
The Last Stand II

Adrian wanted to be the first to test out the plan as he would be the fastest one to do that. Creepysoo managed to group up about thirty undead. Adrian looked at the distance between him and the Dragon of Revelation. Only three of his soulbounds are currently summoned as well since Limit Break has ended.

"Sirius is still weakened but he can carry some undead inside his shadows. Kanlaon would make sure that the mouth will stay in place. Charon will also be able to store some undead as well. Let the plan commence." Adrian stated as he started.

Sirius hid about fifteen undead in his shadow and went back inside Adrian's shadow. Charon hid some undead inside his coffin with his skill Soul Keep. Kanlaon could be seen flying in the sky with the three dragon kings and killing flying monsters that are in their way.