
The Pantheon VS Fallen Knights II


Skill Name: Asmodian Prowess (Active Version)

Tier: Mythical (Sealed – Unsealed and becomes Transcendent when the player becomes fully Asmodian)

Type: Active 


-  Summons the Throne of the Arcana that blasts the area with pure arcane energy that comes from the body of the user which deals 200% of the user's magic damage per second to all surrounding enemies.

-  For each energy in the body of the user, it will also be released as blasts of energy that deals additional 50% of the user's magic damage.

-  (PVP Exclusive Effect) All enemy players that are not high in Persona or Blood Purity will bow down to the user for the duration of the skill.

-  (Non PVP Effect) All enemies will be applied an 80% slow and the user will become invulnerable for the duration.

-  When the skill effect ends, release a powerful shockwave with the user in the center that knocks back all affected enemies and stuns them for one second.