
Weak to Sulfur

"All yellow stone deposits are not devoured when we checked the edges." One of the Panther beastkin reported as she gave the yellow stone to Kabrakan.

"So, it hates sulfur?!" Kabrakan stated as he was able to analyze the yellow stone.


Item Name: Pure Sulfur

Item Tier: Rare

Item Type: Stone / Mineral


-Can be used in alchemy and is prized for its four odor that is like rotten eggs.

Description: Pure sulfur is a tasteless, odorless, brittle solid that is pale yellow in color, a poor conductor of electricity, and insoluble in water. It is used by some wizards, witches, and alchemist for creating some magical creations.


"Do you know what it is, Hero Kabrakan?" One of the Panther Beastkin asked.

"Yes. I know of this because I often collected it when I was starting out in this world. A lot of magic related professions need this as they often use it to create things." Kabrakan stated.