
Trial of the Kings III

Adrian saw the memories of the woman and it was filled with delusion just like the judge said it was. She saw the man in rose tinted lens that acted like a suitor. When in reality, the man is showing the basic acts of chivalry and respect to the woman. Adrian tried to see if this woman was affected by any divine intervention like the God Eros or Goddess Aphrodite, but she was not.

Adrian looked at the woman's soul in full intensity to make sure that she was not enchanted by a god or goddess, but she was not. She did all the atrocities that Adrian saw in her memories while laughing maniacally. She was already broken the moment she killed the man that she liked and her cousin.

"This is your last chance, woman. The Goddess of Love has taken pity of you. If you are remorseful then you will have a reduced sentence." Aeacus stated.