
Towards Kunlun II

"If you want to tail me then that is fine. Although, I will not promise to stop for you guys if you lag behind." Adrian stated as he pat Kanlaon on the head and signaled him to head to Kunlun.

"Thank you very much." Fei stated.

The warriors that guarded Yinyue has been refreshed which meant that they can proceed running. Yinyue, on the other hand, is a delicate flower and needed to be carried. She was carried by the guard that spoke to her and she blushed from the interaction.

Fei also did not bother running as she summoned a black spider and rode it. Adrian told Kanlaon to fly normally and not in his so-called booster mode as he would be sure that Yinyue's group will never be able to keep up with that flying speed.


"Are you fine, my love?" The guard asked Yinyue and the latter blushed.

"Lord Li, why did you fetch me yourself?" Yinyue answered using her special way of communicating.