
The Story of the Seven I

"Ouch!" The Fairy King suddenly exclaimed as he was pinched hard by the Fairy Queen next to him.

"You should calmly explain, my king. If you do not, then they might panic. Please remember that the Seven Primordial Beast of Sin are no longer as powerful as they once were." The Fairy Queen stated with a smile, but she was emitting a pressure next to the Fairy King. The pressure that she was emanating is basically telling the Fairy King to compose himself.

"I forgot about their sudden weakening because I was always told bed stories about how fierce and terrifying the Seven Primordial Beasts of Sin were." The Fairy King stated.

"Can you please elaborate as well for us? We would like to know the beings that were just awakened." Anastacia stated as she wanted to know as well but the avatar of the world tree appeared.