
The Thorny Pit IV

Adrian summoned Kanlaon as he will be the one that will lead the charge. He also applied a buff to all the people in the party as Kanlaon could increase their overall speed. Kanlaon leading the front will also eliminate the drag or air resistance in front of them.

The golden warriors led by Sadiki understood the assignment and blitzed through the path led before them. Cairo hanged on for dear life as he is hugging Kanlaon's body with all he has. Adrian found it hilarious because he can just sit normally like him as Kanlaon negates air pressure.

As their number is that of a hundred, the people that pas by the way to the Thorny Pit noticed the sudden arrival of a hundred golden warriors. They noticed that it was led by the Storm Lunatic Sadiki which is why they did not bother them as they do not want to deal with them. The people of the western continent do not want to deal with the followers of the God Seth because of Sadiki's reputation.