
The Goddess Bastet Returns

The Goddess Bastet's mortal body could be seen being purified by the energy that she is receiving. Her whole body could be seen basking in white flames as it turns into pure energy. When the Goddess Bastet finally turned into pure energy, she could be seen donning clothes made of pure energy itself.

Her very gaze could make anyone shudder as she has finally returned to her godly form. When the Goddess Bastet returned to her godly form, a gate suddenly appeared on top of her. The gate then pulled her body, and she did not resist as this is the ascension process.

The Goddess Bastet smiled at all her followers and her body vanished into the gate. After the Goddess Bastet returned to her divine realm, the followers that prayed to her suddenly became more powerful as the strength of their goddess has returned. Adrian could even see that the divine energy that they have has become thicker.