
Underworld Duty II

"I should say the same about the champion. You are vastly different from the past ones that were chosen by the Twin Gods." Megaera stated which made her smile as she finds Adrian's attitude both amusing and heartwarming since he views them just like normal human beings with passions.

"We have arrived. Please enter the audience hall as the Esteemed God of Death Hades shall be waiting there." Megaera stated as she bowed to Adrian.

"Thank you." Adrian stated as he reciprocated the bow before entering.

 One might not know this, but Megaera is actually a goddess. She is part of a group of goddesses called the Erinyes. They are a group of goddesses that is related to Vengeance. They are actually one of the most powerful goddesses of vengeance, but they pledged their services to the God of Death Hades. They are the goddesses that punish the sinners in Hades or as the dead call them, the Torturers.