
The Mad Warlock's Plot

[Your soulbound Saena used the skill Final Sacrifice.]

[All types of status ailments that are affecting the whole party will be cleansed.]

[The party has recovered 50% of their total health.]


Skill: Final Sacrifice

Tier: Legendary

Type: Cleanse and Heal

Effect: Cleanse all the status ailments and status reduction of the entire party. Heals all party members by 50% of their maximum health. The Caladrius will die upon using this skill as it would use all of its life force. (The soulbound will not be available for summon for one whole day.)

Cooldown: 1 day

Cast Time: Instant

Cost: The casters life


[You soulbound, Saena, cannot be summoned for a whole day even if her resurrection counter goes to zero.]

[No external force can bring her back or revive your soulbound for the duration.]