
Omni-Dimensional Emanation

Formerly titled as "Omni-Dimensional Chat Group" WARNING: UNREALISTIC ROMANCES HAREM AND GORE. ALSO, EXPECT SLOW-ISH PACE Also this is just any chat group so don't expect anything new. After getting a new phone, Ryuu Cinco finds himself tangled in multiverse madness and becoming a new entertain for the watchers(Readers). [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Exbitionist] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Tea Lover ] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Insect Hashira ] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Titania] [A New member had joined!] ========= [ World Mission ] Kimetsu no Yaiba (Done) Solo Leveling (Ongoing) ========== 2/day chapters Cover made by Me

Try_hard · 漫画同人
352 Chs

Chapter 218 - Philippines Gods

Within his Dimensional Training Room, Ryuu began to reshape it, upgrading it into something more powerful than any other will be his own world. A personal world or Universe where he has full control over and uses his power to place his Divine realm above the personal world where it was a vast copy of the universe he was in and create planets, stars, Sun, Galaxies, Etc.

He formed the Divine Realm where it would be his home for his woman while below are for the people that worship him. Ryuu would fix humanity and guide them while bringing the others within his personal world to gain their faith. 

Ryuu also wants to be an emperor who interacts with humanity. He knows they will be selfish but with his guidance it will avoid such a thing. The new homeworld that he created was beautiful and had countless vegetation wondering if he could find Gaia and connect her to his world to maintain it. 

He created a Divine law where retribution is placed using a Slate similar to Apotheosis God Realm Divine slate which is a device that punishes the people who commit a certain crime written in the slate. 

"It's a bit an overkill but this will do."

Ryuu snapped his fingers and created a beautiful city made from the best marble and stone. The city was vast as if it was an entire continent where it still had a gorgeous Vegetation.  

[ Image here ]

He summoned some of the beast and monster, placing them to live in the wild. Ryuu separated them into continents and finally finished his city before telling Ion to bring anyone who had been swear utmost loyalty to live in his new city which he happily did. 

Countless humans began pouring in the world where they kneel before Ryuu to give their respect while he smiled telling them it is fine so long as they do as he told them.

He began to think of a name for his world but put it aside turning his attention to his Divine Realm where it became a hovering city in a sky which is separate from the actual sky of the world below.

[ Image here ]

Ryuu told his citizens to worship his woman to gain their divinity. He let them do as they please warning them about the consequence but only a fool would anger their god. 

They nodded and went back to his Divine realm. He gave some of his women a divinity while also creating some for them. Ryuu walked around his realm and thought about giving his parents some power as well but that can be done later.

Ryuu was talking to Trese as they are currently going to meet the faction within their country. The Emissary soon arrived to take them to the skyworld where the chief gods in the country reside.

They soon followed her to a portal where the two were transported to another place where it was a hallway that was made from vegetation and continued to follow the Emissary while noticing many spirits and sprites. 

"You are the foreign god that is causing mass panic."

He heard a voice from in front of them and saw a Philippines eagle that seemed to have golden feathers that seemed to shimmer. Ryuu could feel the divinity within her much older than any that he had seen so far. It had the same level of power as Styx , maybe a bit higher. 

"Good day, lady Amihan, Goddess of the Wind. I am the current Lakan(Leader) of Sangkataoan (Humanity)."

Trese knelt down in respect while Ryuu bare his arrogance and did not vow making the Goddess to look with interest but shook her head and said.

"No need to kneel, Daughter of Man, you are the consort of this god therefore you have the same status as him. Not to mention, you are growing god yourself, Daughter of Man."

She spoke in an old way holding wisdom within them. Trese shook her head and said.

"I may become a goddess but I am also a human therefore it is right to give my respect to you as our protector."

Amihan was amused by her words and said.

"We hardly did anything to Terra Mundo. The gods had thought that humanity would be able to defend themselves but swear only to intervene if Terra Mundo is at risk."

Ryuu liked how the god spoke and asked.

"I have a lot of questions but we would like to meet the chief god and discuss our treaty for peace."

They nodded at his worlds and soon brought them to a palace hall where he spotted an old man who radiated the same divinity as Zeus but more tame and seemed more powerful. 

'From what I researched, there were hardly any overthrowing scenarios or prophecies that happened.'

Ryuu based what he had read and observed. Trese was about to kneel but was stopped by the old man on the throne.

"There is no need to kneel for me. It is not appropriate for you to bow before me, especially the god beside you who seems to be your lover."

Trese nodded and remained standing while the old man continued to speak.

"I am Bathala, God of the Sky and Heaven as well the Creator and Chief god of Sansinukob. It is a pleasure to meet you, may we know your name?"

Ryuu nodded and said.

"My mortal name is Ryuu Cinco but my God Name is Yaldabaoth, I am the God of Evil, Flesh, plague, Depravity, Blood, Twisted minds and many more. But one thing is, I am God of Evil or the personification of Evil."

The chief god seemed to frown at his title and already scanned his power that already made him feel on edge. Amihan who perched on top of the bathala's throne laughed and said.

"That is quite the title, God of Evil. Do you have any evil intentions then in our Faction."

Ryuu shook his head and said.

"So long as you do not harm the innocent then I am not your enemy. My divinity only applies for evil individuals and pure hearted won't be harmed. I am here for a peace treaty."

The chief god nodded and brought them to a place where they could further discuss the situation. Ryuu gave his treaty that will be signed where both sides won't interfere unless the other side overstepped and did something unforgivable. 

"Talagbusao, he had been exiled and sealed. We can't stop him from wreaking havoc. For that we apologize."

Bathala bowed to Ryuu and shook his head telling it is fine. They soon celebrated their treaty having prepared a Filipino style feast called Kamayan where food was placed within banana lives and used their hands to eat.

Ryuu look around noticing most of the gods wear rather a indeginous clothing. Some even showed their breasts which show the difference of culture. The Goddess didn't try to court hims scared of Ryuu

"I heard you fought my brother, I'm glad you didnt kill him."

Ryuu turned to his side and found a young man who had a tribal tattoo and appeared like a Datu or tribal leader. His eyes seem to shimmer with light and said.

"I'm Apolaki, God of the sun and Patron of warriors."

He nodded at the god and seemed more calm and reasonable than Talagbusao.

"Hope you enjoy yourself, I know our isn't the best compared to other factions but we do our best what we can."

Ryuu chuckled at his words and said.

"This is better, the place seems more lively than the other faction for their complicated life."

Apolaki nodded and crossed his arms and said.

"Well, do you know any of the gods here?"

Ryuu shook his head and said.

"Barely, Trese told me most of the famous ones. You, your sister, Mayari or goddess of the moon. Lubulan, also a god of the moon but more know for his relation with another god, Sidapa, God of Death is the Patron of Homosexuality."

He remembers it because it is one of the unique gods he had heard which made Apolaki nodded and said.

"You are correct, though the two rarely leave their realm. Guess they have all they need."

Apolaki just chuckled while Ryuu grunted in agreement and continued their feast until Ryuu went around and spoke with the other gods who introduced themselves thanking him for his deed in stopping Talagbusao. He shook his head telling him it was fine and went to find Amihan finding a goddess at the balcony where it overlook a beautiful forest.

"Is there anything you need, God of Evil?"