathe.

Reymi screams as his eyes start to bleed from the potent smoke that had started to seep into his eyes. Around Reymi's waist was a speaker that would usually be on Metro Booming's forearm. "Sonic Boom!" He shouts as eardrum-breaking screech blasts from the speaker, causing the smoke particles to disperse and allow Daisy and him some room to breathe.

The smoke dissipates and settles on the floor. Daisy and Reymi both take a deep inhale of the fresh air in the room as Reymi wipes his eyes with his shirt, wiping the blood away.

Daisy was bleeding from her mouth. "Fuck!" She spits out the blood and it splatters on the floor.

"Ugh!" Vale stands up as he stumbles back and forth, the side of his mouth had been ripped out, showing his teeth. "Where did he go?!" His entire body was covered in the smoke and his skin had boils all over it. "Danny!" He kicked the smoke on the floor with his feet but Danny was nowhere to be found.

"Danny!" Vale stomps on the floor, causing the smoke to move to the sides.

There in the middle of the room was Danny's severed hand, the flesh had melted off and all that was left was tiny pieces of flesh attached to his bones and a massive pool of blood. "JK!" Vale screams, stomping on Danny's hand, crushing the bones.

x x x x x

"His condition is stable, but he's losing blood super fast!" Doctor Foster is carrying Danny's body as he and JK run through an abandoned warehouse.

The moonlight shined through the roof of the dilapidated room, casting a shadow on the three of them. JK comes to a halt, noticing the shadow. The shadow was that of a knight, standing tall, the metallic bar was barely able to hold its weight. "I've got your target, Takeoshi!" JK is sweating profusely as he tends to Danny's aid.

"Very well done!" An old man emerges from the shadows of the dark barn, revealing himself in the moonlight. He was a sweet-looking old Asian man with big bushy eyebrows that covered his eyes and a thick beard that reached his chest. He was completely bald except for his facial hair. He wore a dark black robe that covered his body and wrinkles. A giant wooden stick was the only thing keeping him upward, if not for the stick he wouldn't be able to move.

"Quick! Call for Talia! She can sear the wounds close!" JK rips off Danny's blood-stained white t-shirt and wraps it around his wrist, stopping the blood.

Takeoshi walks up to Danny, kneeling on one knee. He places his hand on the top of Danny's head. "He's got a very high fever, fire will not be good for him." Takeoshi puts his hand together and points his two index fingers at each other. "Rusted Honor!" He chants as the giant suit of armour fall from the roof, landing on the grace with grace.

Finally, Takeoshi's Omnishell reveals itself. It stood at a staggering ten feet tall, nearly triple the size of Takeoshi, its owner. Rusted Honor was made out of an old and abandoned suit of samurai armour, the traditional Japanese carvings still clearly evident by the grooves of a skilled smith. Even though the armour itself was in pristine condition, it was heavily rusted with a bunch of gunk building around the joints of the Omnishell, where oil would usually leak. This oil would lead to the Omnishell's quick rusting, making the outer shell flaky and easy to break.

"Quickly!" JK is pressing down on Danny's wrist, applying as much weight as he can with his small body to stop the blood.

"Forgive me!" Takeoshi grabs Danny's arm and raises it, raising it to Rusted Honor's level. "Make his hand decay!"

Rusted Honor grabbed Danny's hands as he placed his right hand over the exposed wound. Suddenly, as if the rust itself was sentient, the rust from his hand started to strip away, as if it was just a layer of dirt on the surface of the metal. The rust started to move towards the palm of his hand, where Danny's exposed arm was at. The metal detached itself from Rusted Honor's hand as it clings to Danny's human skin, melting the flesh.

Danny starts to convulse in pain as even unconscious, he could still feel the excruciating pain of his hand being decomposed. The rust particles were sentient, like ants to a pile of sugar, they clumped around his blood and made it dry instantly, making the blood stop.

Rusted Honor removed its hands and in a couple of seconds, Danny's bleeding had completely stopped. His wound had been closed. "What the fuck?" JK looks at Danny's hand with amazement.

"Jodi wasn't wrong at all..." Takeoshi scoffs before a bead of sweat drips down the side of his face, falling to the cement floor. "He's just like her. He's cursed with Omnificial blood."