
The Mortals Below II

[All cooldowns have been refreshed.]

[All debuffs have been cleansed.]

[You will receive a permanent 5% cooldown reduction for all skills and spells.]

"Wow! Thanks!" Adrian replied as the look on the two gods of death were a bit weird even for him.

"Is there something on my face?" Adrian added.

"Nothing. We have kept you for too long. Go and aid the mortals so that death will not spread too much." The God of Death Hades stated.

"That is right! I hate dealing with hassles such as sudden death. They keep on ranting that it is not their time. What do you want me to do? I cannot even bring you back to life. Well… I could but as a fresh corpse." The God of Death Ah Puch stated as he started ranting about all the work.

"He has already left. You can stop the fake rant." The God of Death Hades stated.